Out of the Shell

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          [Y/N] entered her house and immediately saw her mother and brother in the kitchen. Hitoshi wanted her to become happy and in order for that to happen, she would have to open up about her feelings to her family. But she knew that now was definitely not the time and she was not mentally prepared enough to do that. She was unsure of what to do. Maybe the best she could do today is talk to them for a little bit.

     "Hello mother, hey Asahi," she greeted them quietly. Her mother widened her eyes and her brother blinked at her, as if he couldn't register her words. She couldn't really blame though she guessed; most her life she had never greeted them. She would mostly go straight to her room and avoid them.

     "H-hi dear," her mother stuttered.

     "Hey [Y/N]," Asahi added, averting his eyes to the ground awkwardly. She could feel the tension in the air and it made her uncomfortable. She'll have to try it again another day. It was probably too unusual to them to see her act like this so suddenly.

     She did a little nod at them before leaving to go back to her comfort zone; her room. She got into the dark room and sighed. Even with all the kind words she had gotten from Hitoshi, she still could hear the doubts flying through her mind. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea for her to expose herself like this to the world. She didn't want to get hurt again. It was making her really scared.

     She gulped and went to look at her slightly broken mirror. Standing in front of it, she did something she never had before. She tried to smile. Trying to curve her lips up, she failed miserably. Instead of looking happy, she looked like she was grimacing. She furrowed her forehead in confusion. It was much harder to smile than she had anticipated. She tried over and over again, but none of them ever seemed right.

     The next day she walked into the school building to see Hitoshi waiting for her. His face brightened considerably the moment he saw her. "How have you been doing?" he asked her with a bright smile. She stared at his smile and wondered how he was able to do that. But she probably was able to smile as well when she was young, before she had locked her emotions away.

     "I'm feeling better," she told him.

     "Well, I'm really proud of you," he commented. She bowed her head in thanks and he laughed. "You don't need to be so formal all the time. Just loosen up."

     "Oh," she replied. "Um....how are you able to smile?"

     He blinked at her for a few seconds, but then he let out another laugh. "You don't know how to smile? I guess that makes sense. Don't worry...it'll just come out naturally.....Which makes me remember; do you want to go somewhere with me this weekend? It might help you enjoy life more."

     She thought about it and nodded. It wasn't like she ever had anything going on during her weekends anyway. "Yes, I would like to. May I asked where we're going?"

     He gave her a cheeky grin. "To an animal farm," he answered. She tilted her head to the side. That seemed like an interesting place. She had never been to a farm before and neither had she really encounter many animals. Were animals really going to help her out though. She had always thought of them as nuisances. "On Saturday at 10, okay? I'll pick you up from your house."

     "Do I need to give you my address?" she asked him.

     He was about to say no, but he caught himself on time. She didn't know he had known where her house was for a while. So he said yes and she quickly gave it to him. Then the bell rang and the two of them departed from each other.

     She hoped she won't regret Saturday.

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