Chapter 7

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"Good evening sir", Ogunyemi greeted prostrating.

"My son, how have you been?" Ogunkanmi asked dropping his sack.

"I haven't been good", Ogunyemi answered as he stood up.

"What is the problem? I thought you'd come back with good news".

"The people of Oregun didn't want the crops I was selling, only a few of them bought the crops", Ogunyemi explained.

"Don't worry, one day, the tables will turn", Ogunkanmi said.

"I've​ heard", Ogunyemi said with a sigh.

"Where's Ire? Did your mother tell you about his misbehaviour ?" Ogunkanmi asked.


"His problem is getting worse, I'm worried this would go on with him", Ogunkanmi said with concern.

"I hope not, he's still a child, we should give him time", Ogunyemi said.
"Where's Abike? I hope she has my food set", Ogunkanmi said rubbing his stomach.

"That's what I have been wanting to hear", Ogunyemi said with a grin.

"You haven't changed a bit. Like father, like son", Ogunyemi said with a laugh.


"Daddy", Ire said with a smile on his face, showing the gap in his teeth.

"Where's your mother?" Ogunkanmi asked sitting on the floor.

"She went outside to get water from the well", Ire answered with a smile.

"What's with the smile today?" Ogunkanmi and Ogunyemi asked in unison.

"Nothing", Ire answered innocently​.

"It's getting dark, turn on the lantern",Ogunkanmi ordered.

"Alright", Ogunyemi said heading for the lantern.

"Aah! Ogunkanmi, how has your day been?" Abike asked when she saw Ogunkanmi.

"It's been tiring, I'm hungry. Please set the food".

"Okay sir", she said as she placed the food along with the omisowo (washing water) and drinking water.

"This place is hot", Ogunkanmi said as he removed his shirt.

"We need a better house", Ire complained.

"God will provide", Ogunkanmi said while eating his food.

Abike came along with Ire's food and Ogunyemi's.

"Mummy", Ire called.

"Yes?" Abike asked.

"This amala and gbegiri is sweet", he said taking a handful.

"Bad manners", Ogunkanmi corrected.

"But you're also talking while eating", Ire said flatly.

"Stop eating now!" Ogunkanmi said in anger.

"What kind of a child is this? You're so mannerless and one day, it would put you in trouble", Abike said disgusted.

"Leave this room, you're going to regret what you did. You're not going to eat until I tell you to and as for this night, you're sleeping on the floor with no wrapper", Ogunkanmi said angrily.

Regretting what he did, he thought the best thing he could say to his father.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it anymore", Ire said with tears in his eyes.

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