Chapter 2

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*Next 3 days* Glee Club

The room is silent, no one is able to say nothing. It's in the TV and in all the papers.

"Where is Rachel Berry?" It's the question that everyone in town is asking, no one understand what happened. Lima were never a violent town so is shocking, a 14 years old is missing, she was coming back from school, she was there and suddenly she was not. What happened with Rachel Berry? 

"Where is Rachel Berry?"  Is the question on TV and the papers.

"She's only 14, poor girl." Some people are saying.

"She deserved." Other people are saying.

No one knows what to think or how to feel. People are putting stuff in front of Rachel's locker, but she doesn't had any true friend.

"Karma is really a bitch." Mercedes said.

"Can everyone stop talking about this?" Quinn said.

"Why Quinn? Everyone knows that you are happy about the fact that Rachel is missing. If I have to bet that someone here did something to her, I would bet on you." Santana said.

"How can you say that?!" Quinn yelled.

"Everyone here knows that you always hated Rachel, cause she sing better than you, she doesn't have fear of you, you are envious Quinn." Santana said.

"Don't act like you loved her Santana, everyone here hated her, don't act like you were Rachel's best friend, if I were bet on someone in here, I would bet on you, you were the one who started that Karma thing." Quinn said.

"Can everyone stop talking about karma and Rachel?" Finn said.

"Agree." Puck said and the room were silent again.

--Rachel's POV--

Hell, this is the word which describe my life now. I guess karma is really a bitch, it's been 3 days since the kidnapping thing, I'm hungry, thirsty, they don't give almost nothing to eat. I just eat a cereal bar at the morning and another at the night, they just give me one glass of water. 

I can't stop thinking: 

"Anyone notice that I'm gone?"

"Does Finn care that I'm gone? Is he worried? Is he happy?"

"Are people happy that I'm not there?" 

"Does anyone care about me?" 

I'm in a old house in the middle of nowhere, the room is dark and dirty. I'm tied on a chair, when they are not using my body to make experiences, LITERALLY, they inject things in my body, they electrocute me sometimes, it's very disturbing, I hate being here. There are other people, I hear the screams in pain, it's a big house so I'm in a room alone. When I'm crying I have to cry in silence, if I make any sound, they hit me. It's basically a living hell here.

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