Chapter 15

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School day ended and I'm at my house with Finn, we are at the couch trying to find something to watch on the tv.

"Rach?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I softly said.

"What you did have to tell me earlier? About why you get late?" He asked me and I sighed. He was with his arm around my shoulder and I was with my head on his chest, I sighed once more and tell him everything, with the details, the questions, my answers and everything. I had a few tears and Finn pull me closer to him and kissed my forehead.

"I'm so sorry you have to be through this, but you're not alone, you have me." Finn said and I kiss him passionately.

"I know this can be ask for too much, but can you go with me Saturday?" I asked him.

"Of course!" He said.

"Really?" I asked him surprised abou how quick he answered.

"Rach, you're my girlfriend and I am crazy about you! I am literally madly in love about you. I'm so sorry that I can't do nothing about your fucked up past but I swear that I will do everything in my power to make your present and your future the best as they can be." Finn said and I smile and kiss him passionately.

"You're the best boyfriend in the world, how could I be so lucky?!" I asked.

"I ask myself this everyday since the day we met." He said and I kissed him.

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