Chapter 30

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Nothing made sense anymore. Who was the man that just helped her? What did he want? She wanted to hit him in the head and run away but something about him made her feel safe. Looking at him, she saw how unkempt he looked, didn't he have any family? He was white and she wondered how she has never heard of him. Little did she know that there was a lot of things she didn't know.

"I know you're probably wondering how I found you," Eddy said breaking the silence between them.

Looking away, Barbara looked at Kunle who was unconscious. She cursed at him before looking up to face Eddy.


"I heard you scream, so I decided to check. Why are you here?" Eddy asked as he sat on the floor and stared at her.

"I wanted to get away from everything," Barbara said with a sigh as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

"We all do. I wish I could get out from this hell hole but I just can't," Eddy said with a sad smile.

"Why don't you tell me your story," Barbara said with a smile as she played with the hem of her dress.

"Why don't we get out of here?" Eddy asked he got up on his feet.

Looking at Kunle, Barbara wondered if he was dead. This bastard, who she thought was a good person, was the one who raped Folakemi all this while. She wanted him dead, how he could he? Folakemi was all she had, she had gone through a lot and sadly ended up dead. Fate was cruel, Barbara thought to herself as she got up on her feet.

They walked out of the house as Barbara kept looking back. She was scared that Kunle was going to come back for her.

"Are you scared that he's going to hurt you?" Eddy asked seeing the expression on her face.

Nodding her head slowly, Barbara said almost in a whisper to avoid Kunle hearing their discussion.

"I don't want him to hurt me," Barbara said in fear.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't," Eddy said as he looked at her with a smile on his face.

With a smile, Barbara looked at Eddy. He did look muscular that made her wonder if he worked out everyday, he didn't look bad either. Barbara shook her head vigorously that Eddy asked if she was okay. She wondered why she was thinking of how he looked, she already liked someone else.

"What about your parents or friends?"

With a scoff, Barbara just keep walking. She didn't want to talk about it with anyone, especially not a stranger. She was still concerned at the possibility that Kunle might come back for her, but would he?


John felt miserable, at this point miserable was understatement. He never could believe that he had hurt a lot of people, including his daughter. He was going to apologize but where the hell was she, he wondered. He badly wanted to go back to London with his family, he couldn't imagine loosing the both of them. He remembered the first time he looked at Barbara, she looked tired. This  was not the Barbara he knew, she used to be so strong and vibrant.
He has been lost in thought that he didn't hear Jonathan quarreling with somebody outside the house.

With a groan, John made his way to the door slowly and carefully. He didn't want to stress himself and he wasn't getting the rest he needed.

"Why are you with this man?" Jonathan asked angrily as he looked at Eddy.

"Jonathan, you need to understand what I'm trying to say," Barbara said annoyed at the fact that Jonathan didn't give her a chance to explain.

"What is all these?" John asked hoarsely.

Waiting for a new dawn #ProjectNigeriaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin