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' I'm never gonna say goodbye to you

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' I'm never gonna say goodbye to you. '


Lost in the mind

💫 Journey 💫

Lost in my mind, full of emptiness, loneliness, darkness and quiet. All I knew that... I was in an accident, I had surgery and now I'm a asleep, or what most people say... a coma.

I felt like I was in a dark room with me alone and no one else around me, I was deep inside my head with just me and my empty thoughts.

That's when a bright light hit my face... and I seen two figures walking up to me. My parents, I started tearing up and walking towards them. " Hi my little sunshine. " My mom said. She use to call me that all the time. " If it isn't my little mini me. "

That was my favorite name that my dad would call me because we would act the same sometimes to make each other it's how we really knew we loved each other as father and daughter.

Seeing them now, made me wanna be with them even more. " I've missed you guys so much you have no idea. I have a lot to talk about. "

" Luckily for us, we know everything that's been going on in your life... especially your fallout that happened at school. What was that about ? " My mom asked me.

" My passed was brought... suicide, anorexia, rape, and my own parents that I had to stand up to her and tell her not to come at me anymore... and she stopped that was until, I ended up here. "

" I know your mom hates when I say stuff like this, but that's my girl taking up for herself when it's needed. " My dad said giving me a high five making mom smile. " I'm proud of you Journey, doing what's right, for everyone around and yourself... because I didn't name you Journey for a reason now, you always have to own up to that name... always.

I knew now hearing my parents say this to me makes now wonder do I really wanna go on the other side or live the rest of my life ?

" I wanna go with you guys, but I wanna finish the rest of my life first. " I said smiling at them both.

" We understand, but before you go... tell that boy thank you for being there for you every single day he comes to see you, Journey... he really loves you. " My dad said, I would never think to hear my dad say something like that, but it's nice hearing it from him.

" Yeah, I love him too, but not as much as I love you guys. " I said hugging them both.

" We love you JJ " They said in unison. " Love you too. "

I woke up, I finally woke up. I looked around my room and seen pictures, clothes, roses, and I looked down right beside me... LaMelo with my laptop holding my hand and watching little videos of me.

I still felt weak, but not weak to flash a small smile on my face seeing looking videos of me and him together. I looked at my laptop and seen a video with me and him in the roof of an abandoned building. " Promise that we'll always be there for each other when we're upset or angry with anyone and everything and promise to be there for one another ? " LaMelo said in the video.

" I promise, that I'll do all this things. " I said in unison with myself on the video.

That's when the video stopped and he closed my computer and looked towards me with tears and a surprise look on his face. " I also promise, that I'll love you like how you loved me every single day. "

He hugged me and cried so more and I was just holding onto him whispering in his ear and rubbing his back. " I love you, Journey Young. "

" I love you, LaMelo Ball. "


One more chapter left people !

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