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I had finished making the kids breakfast and sent them in their rooms for a little play time, I poured myself a glass of wine and rolled up some of Yohan's weed for me to smoke and sip while I waited on his dumb ass.

It wasn't long before he was walking in with the stupid face and I went right in on his ass. 

" Nigga where the fuck you been all night''
I yelled in his face.

''Aye yo cut all that fucking yelling shit out, you not about to be screaming in my face like I'm a child''
he answered and that response only annoyed me more. 

'' I wouldn't have to yell if you knew how to bring yo ass home''
I replied with anger in my voice.

'' I fell asleep at Khyree's last night Shanay we went out and had a few drinks my bad''
he answered ,

This nigga must think I'm dumb or something. 

''Stop lying all the got damn time I know you was with a bitch Yohan because that's the only time you don't pick up your phone nigga''
I fussed.

Yohan was only pissing me off more with his nonchalant attitude.

''I wasn't with no bitch you have to chill real shit, you always wanna know what's going on and what I'm doing but when I tell yo ass you never believe me''
he yelled back.

''Because you lie so much , if you wanna fuck on other females than go ahead and I can leave pussy, I'm not trying to hold you back from doing anything you wanna do''
I answered while rolling my neck.

I just refused to sit and continue being played with.

''Shanay you stay saying your gonna leave and never do, you have no proof that I was cheating or fucking any bitch yesterday so for you not to believe me is dumb, If I say your who I wanna be with than that's what it is, I don't give a fuck about these bitches at all yo , all I care about is you my kids and money''
he replied.

'' I'm over this conversation Yohan , the next time you don't come home at night when you do get home, it'll be an empty house''
I stated before walking upstairs.

I was too good of a women for him to keep staying the fuck out all night, and what he needs to understand is that regardless of how many times I say something when I really get tired I will take me and my kids and leave his ass crusty and dusty.

I got in my bed and turned the TV on I needed to relax and now that his ugly ass is home when they come out daddy can handle them.


I knew Shanay was gone be tripping once I got in all yelling and shit, I don't give a fuck about none of these bitches I do what I do because It's fun the shit is hard to explain ,

but Shanay is my heart , she's the one I wanna marry and be with on some real shit I'm just not done doing my own thing right now.

After the little argument she stormed off upstairs and I just stayed in the living room and turned my game on, rolled up some weed and started chilling.

I was gonna start being smart about it though because I didn't wanna keep fussing with Shanay and have her in here worried or tripping and shit.

I wasn't worried about her attitude though because once she seen her birthday surprise she'd be good again.

Me and Khyree had some work coming in today but I still had a few hours to chill before I had to run and take care of that.

I went upstairs to check on Shanay and the kids they were all sleep , so I left out and went to pick up a necklace and some flowers for Nay and I'd get the kids some ice cream for after dinner.

As I was driving to Tiffany's jewelry place I got a incoming call from a unknown number, ''Hello'' I answered. 

'' Hey it's Nuri how are you this afternoon?''
she asked

''I'm chilling shordy, I wan't even expecting you to call''
I replied with a chuckle,

''I'm sure you didn't ''
she laughed ''
But I did wanted to see what the grown up you was all about''

'' Oh is that so , well you won't be able to tell from a phone call what you doing tomorrow night?''
I asked her,

''Nothing that I know of as of now'' she responded , I invited her to the movies and to grab something to eat.

She agreed, I told her to text me in a little bit though I was a little busy at the moment and she said that was cool and she'd just talk to me later.

I really wasn't expecting her to hit me up first I was thinking that I was gonna have to hit her first but she surprised me. I got out the car and made my way into Tiffany's to get Shanay this necklace.

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