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     Three days had pass and Hitoshi had gotten to explore the body more. Today, he was currently biting his lip as he played around the corpse's heart. It felt incredible and the sight of the organs felt intoxicating to him. He felt like he was in a dream....and a good dream at that. Soon he'll be getting more organs. He'll use these organs to create the best present for [Y/N]. She was going to love it. He had seen how interested she was in science as well.

    He gently squeezed the squishy heart in his hand and blood oozed. It dripped through his hands and ran down his arm. It was beautiful.

    Knowing that school was tomorrow, he had set down the heart back into the cabinet where he had been storing the corpse. That was enough for today. He had more chances to play with these organs another day.

    Feeling like the house was suddenly too quiet for him, he wiped his bloody hands onto his pants and grabbed the remote control. He turned on the TV and the first channel that was on was the News channel. He sat down onto the couch to see a face pop out to him. He dropped his jaw when he saw that it was Sora.

    His face paled as the News Reporter explained about how the boy was missing.

    " least they don't know that he's....he's dead yet, right?" Hitoshi told himself, as if to convince himself to feel better. He didn't like that the News had already known about this and he now felt very unsafe. He looked around the dark room, feeling scared.

    If he were to be found out, everything in his life would be ruined. His plan to make [Y/N] only his would be ruined.

    He took several deep breaths and calmed down. He was not going to get caught. Nobody would would believe that he had killed Sora. Not with this sweet, kind, and funny face. He was also good at lying and acting.  He was going to get away with it, no matter what.

     He stood up from the couch and turned off the TV. He yawned as he went to go do his nightly routine. He couldn't wait to go see [Y/N] again. He had never got the chance to go stalk her since the night he had killed Sora. He was being overly cautious, so the only time he got to see her beautiful face was at school.

    The next morning he arrived to school and spotted [Y/N] right away. He made a beeline towards her and left his friends that were walking with him. They frowned at him as he left, but he ignored them.

    He got to her and gave her a huge smile. "Hey [Y/N]! How have you been doing?" he asked her cheerily.

    She turned to him. "Hi," was the only word she muttered. She didn't even answer his question. He fought the urge to frown and decided to try again. Maybe she didn't hear him clearly.

    "Ready for school? Do you mind if I braid your hair again today?" he said.

    "Sure," she answered. But her face remained gloomy. There was something different with her. Sure, she barely talks everyday, but she had never been this quiet. She had never been this gloomy. What happened to her that got her to be like this? Hitoshi didn't understand and he was feeling frustrated.

     [Y/N] left to go to her classroom without bidding him goodbye. He looked at her figure growing smaller and his face fell. He was definitely not imagining things now. Something changed in her and he didn't know why.

     He slammed his fist into a locker in anger, which was scaring a few students nearby. He didn't care at that moment though. All he could think about was her. Dammit! Everything was going so well and she was starting to talk a little more....but now? Everything was back to square one for him.

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