CHAPTER 29 "Shopping & Past"

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Shanaya Sinha

Today me, Aleesha and Ahaya all going for shopping for Rahul's brother wedding. Wedding ceremony going to start from tomorrow and us going to attend each and every function like Sangeet, Mehandi, Haldi, Wedding and then Reception. Ahaya seems to be excited a lot as we all know she had a crush on Rahul but I really don't that feeling oh god I am soo jealous I thought.

Ahaya makes me and Aleesha try all the dresses in the store which makes both of us soo tired and hungry. "Let's take some rest then we shop again," I said with full of tiredness and in return all we " What you are tired, we just went to one shop, there are more to go, so come fast," Ahaya said with soo much of energy even while wearing heels I never get this how can someone walk in soo many high heels I thought.

"No I am also tired Aleesha just take some rest and eat something, then we shop again," Aleesha said from don't know where but she seems soo hungry and all this thanks to Ahaya who make her skip her lunch for god damn #weddingshopping, which soon going to be on Ahaya social media post while we both suffered a lot.

"Okay but eat fast," Ahaya said with annoyed face while I and Aleesha stare her. We took our seats and ordered cheeseburgers with coke and wait for our food. Our waiter came with our orders and place it while staring Ahaya, who's actually making pout for her selfie, I and Aleesha shrugged.

While eating my mobile ring and it's none other than Rahul my love but what I am going to do now Ahaya is here and if she sees who is on the phone she'll sure ask me a question but what I am going to tell her and I pick the phone. "Hello," I said with a slight blush but soon remove it because Ahaya eyed me. "Hey baby, so how's your shopping so far" Rahul replied with soo much love. "It's going nice," I said so slow that no one can hear me. "Can I join you?" Rahul asks now what I am going to say to him I thought.

"Whom you are talking to Shanaya? " Ahaya asks me and the look she gives me was like if you don't tell me I am going to kill you what I am going to do now I thought. Aleesha gets that I am talking to Rahul and she interrupts and said: " Maybe something personal and she doesn't want to tell us, so don't force her".

" You are not talking to Vihaan, don't you" Ahaya ask me more like a question and Rahul heard her and ask me " Who's Vihaan Shanaya?"  and his voice feels soo cold and harsh. "I talk to you later," I said to Rahul and cut the call immediately otherwise situation gonna be worse.

"No Ahaya, why I talk to him, he's my past and what he did to me I never gonna see his face," I said with so much anger more with hatred but now what I am going to tell Rahul he must be angry now after I cut his call without even hearing him or telling him who is vihaan.

"Then whom you are talking too?" Ahaya asks me with the same look she gives me earlier. "Actually my cousin called me, he was asking if I can do his project," I said with making my face like an innocent child while Aleesha winks at me.

I mobile beeps and it shows a message more like a threat which shows "Come outside I am waiting for you and I don't want to listen to any of your excuses, better come" - Rahul, now what I am going to do. "Come now we have to shop more" Ahaya said.

"No," I said while eyeing my mobile and when I look up both Ahaya and Aleesha staring me like going to kill me but Aleesha make a face of concern. " Sorry Ahaya but I have to go my cousin just message me that she is in some trouble so I have to go and it's urgent," I said with soo much innocent face but when Ahaya  going interrupt then only Aleesha said " You go Shanaya after all your shopping is done and your cousin might be in some big problem" she gets I thought and I am sure going to thank her later. Ahaya seems to be thinking something first and said: "Okay go". After saying goodbye I left and found Rahul outside the mall in his car looking soo angry.

After I sit and close the door he drives soo fast and doesn't even talk with me, I try to make the conversation but his face soo much anger and I stop myself maybe it's not the good time I thought and the car stopped and we were actually on sunset point. Rahul went out so I too.

We take our seat but he still not talking but now I have to break this silence and I said "Rahul, I am soo sorry that I cut your call but it's not like I don't want to answer your question, I just don't want Ahaya to know about us, she had a huge crush on you and if she gets that too of us together then we might lose our friendship". 

"Who is Vihaan?" this is all I got from Rahul in return and now I have to tell him, Vihaan was a closed chapter of my life, whom I don't like to even remember but now Rahul is my life and I have to tell him everything otherwise our relationship is at stake. 

"Vihaan was my ex-boyfriend when I was doing Bachelor's in business administration, we met during our class and soon get in love but it ends brutely" when I said this Rahul face is like burning but he doesn't interrupt and I continue while remembering my past when I use to love Vihaan.


"Vihaan I am soo happy," I said while hugging him 

"And why you are soo happy?" Vihaan asks while hugging me back

"Because I have you," I said which makes Vihaan kiss my cheeks and we just stare each other with soo much love.

"Okay Shanaya now I have to go, I have to complete my project today," Vihaan said with soo much making a sorry face, today's our first anniversary but he doesn't have time for us.

"It's alright, studies are also important," I said with a genuine smile and Vihaan left but I actually plan something for us tonight, I ask mom and dad that I am going to stay at Ahaya house tonight as I have a project to submit and they agree. I at night plan to visit vihaan at his house for our first-year anniversary celebration with a candle night dinner but Ahaya seems to be not like Vihaan at all but first she admired him secretly but when getting into a relationship, she always makes me feels like Vihaan don't love me and he's cheating at my back but I never judge him.

I went at night to Vihaan house all dress up in a red dress with open hair as Vihaan likes my open hair more with a cute heart-shaped cake and when I am going to knock the door is slightly open but I went inside towards Vihaan's room and what I saw make me tore, make my heart break into millions of pieces  "Vihaan kissing some girl" and cake drop from my hand and then only Vihaan look up and he tried to explain "it's not what it looks like" but I ran from there and reached Ahaya's house I explain her everything and she said " I already told you he was cheating on you but you never listen" but I just cried and Ahaya console me.

I get a lot of messages and calls from Vihaan but I never respond any of his calls and just ignore him.

Once he comes to our college to saying "You take it all wrong, I don't who was that girl and how she gets inside my house , I love you Shanaya, I do a lot" but I just left from there crying and later Ahaya deal with him and after that I never saw him again and trying so much I moved on." 

Flashback ends

"I love him back then but now I regret it because being my first he broke me into millions but just now remember that I love you and maybe you are my not first but you are my last," I said with tears in my eyes.

While I turn telling all this to Rahul, he'd just stare at  me and soon come hugged me and said , "I am soo sorry Shanaya to be this rude to you but you know that I love you soo much and I am also possessive boyfriend but if I met Vihaan in my lifetime I sure going to kill him" I hugged him back and some tears rolled down my cheeks and he just wipe them and smile. 

And we just watched the sun setting down while holding hands.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," Rahul said.

To be continued...

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