Chapter 9

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I wake up, take a shower and get dressed for school, I'm wearing a simple yellow dress, with a white cardigan and a white flat, I decided to curl my hair, I love my hair. Yesterday with Quinn was so much fun, I'm glad that I found a friend like her, she is so fun. She is definitely someone that I hope carry with me to my life. It's funny how people mature over time, three years ago me and Quinn couldn't stay in the same room without fight.

Quinn is being very helpful with the adaptation process, she is the only one that I can talk about what happened there, sometimes I have nightmares about there, I don't want never have to comeback. 

About the glee club, I don't know if I will comeback. I think glee club reminds me so much about the person I used to be, but that Rachel is dead, I am another Rachel. The old Rachel was toxic, spoiled, she thought she was better than everyone, but karma got her. 

I grab my stuff, get in the car and go to school. 


I walk in the school and go straight to my locker, I grab the books for my first period and go to my class. I have French class, I hate that class.

"Hey B." Quinn said as she sit next to me.

"Hey Q." I said to her.

"So, did you thought about comeback to glee club?" She asked me.

"I did, but I still don't know. The glee club reminds me so much about the old Rachel Berry and I don't want to be like that again. Just think about my life before makes me sick, I hate the person that I was before, but I hate more what happened to her. I don't want to be that girl again, I don't want karma coming to me again. I get what I deserved and I changed, I'm just scared that if I comeback to glee club I start to be that girl again." I said and Quinn hugged me.

"First of all, you didn't deserve what happened with you Rach, what happened to you was suck in so many levels, no one deserve that. And you don't have to be that girl again, you will never be like her ever again, you grown up, you changed. You're a good person Rach, believe me." She said and I smile to her.

"You really think I should join?" I asked her.

"I do." She said.

"I will think about that again." I said and she smiled.

After that boring French class, I had another classes. I can't stop thinking about what Quinn said, should I join glee again? Now is time for lunch, yay! I'm not hungry thought, I barely eat thought, it's been days since I comeback but I can't eat, every time I eat I remember the years that I spend hungry, so the memories comeback and I loose the appetite.

I decided to go to the auditorium, there is a good place to think, I sit by the piano and decided to sing. I started playing and singing.

Finn's POV

I left the cafeteria to grab something at my locker, when I step in front of the auditorium, I heard an angelical voice coming from there. I walk in silent and see Rachel plying the piano and singing. I sit on the last row, close my eyes and just hear her singing, her voice, wow.

Wow, it's the only word that can express. I forgot how amazing her voice sounded, it's perfect. The gently way that she plays piano keys, her perfect curly brunette hair falling perfectly on her back. She is perfect, absolutely perfect.

I wonder if she knows that, that she is perfect. I don't know if she knows, but I know. I know that since the day I met her, everyone thought she was a spoiled New York girl, but I never thought that about her. I always thought she was something more, for me she was never a spoiled annoying girl. I always thought she was interesting. 

When she was missing didn't had one day that I didn't thought about her, and when the police said she were dead. I cried so many times, I cried before going sleep, I cried in the shower. The fact that she never knew about my feelings about her was killing me inside, I know she probably never felt this way about me, but a guy can dream.

She finished the song, I didn't want this moment to end. She keeps playing the piano, but not singing, I want to hear her voice more often. It's relaxing, I wonder how amazing must be having Rachel as a girlfriend. I wonder how must feel when you kiss her perfect lips, how must be the feeling of hugging her. 

I loved this girl in silence for 3 long years, I loved her even when she were "dead". But I'm afraid that she will never know that. 

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