Chapter 4

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*2 years later*

Why am I not dead yet? What's the point of keep alive if I don't have anything for live for, I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I don't have anything to live for.

"Does anyone remember me?"

"Does anyone even cared that I'm missing?" 

"How long have I been here?"

"How is everyone? How are my dads?"

"How are Finn? Is he still dating Quinn?" I know must be silly, but I still have a crush on Finn, I know he never felt the same, but a girl can dream.

I know I will never leave this hell, I know I will die in here, I don't have hope to leave anymore. It's been such long and terrible days in here. I have a lot of scars all over my body, I'm super skinny because I almost don't eat, I don't remember the last time I take a shower, I think everyone were right, karma is a bitch.

Why I had to be this bitch? I thought that I were better than everyone but now EVERYONE is better than me. I was a spoiled and annoying girl but now I see how futile I was, I just want to start over. Die and start over.

The man walk in the room and I already know, torture. The man is holding a scalpel, he's probably going to make more experiences with my body. My body is basically an illegal scientific experience.


It's been 2 years since everyone saw Rachel Berry at McKinley's hallways, saw her laughing, her checking her makeup, saw her arguing with Quinn...It's been 2 years that Rachel Berry disappeared and one year that the police founded 'her body'. Every year the school make a tribute for her, her locker is still HER locker, no one had the guts to take her things out, every year people put things in front of Rachel's locker. 

Every year when is September 11th, glee club is a mess, everyone is always thinking about how life would be if she were still here.

"Her laugh." Finn said and everyone looks at him confused.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Her laugh were one of the things that I liked the most on her, it's a shame that she never had the chance to know." Finn said and Kurt giggle.

"Her laugh was contagious." Kurt said.

"Yeah it was." Finn said smiling.

"If you guys had the chance to see her once more, what would you do?" Mercedes asked.

"Apologize." Quinn said quickly and a lot of people said 'me too'.

"I think all of us own her an apology." Santana said.

"Yeah, but now there is no chance, cause she is dead." Kurt said and everyone look at him with wide eyes.

"WHAT? It's the truth!" Kurt said.

"Unfortunately, you're right." Finn said.

--Rachel's POV--

For how long? For how long I have to stay here? Please God, take me away from here! Please let me die, I can't take anymore.

I started to cry silent and pray for my death.

(A/N: I'm sorry the chapters are short, but, I'm trying not to make the chapters to long, I don't want the chapters to be boring.)

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