Chapter 14

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"Ire! Bo si bi bayi,"  Abike called.

"Ire! Come here."

"Maami, I'm coming," Ire answered. "Ma," he said when he went into the small kitchen.

"Help me to bring more oil from inside, I need the oil to fry akara, you know that I'm already getting old, I can't carry that heavy thing," Abike said referring to the oil as she turned to the mixture of bean cake.

"Alright, anything for you," Ire said with a wink.

"Don't do that, it doesn't fit you," Abike said with a rich laugh.

"Maami, you know this is what makes the girls come to buy akara from you," Ire said with a wide grin.

"You're not serious," she said as she shook her head.

"Let me get the oil for you, I've to get to work very early," Ire said to Abike.


Immediately Abike set the utensils needed for the akara, Ire brought the oil into the kitchen.

"Thank you my son," Abike said with a smile.

"There's no need to thank me, I would do anything for you," Ire said .
"I'm going," he announced as he bid his mother goodbye.

"Greet your friends for me," Abike shouted.



"Ire, how've you been. I haven't seen you for awhile now, you'be been chasing Aramide these days abi ?" Tobi asked with a laugh.

"It's not funny, besides I don't have any interest in the girl or any other girl," Ire lashed out.

"Don't worry Ire, you know how it ends when that happens," Chinedu said with a frown.

"Have you repaired the door to your car?" Ire asked Chinedu.

"No. I don't have enough money for that," Chinedu said with a snort.

"If you don't repair it now, people won't board your car," Ire advices.

"Lend him some money since you're the one suggesting the repair of the door to the car," Tobi said in a mock.

"I'm not talking to you," Ire said angrily. "And besides, I don't have enough money to lend, I need to take care of my mother."

"You and your mother ehn, the way you used to look up to her and take care of her is amazing," Tobi said.

"I wonder if you'll marry someone if you continue like this," Chinedu said.

"She's the only one I have left, I can't afford to loose her," Ire said sadly.

"I envy you," Chinedu said with a smile.

"You people are just sitting there doing nothing," Baba Shomolu shouted as he walked into the car park. "You better look for customers, before I remove some money from your salary."

Quickly, they all scurried to their various cars.

"We're sorry sir, we'll make sure that we make enough money to make you happy," Ire said before he started his car.

"You had better," Baba Shomolu said.


"As Ire got tired of waiting for customers, he went back into the car as he scanned for customers.

"Excuse me, please can you direct me to Simisola street," a voice called out to him.

Wondering who the person was, he turned to see a white woman looking at him with stress written all over her face.

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