Chapter 26

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Finn's pov

I hear someone walking in the room and sit on a chair next to me. It's been a while that everything is like this, I can hear and feel everything, but I can't open my eyes. 

"Hey Finn, I don't know if you can hear me and I hope you do. Please Finn, I am begging you to wake up, Finn please wake up. I can't stand stay away from you anymore, I need you Finn Hudson. It's been a month since you're in a coma and I can't take this anymore, you're the love of my life Finn Hudson and I need you awake. I won't give up on you Finn and I need you to don't give up on you too Finn...I barely breath without you, we are supposed to be together forever. Remember when you said that we are forever? I want this forever, I need us to least. Finn Hudson I need you and I love you." Rachel said crying squeezing my hand, she rest my head on the bed and cry hard. "I love you so much." She kissed my forehead and left.

I am feeling so bad, I want to wake up, I want to hug her again, kiss her and tell I love her back, she is my girl forever. I want to laugh with her again, cuddle, kiss her soft lips. I want to wake up, I want to open my eyes, I want to open my eyes. I try and try but I can't. I am trying so much, I try everyday, all the time but I just can't.

--A month later

I am getting desperate, everyday I hear everyone talking, holding my hand, crying, praying but I can't do anything about it. It's agonizing to be in this position, I am in a black space, I can feel and hear everything but I can't move, I can't speak, I can't open my eyes.

"Oh Finn honey, it's been two months already. I love you my handsome son and I know that must be much more hard for you, but please Finn wake up. I pray everyday for you Finn, we all need you back, without you everything seems that something is missing. If you don't wanna comeback for yourself, think about me, Burt, Kurt, Puck and...Rachel. That girl love you so much Finn. I think if you were dating anyone else, she would probably give up on you, but Rachel didn't. She is your soulmate Finn, she is still an optimist! Do you know how rare that someone like her even exists? She is waiting for you and if you don't comeback from this, you will change who she is. She is a total wreck without you Finn, it would be funny if wasn't tragic, she sometimes go tour house to talk to me and see how I am doing, she still cares. She is being through the same as me but she still cares about others, do you know how hard is to find someone like Rachel? Finn you're lucky. Finn Hudson, I know that you're strong enough to comeback from this so please don't give up, cause anyone here gave up on you." My mom said hugging my hand, then she kissed my forehead and left.

She is right, I know she is! I know I'm lucky, I know Rachel is the best thing I have in my life, I know all of that. But I am trying so hard, I didn't give up. I want to be there again, I just don't know how to open my eyes.

"Okay Hudson, I am done talking sweet to you. You better lift your lazy ass from the bed, there are people here who needs you brother. I need you, mom and dad needs you, Rachel needs you, hell even Puck is a mess without you, the whole glee club needs you, you are the heart and soul from the club. I miss you being that annoying three months older brother who insists calling me 'little bro' or 'baby', I've never thought that I would say that but I even miss when you mess my hair just to annoy me, I miss watching Project Runway with you, I know that you hate it but having you next to me makes everything better. You know that I didn't watched the new season cause I am waiting for you Finn? Everyone is waiting for you, please wake up." Kurt said.

 He didn't watched the new season of Project Runway cause he is waiting for me? I know that can sound silly, but Project Runway it's a really big deal in our brotherhood. He said that I hate, but I actually din't, okay I'm not going to say that I love, cause I don't. But I like to see when Michael Kors crash their feelings or when they do a terrible outfit, cause is funny.

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