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' I'll still wait for you

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' I'll still wait for you. '
* Get ready for a very long chapter *


2 month later

☁️ Omniscient ☁️

It's been a month after Journey's accident and she's still resting her eyes closed and sorrow of the people around her were starting worry about her.

Will she be alright ? All they know is that she's still in a coma. They kept waiting, waiting, and waiting for Journey to wake up, but nothing just the sound of the monitor beeping and the constant conversations of the nurse and Linda.

Linda and Zoë would visit Journey much as possible, but with Zoë with school and cheer and Linda with work they usually won't have time to visit her.

That doesn't stop LaMelo though, everyday after school or basketball practice he would always come to visit Journey. If it was a game he come right after and talk about how his team won and talk about he did it for Journey, even if it was an away game somewhere in Vegas... he still come home to be with Journey.

Today was his big game for to win the championship against Spartanburg Day School, and he was nervous. So, he had Zoë come to his game and just warm up and calm down for tonight. " What if I don't impress everyone tonight, what if I let my team down... if I let Journey down ? " LaMelo said shooting the ball and missing it.

" You could never let your team down... not even let Journey. I know you can lead them away you want them to, just do this for you, your team, and Journey. " Zoë said passing him the ball and shooting it and making it.


It was the fourth quarter the score was 69-71, with 10 seconds on the clock, they needed a few more points to beat them. LaMelo has made over 100 points in this game and the crowd is going wild, but we just wanted to do this all for Journey.

Quan passed Will the ball dribbling down the court with one player trying to block him from shooting it, but LaMelo was open and passing it to him and ran fast on the court shooting on the half court line... and made the shit with the clock buzzing

" They did it, they won. Everyone in them gym was screaming and yelling and the other team was just pissed, but the didn't care because they won the championships tonight with LaMelo scoring 100 points. " One of the announcer's said.

A few reporters came up to the boy with microphones and cameras in his face. " LaMelo you did amazing tonight, how did you manage to have 100 points tonight. " He looked stunned... 100 points he didn't ever think to have that much in a game. " It's a surprise with the help of my teammates and winning the championship... it's a blessing. "

" Now, with that do you have anyone to thank for that tonight. " A smile grew on his face with sweat. " I wanna thank my family, and most importantly the girl I most admire Journey Young, love you... no more questions. "

He finally left the reporters and went into the locker room everyone hype and listening to music. " Congrats on my boy making 100 points tonight ! " Ray said dapping him up.

After a while, people were saying about this party tonight that the boy's are going to tonight, but LaMelo didn't wanna go... he wanted to see Journey more than anything right now.


He finally made it to the hospital, walking to her room as usual... walking into her room with the roses he brought her, clothes still in the chair where they usually were, pictures everywhere, and her laptop in her bed.

He sat down in the chair right beside her and held her hand rubbing his thumb against it. " We did it, we won tonight... I did all for you. "

He looked at her with her eyes shut up and the beeping of her monitor with it going up and down. He just smiled a weak smile. " I just want you back into my life again Journey. The fun we have together, talks, us singing, dancing, and us just talking about anything makes me miss you even more. "

A tears coming out of his eyes. " I love with all my heart and everything else. I just want you... I want you Journey. "

You. Only you


Double update

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