Chapter 18

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A week later, Saturday. 

Okay, I am freaking out! Today Rachel is going to have dinner with me and my family and I am super nervous. Rachel is great, don't get me wrong, it's kind of impossible don't like her but I'm just nervous. 

I wear my suit and left to Rachel's, I'm going to pick her up before we go to the restaurant, she is getting ready with Quinn at her house. I get there and Quinn opened the door.

"Hey Finn, Rachel is almost ready. I'm going to tell her that you're here." Quinn said.

"Thanks." I said smiling.

The things between me and Quinn is pretty normal actually, no weird vibes. I know she is my ex but any of us think about that, actually she dates my best friend, Puck. Sometimes me, Rachel, Quinn and Puck go out together and it's nothing weird.

A few minutes later, my HOT girlfriend come downstairs smiling to me and I smile back.

"You're looking stunning." I said to her and she smile.

"Thank you, you're looking stunning as well." She said smiling and I grab her hand and we left the house.

"Are you nervous?" I asked Rachel when we get in the car.

"A little, I mean, I'm going to meet all your family. Of course I'm nervous." She said and I giggle "What if they hate me?!" 

"They won't hate you, it's impossible to hate you." I said and she smile.

"Seriously?" She asked and I smile.

"Of course, you're the most amazing girl in the world, you're beautiful, funny and smart." I said and she smile and lean and kiss my cheek while I drive.

"I love you." She said and I smile to her.

"I love you too." I said back.

About after 20 minutes of driving and I park the car. We get out of the car and I grab Rachel's hand.

"Are you nervous?" I asked her.

"Yeah, what if they think I am not good enough for you?" She said nervous and I kiss her passionately.

"You're way more than good to me." I said and she smile. I grab her hand and we get in the restaurant, a few seconds later I spot the table that my family are, we walk towards them.

"Hey mom and dad, this is Rachel, my girlfriend. Kurt and Blaine you two already know her." I said smiling and Rachel smile, we started to talk and my mom, Rachel and Kurt are really into a talk and I smile when I see them.

I am talking to Burt and Blaine about something. I put my hand on Rachel's thigh and she smile to me and put her hand on mine's and rub the top of my hand with her thumb and I give her a half smile.

The dinner is over and when I am about to leave, we are just saying goodbye.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Hummel, I had an wonderful night." Rachel said smiling.

"Oh please sweetheart, call me Carole." My mom said and hugged Rachel and she hugged back smiling.

"And call me Burt." Burt said and hugged Rachel as well.

After they say goodbye to Rachel, we go to my car.

"I told you they were going to love you!" I said and she smile and stop suddenly and I turn around and see her smiling to me.

"What?" I asked smiling to her.

"You're so perfect." She said smiling and I smile to her.

"I'm not perfect." I said.

"For my eyes you are, just accept the compliment." She said and I smile to her.

"How can I be so lucky? I have the most funny, pretty, smart, HOT girl in the world just to me." I said and we hug and I start to spin her around the parking lot. And when I stopped I still had Rachel's in my arms and she look at me smiling and I kiss her with so much passion. This girl is my everything.

Carole's pov

When we are leaving the restaurant I see Rachel and Finn talking about something and they are both smiling. Then Finn hug her and sing her around and they are both laughing then they kiss passionately. I just observe and I am so happy that my son found the girl of his dreams.

"They are so happy." Kurt said.

"I'm happy that Finn found the girl." I said.

"She is perfect for him." Kurt said.

"And she is a great girl, she is lovely and kind." Burt said.

"And hell she is strong." Blaine said as we wall watch the happy couple go to the car.

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