Chapter 28

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Dunni has been waiting impatiently for him to come. She couldn't wait to tell him she saw Barbara's father and brother. Things were going according to plan, nobody was ever going to find out. It was like heaven was on their side. She recounted the money that John gave her and kissed the mint notes with delight. She didn't know how much it was but she knew it costs a lot.

"Where have you been since?" Dunni asked him in anger when she saw him coming to the shop.

"Sorry, I went to check up on something," he said with a smile.

"You went to see Barbara right?" Dunni asked with no expression on her face.

"Yes, but she wasn't at home," he said with a sigh.

"Don't be deceived, she doesn't like you. She's just confused about her feelings for Ire," Dunni said with a chuckle.

"She kissed me," he said angrily as his lips formed into a thin line.

"You'll never learn," Dunni said.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" He asked with no interest as he sat on his seat.

"I met with Barbara's family and they are rich," Dunni said excitedly.


"They don't look like people that treat other people with respect, Barbara left here crying," Dunni said with a grin.

"She was here?" He asked.

"They asked me about information on Folakemi and I told them all I know."

"Everything?" He asked in fear as he tightened his grip on the table.

"Not exactly everything, but enough for them to believe me," Dunni said when she saw the worried look on his face.

"Why do I feel that I can't trust you," he said with suspicion.

"I'm a woman who is trying to survive by any means, so if you don't trust me, I don't care about what you think," Dunni said flatly as he looked at her in anger.

"I need to serve the customers that are coming in," Dunni said as she stood up and went to meet some people.


"How did you do that?" Jonathan asked his father as they walked home.

"I know the ways of these people, how they behave and how they think. I guess they haven't changed a bit, still barbaric as ever," John said with a light chuckle.

"I don't trust that lady," Jonathan said referring to Dunni.

"Neither do I, but at times, we need to use people to get what we want," John said as he clasped his hands at his back.

"That's true," Jonathan said to himself as he nodded his head in agreement.
"What are we going to do about Barbara?"

"Nothing. Don't worry, she'll come around," John said.

"Why are you so cold towards Barbara?" Jonathan asked.

"There are some things you can't just understand."

They walked home silently, a lot of things were going on in John's head. Barbara has never gotten this upset with him before. Did she really care about Folakemi that much? If he wants to be on Barbara's good side, he needs to help his daughter.

"Let's go to the car park in case we get more information," John said all of a sudden.

"Now? It's getting late. We can go tomorrow," Jonathan said annoyed as be tried to persuade his father.

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