Reasons to ship Mi-Ark

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they've always been each other's rocks. seeing as they're the only members who have been placed into all three nct units (with the exception of wayv). they understand each other's struggles and can easily tell when one is stressing. they motivate and bring the best out pf each other, always hanging back to record last after helping their members. they commonly rely on each other's opions whenever recording because they know the struggles of fitting into each sub-unit's concepts.


the two of them have similar habits which just makes them even cuter when they do them in sync. for an example, they tend to clap whilst laughing and giggling at anything and everything. fans adore their positive outlook in everything and hopes to see the world like the two golden debuters can. another habit they have is playing with each other's hands and hair, no matter what, you will see in a video them playing with either each other's hands or hair, never anything else.


they rule the stage and their presence is something that can be seen miles away. they were practically born for the stage and thats proven through their performances. they're extremely stable in their vocals, rap and dance, all those late night training paid off for these two to not fall in bad rainy weather performances. they're also known as nct's ending fairies so fans are super excited to see their ending for Simon Says. they know how to enchant fans and gain attention whether its semi flirting during songs or just out right shining on the stage.


mark and mayse have the most addictive and cutest laughs ever heard. when one laughs the other follows, making the other members laugh as well. you can't put them in a room with lucas because it will mostly be that of laughter and nothing more. fans finds it adorable when they do their habit as they laugh their asses off, its therapeutic for fans (don't ask how).


beautiful human beings. they have amazing visuals and together along with their talents make them a threat to the fandom. fans cannot function well if these two either model or perform together because it would be too much visuals and talent for them. photographers always want them to model together.


mayse and mark are known to be some of the most stable members in nct, despite everyone being stable. they're dancing is what makes fans fall for them because they can perform in the rain without falling or slipping throughout the entire performance and even with their hard choreography, they still manage to be stable in vocals and rap, its adoring to see how hardworking they are to achieve their stability.

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