chapter thirty-four - Lynne

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 Bella ran into my grasp immediately, and though I wanted to scream my head off at her for running off and almost getting herself killed, I just couldn't do it. I grabbed her and picked her up, letting her legs wrap around my waist as she buried herself in my shoulder.

"Lynne, I'm--."

"Shut up, Bella, and stay down!" I demanded, cocking my gun as I aimed it at one of the men who were shooting at the group.

In my vision I saw Luna and James going at it like there was no tomorrow, their eyes full of something I wish I could replicate.

They were silent, throwing punches and nothing coming out of their mouths except for the occasional grunt of pain.

I winced, shooting my gun at one of the men who was in back of me, attempting to kill me instead. My hearing began to stop as my ears rang, Bella's sobs even coming to a halt.

Silently, I found myself running to the side of the wall where another person, holding a knife, tried to attack. With a quick bullet to their head, I took a look around and noticed Luna on the floor, pinning James with him, and blood dripping from her lip.

But I knew this battle wasn't even close to over.

There were a few guys left, and the voice of Jinxx screaming out in pain alerted me back to it as he got a bullet grazing his head, leaving a sharp mark on the side of his temple.

We're going to need so many antibiotics. I thought with a sigh as I dropped Bella where I stood to get a better foundation of my standing, aiming the gun at the man who was in front of me.

"Stop right there!" I yelled to one of the last remainders standing, apart from James.

Of course, he didn't obey, though I didn't get a chance to shoot him before Mark did, his voice full of an anger I couldn't express as he walked to the side and met Luna's look.

Below her, was a pinned James, his voice mute and his hands shaking as he desperately went to reach for his gun, making Luna cock her on from on top of him.

The world became silent. So badly did we want her to do it just then, to spray his brains out for everyone to see and plaster them on the floor where they belonged.

I picked up Bella, holding her again as she stared gently. The ringing in my ears had subsided, and I was now taking a step forward.

"Do it, then, baby girl!" James shouted, "do it! Hurry up and do it! You can't, you don't have the balls to!"

"Luna. . ." I started, "he doesn't deserve to be alive."

She looked up at me with agreement in her eyes though she couldn't do so much as lift her finger, as she stared down.

"Kill me like Harper killed Caleb!" James shouted, which made Luna freeze in her tracks as did I when we noticed he remembered what she had said happened to him and the fact he wanted to use it against her in a sense to keep himself alive.

Luna's face turned red as she silently shook it.

"I can't. . ." She stopped herself, a tear rolling down her face, "I can't do this. Nobody. . ." She breathed in, "nobody deserves to die--."

She was cut short by Mark slicing James' head clean off with her katana that was laying on the floor. Blood rested upon the tip of it as Luna fell to her knees at the sight of the body.

"Some people do." He said.

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