Chapter​ 11

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"Titi! Titi! Where are you going? Don't turn your back at me", Abike wailed.

"My good friend, how I wish I can save you from all your troubles, it's a pity that your cause of sorrows​ are never ending", Titi said in pity.

"I don't understand you", Abike said in confusion.

"You refuse to trust the ones around you", Titi said.

"That's not true, I trust my son".

"That's your problem, you turn a blind eye to the one you trust", Titi said to Abike.

"What're you trying to say?"

"Just watch your steps, your biggest step can lead to your death", Titi warned.

"Titi! Don't leave. There's a lot I've to say to you", Abike screamed.


"Mummy! What's the matter. You don't look good", Ire said as he shook her.

Abike rose up from the mat with a confused look on her face.

"Mummy, what's wrong? You were shaking when you were sleeping", Ire said with concern as he wiped the sweat off his mother's face.

"I'm okay. Have you seen your father and brother?"
"I need to talk to Ogunyemi, it's urgent".

"I'll call him right away", Ire said.

Ire entered the living room as he searched for Ogunyemi. He couldn't find him anywhere. He searched the room, the kitchen and the compound, still he couldn't find Ogunyemi.

"Mummy, I can't find Ogunyemi, I checked the whole house".

"How is that possible? Where do you think he went to?" Abike asked.

"I don't know, he usually doesn't leave the house without greeting you", Ire pointed out.

"And Ogunkanmi isn't at home?" She asked.

"No. I think we should go to Kunle's house. That's the only place I think Ogunkanmi and Ogunyemi can be at the moment".

"Okay. Let's go", Abike said as she stood up from the mat.


"Ogunyemi, I'm very serious, this isn't something you should laugh about", Asake said in anger.

"What do you want me to do?"
"You're telling me that if I don't beg your mother, it may cost my life", Ogunyemi said.

"I don't want to lose you, we can still run away while there's still time", Asake tried reasoning with him.

"I can't leave my family behind just because I want to protect my life".
"I'm not that selfish", he said.

"There's no other way. What do you think I can do to stop this?" Asake asked.

"Kill your mother", Ogunyemi said without mercy. "She has done a lot of  things to this village, I hope you understand what I mean".

"Eeh! Bawo lo se ma so be?" Asake asked in shock.
"How can you say that?"

"That's the only thing you can do for me", he said to Asake.

"I can't believe you can be this heartless", Asake admitted.

"This is the best solution I can think of, if she dies, it's for the better", Ogunyemi said.

"She's​ my mother, I don't have the heart to kill her even if she's a wicked person. She gave life to me, so how can I take hers?" Asake asked in tears.

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