Chapter 7

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"AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" I wake up yelling and all sweat, this is happening since I got back, I keep having nightmares about the torture.

I look to the clock next to my bed and I see is 7am, I get up and take a shower. I don't have any force to be produce myself like I used to do before, I don't think I can of this. I can't go to the school, everyone will stare and whisper about me, I don't think I can handle.

"Good morning sweetheart." Leroy said when I come down stairs.

 I was with my wet hair, I comeback home Thursday and today is Monday, I took so many shower that I don't even have idea, my dads called the hairdresser and she come over to fix my hair, it was terrible after 3 years.

"Morning dad." I said trying to keep cool.

"How are you?" Hiram asked.

"Nervous as hell." I said."I don't think I can handle, all those whispers and the stares. I don't have a real talk with someone with my age in so many times, I don't know how to act." I said.

"Everything is going to be okay." Hiram said.

"I hope." I said, grab my stuff and my dads take me to school.

They decided to bring me here today, I swallow when they stop by the school.

"I can't do this." I said.

"Yes you can, you went through a lot Rach. I know you don't trust anyone anymore and that you changed a lot, but everything is going to be fine." Hiram said and I sighed.

"Bye dads, love you." I said.

"Bye sweetheart." They said at the same time and I get off the car and they left.

I walk and stop in the front of the school.

"I can do this."

"I can do this."

"I can do this."

I take a deep, like really deep breathe and open WMHS's door. As I expected everyone were staring at me and whispering. I go straight to Figgins office, grab my schedule and go to my first class.

As I walk in the class everyone's jaw dropped and I feel uncomfortable, I sit in a random place. No one was next to me, so that's the only thing good.

--Lunch Time--

I walk in the cafeteria and all the eyes were on me, I don't like having people staring at me, the old Rachel probably would like the attention, but this Rachel? She just wanna hide in her bed until graduation. I grab my lunch and sit alone in a table.

I look to the food, DISGUSTING. I keep playing with the food, but not eating, it looks really disgusting. Suddenly a crowd comes to my table and stay talking around me.

"How are you?"

"Where have you been the past three years?" 

"Aren't you dead?" 

A lot of people at the same time, around me, what I'm supposed to do?

Finn's POV

I'm here at glee club table, I keep staring the door, I didn't see her yet. The girl who I love in secret for such long time.

She walk in the cafeteria and everyone started to look to her and whisper. She is still shorty, her brunette hair is still beautiful, she's way more skinner and have a more serious face. She is still beautiful, she's wearing simple clothes, just a white jeans, blue sweater and blue sneakers, I think she must look beautiful even wearing a potato sack. 

She grab her food and sit on a random table alone, I feel bad for her, she must feel like that all the time, that she is alone. I notice that she looks with a disgust face to the food and I giggle a little to the face she made, I can't blame her, the food here is disgusting.

A lot of people start to come to her table and started to talk, I see she made a scared face. Suddenly it were a crowd Rachel asking her things, humans are disgusting. 

I stood up and go to the crowd, Puck, Sam, Mike and Matt come with me.

"LET THE GIRL ALONE!!" I yelled.

"LEAVE!!!!!" Puck yelled and everyone started to leave.

"IF ANYONE BOTHER HER AGAIN, I'LL KICK YOU ASS!" Sam yelled and everyone leaves Rachel's table.

"Are you okay?" I asked Rachel who was still shocked with the situation.

"Uhm...Yeah. Thanks guys." She said with a small smile, CUTE. 

"Anytime." I said giving her a half smile and left with the boys.

Rachel's POV

"Anytime." Finn said giving me a half smile and left with the boys. 

Finn's smile is still the same, I remember that his smile was one of the things that made me fall for him, I think is very cute. 

When I were at the house and started to think about everyone, I always imagined him with his half smile and laughing. I think I might still have feelings for him, but he would never feel the same.

I grab my stuff and leave the cafeteria, while I'm grabbing a few stuff on my locker I heard a familiar voice saying my name.

"Rachel?" The person said and I turn around, when I do that I swallow in fear.

"Quinn." I said trying to sound cool.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked with a sweet voice.

"Sure." I said.

"I want to apologize. I've being dying in regret for 3 years to what I did and said to you, I don't want to be the old Quinn anymore. So I'm really sorry about everything and I hope we can be friends someday." She said and I can notice that she's being true.

"I forgive you, of course we can be friends." I said with a small smile and she give me a big smile.

"Is okay if I hug you?" She asked me and I nod and we hugged.

I think this is the first time in 3 years that I feel good about something, I think have Quinn as a friend is going to be a good thing.

(A/N: Did you guys like it this new friendship?? I promise Quinn will not be a bitch!) 

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