Chapter 28

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Next Week

Today is my first day back to school and I'm a little bit nervous. It's been two months since the accident and that I get into a coma. I know I'm not going to be alone, I have Rachel, Kurt, Puck, Quinn, the football team, the glee club. I think everyone is actually waiting for me to walk through school's door again.

I finish getting ready for school and I'm waiting for Kurt to finish getting ready, he is going to take me to school cause my mom doesn't want me driving a car in my first day back to the world. About 10 minutes later Kurt walk in the living room.

"Finally!!" I celebrate and Kurt rolled his eyes playfully.

"For just a fraction of second I wished you were still in coma." Kurt said and I giggle.

"Ouch." I joked and he laugh.

"Let's go!" He said and we go to the car, the whole way is silent until Kurt decided to talk.

"Are you nervous?" He asked me and I nod.

"Hell yeah." I said, today is a really cold day in Lima so I'm wearing my black jeans, a sweater, black beanie and white shoes, I love cold days, they're so cozy.

"Why?" Kurt asked and I sighed.

"It's been 2 months since I went there for the last time." I said, a few minutes later we get in school and both get off the car, Kurt quickly walk in school, I stayed outside for a while just trying to get the guts to walk in.

I stayed outside staring the school for 5 minutes then I walk in, everyone greets me saying things like 'nice to see you back' and stuff like that, I thank everyone and go to my locker, I see Puck, Rach and Quinn standing in front of my locker talking. Rachel is wearing jeans, a white sweater, a white beanie and her high heels, she loves wearing heels cause she is shorty, it's kind of funny cause I am huge and strong and she is tiny and weak. Puck smiled when he saw me.

"Here comes the man!" He said smiling and Quinn and Rachel turn around and I smile to them.

"Hey!" I said smiling to them.

"We were waiting for you!" Quinn said smiling and I smile to them.

"We are so happy that you're back!" Rachel squealed smiling and I smile big to her.

"Group hug!" Puck said and we all hugged. When we finally break the hug, I keep Rachel in my arms, it's like my body needs her to feel complete.

We keep talking for a while then Quinn and Puck left to leave me alone with Rachel. I smile to her, I missed her so much, spend two months just listening to her voice but without able to respond, I hear her crying sometimes, I feel her touch but couldn't kiss her or tell that I love her.

"I'm so happy that you're back to school!" Rachel said excited and I giggle.

"It's nice to be back." I said smiling and she smile big to me and I lean in and kissed her passionately, she put her arms around my neck and pet my hair like she always do, I want to kiss her to the rest of my life, I had my hands on her waist and pull her body the closer I can to me. We keep making out for very good minutes but then you know who pass in the hallway...The principal of course.

"Hudson! Berry!" He yelled and we break the kiss. Rachel rest her head on my chest with her hand there too and she is giggling and so am I.

"Sorry, Principal Figgins." We said at the same time and he come closer to us.

"If you two say that to anyone, I will deny. But I missed Finchel, happy that you're back Hudson." The principal said and we smiled. "Now, continue your funny business and I'll pretend that I didn't see anything." He said and we giggle.

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