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' I want her to be here with me

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' I want her to be here with me... I don't wanna be alone. '


Middle of the night

🌙 Zoë 🌙

We were still at the hospital waiting for news about Journey. I was scared for her, I really way because I didn't wanna lose her, grandma didn't wanna lose her, LaMelo didn't wanna lose her.

" Family of Journey. " We got up from our seats and we walked up to the nurse in hope that everything was alright. " Journey, is going to be okay. "

I fell down on my knees in tears, I'm just happy that she's alright. " Now, we had to remove her one rib and her spleen, but overall how bad the accident was she is in a coma. We don't know how long it would be before she wakes up, but for now you can visit her.

I hear someone come where we were, it was LaMelo and he just looked stressed and upset about everything. " She's gonna be okay. " I told him.

He gave hugged me so tight and I hear sniffles coming from and I just rubbed his back in comfort telling him everything is going to be alright.


We were now in her room, seeing her eyes resting, her head wrapped, her still breathing, and hearing the monitor beep meaning that she was still alive with us. LaMelo was the first to go up by her bed and hold her hand.

Me and grandma left him be in the room with her and we just walked back out of the room so grandma can talk to me. " I thought Journey didn't really like LaMelo like that. "

" They both liked each other, but Journey likes to keep herself and not show her true feeling, but I knew she liked him... because he would make her smile any day. "

That's what I loved about Journey, even when she felt down she would have a smile on her face... always.

I want back... We want her back.


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