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Author's POV

Rahul reached home and told her mom about Shanaya and his mom is soo happy to hear this. As his mom friends with Shanaya mom and she also want Shanaya to be her daughter in law but because of her husband ego, she doesn't get the courage to talk about this.

"I always want you to marry Shanaya I actually promised my friend Radha ( Shanaya's mom) once in our college days if I had son in future and you had a daughter I want your daughter to be my daughter in law" she said smiling thinking about her promise but her expression gets changed when her mind shifted to her husband.

"But what about your dad you know na he never accept Shanaya," she said with worry.

" Only you can change dad's mind mom as he loves you a lot and he can't deny you," he said to his mom with hope.

" Ok I talk with him tonight," his mom said with assurance.

On the other hand, Shanaya told her mom and dad and they both are happy for her as her parents like Rahul and they love their daughter a lot that they can't break her heart.

Later at night Rahul mom's is soo worry that how can she told her husband about Rahul and Shanaya.
And here her husband came talking on the phone.

"Yes Mr. Roy I very much like your deal and it helps our business to be more powerful and big and its a Yes from my side for this proposal" and he cut the call while smiling for this deal and walk inside his room and said

"Anjali I am soo happy today" and hug her wife from behind who is brushing her hair.

"Got the deal huh," Anjali said smiling and think to talk about Rahul and Shanaya as her husband is happy and its the best time to talk.

" Yes I got the deal and with this deal, I'll be more powerful," he said with a devilish smile.

Anjali thought its good chance for me to talk and said " I want to talk to you about Rahul I think its time for him to get married too as he's already joined the business and his age is perfect too to get settle down" Anjali said with half-smile and worry.

" I actually think the same" Rajeev(Rahul's father) said while touching his wife's chin and said

" Even I already fixed his wedding with Ahaya Mr. Roy daughter and it makes our business big too"

Anjali was in shocked by hearing these words from her husband and thought he always thinks about money, not his children's happiness.

" But why are you doing this you haven't even ask Rahul about this, you always think about business can't you want our child happiness," Anjali said with hope.

"Ahaya is a good girl and he can make Rahul happy and there is no need to ask his permission, he has to follow my orders even if he wants to or not," he said with a stern look and move away.

"Even if he love someone too," Anjali said with no emotions.

"You said what whom he loves someone is she's having a good background, is she's wealthy? " he said while her wife is all shocked hearing this from her husband who never is like this once but now he's fully changed and after thinking this she said

"Shanaya Radha's daughter"

"What you mean to say your friend Radha's daughter and what is your friend status ' she's bloody middle class' and can't Rahul have his own mind how can he think such things," Rajeev said with such of anger.

"Because he's just like his dad," Anjali said with a chuckle and while hearing this sentence of her he gets somehow relax and think about his past but then bad memories of his past get into him and he shouted.

"This never gonna happen You listened to me THIS NEVER GONNA HAPPEN He'll only marry Ahaya got that only AHAYA" and left

This makes Anjali stunned and a tear rolled down her cheeks and she thought how to told this to Rahul and lost in her own thoughts.

To be continue........

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