Chapter 22 "Feelings Accepted "

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Shanaya 💖 Sinha

After getting home i am so distracted that i can't concentrate on my study which i am trying to do since i get home but Rahul words made me so difficult to work, i am so confused that all what he said was all true otherwise i am in a lot of trouble.

I disobey my heart my feelings for Ahaya because she was always my support in everything even when i was broke up with Virat ( Shanaya's Ex) i was so divastated at that time that i don't eat much i don't went to school, my marks got lowered even my parents were worried about me alot but that time Ahaya's was my pillar who made me stand again and now i am thinking about my decision one's again Is is good to let your heart flow with a flow but if i decide this then i am going to hurt Ahaya the most now i don't know what to do even Rahul is also now interested in Ahaya.

"Shanaya dinner is ready come down" my mom told and i went down

Today dad is not home as he went out for some business and i and mom are all alone.

"Mom is it good to sacrifice your happiness for someone who's really important to you and if he/she did a lot for you and he/she is your best friend ?" i ask mom with sincerety.

"Ya its somehow good but its not like you have to sacrifice everytime you can also return he/she favour in other way" mom said with smile.

"But if we love that person then can we sacrifice our love for them" i ask with wide eyes.

"If there is love then its difficult to make a decision first you have to make sure whom that person love and if that person loves someone and he/she also loves him then all this confusion dies there only" she said with smile.

Love is such a difficult feeling but i know my feelings for Rahul and i am not going to neglect them anymore.
He is the best that ever happened to me and i never gonna deny that I love him till all my heart. If he come to me with all his heart then i gonna accept him and if he don't then i never follow his path.

"So who's the stealer of my baby's heart" mom ask with a smile but my smile vanished with shock.

"No one mom" i said but i know i am literally shining.

"Oh don't be shy dear and if you don't wanna tell me right now then don't but you are never gonna sacrifice and if he is yours then he comes to you at any how and one last thing i want to tell you that In friendship we only can give but not take anything in return" mom said with smile

" Thank you mom thank you sooo much you don't know what you actually did you take away all my problems thank you thanks alot" i said and i hug like really hard and she just smile.

We finished our dinner and headed to bed I love my mom advice and I am gonna follow and with that thought i slept.

To be continue.......

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