Chapter 13

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20 years later

"Do you really want to go against your father?" Lilian asked with a frown on her face.

"I've decided and nothing is going to change my mind this time," Barbara replied.

"You know how angry your father gets when you go against him."

"I don't know why he hates blacks. They are suffering and I need to help them," Barbara said with a sigh.

"I'm your best friend, so I'll support you no matter how stupid I think your decision is," Lilian said with a chuckle.

"I see you like to play with your words alot," Barbara said.

"I'm really going to miss you girl," Lilian said sadly.

"Me too, but I really want to do this, I can't stand my father and his orders."
"He thinks he can make me do what he wants," Barbara said with a scoff.

"Why does it have to be Nigeria? You can do a lot right here in London. I don't like those Negroes, they are just bloody hooligans," Lilian said with disgust.

"Lilian! Don't say such harsh words, you barely know them," Barbara said.

"There you go again. Don't pretend like you care about them, you just want to get on your father's toes because of what he did," Lilian snorted.

"Please, you know how much I hate remembering what my father did to my ma," Barbara snapped.

"Just give him a chance to explain, you don't know what went wrong when your father was in Nigeria," Lilian said.

"Lilian, you know how much I hate talking about this, so please I beg you to stop," Barbara said angrily.

"No, Barbara, I'm not going to stop. You can't keep shutting your father out of your life, that's not fair."

"What's not fair is how my father cared less for my ma. If he didn't love her, he shouldn't have made love to her, at least I won't be a mistake," Barbara said amidst tears.

"Don't talk like that, you know that's not true," Lilian said to Barbara as she tried to comfort her.

"It was a mistake coming to you. Before I leave for Nigeria next week, I thought you would support me, but you're just like the rest them," Barbara said as she looked at her friend in disgust.


Getting up on her feet, Barbara walked out on her friend as she headed for the busy road.

"Barbara!" Lilian yelled.
"You're going to regret ever going to Nigeria, they are not good enough for you."

Turning to look at her friend in astonishment, Barbara waved her hand at her friend as she crossed the road.


"Barbara, where in the world have you been? Father wants to have a talk with you," Johnathan said when he saw his sister walk into the house.

"I went to see Lilian," Barbara replied.

"For the past three hours, father isn't going to like this," Johnathan said with a frown.

"Father is never pleased with anything I do, it's like he doesn't even want me," Barbara said dryly.

"Barbara," a voice called sternly.

That voice, the only voice that send shiver down her spine. How she wanted him out of her life, he's the reason why she wants to leave for Nigeria. How she wished he was just there for her ma when she was pregnant. If he did, her ma would still be alive.

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