Chapter 27

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Finn's pov

After try and try, I finally could do it. I opened my eyes, when all that light of hospital then I close my eyes again. The room is empty, the only thing I can hear is *beep beep* from the machines, about 5 minutes later a doctor walk in the room.

"Mr.Hudson! You're awake!" He said surprised.

"Rachel, bring me Rachel." Is the only thing I can say.

"Who is Rachel?" He asked.

"My girlfriend, shorty, brunette, amazing. Rachel I need Rachel." I just need to see her.

"I'll call your parents." He said and left the room.

About 15 minutes later mom and dad enter the room desperately. They hug me tight, I love them and I am happy to see them again, I NEED Rachel Berry.

"We missed you so much." Burt said while they hugged me.

"I missed you two too, but I want to see Rachel." I said, she is the only thing I can think about.

"We already called to school, they are coming." My mom said.

"I need to see Rachel, Rachel." Her name is the only thing in my mind.

"We will give you privacy while you wait for her." Burt said and they left the room.

I want to hug her, kiss her and tell that I love her so much. I miss her, it's torture hear her cry and saying how much she love me and I can't say it back. About 10 minutes later I hear someone knocking my door.

"Come in." I said and the door slowly opened, and I see my beautiful girlfriend that I didn't see it for two months.

"If I were able to walk right now, I would run and hug you." I said smiling to her and she run to me and throw her arms around my neck and hug me tight, I had my arms around her and hug her never felt so right.

"I love you so much Rachel Berry." I said to her and she hug me even tighter.

"I love you too." She said and look into my eyes and I wipe her tears.

"I don't wanna see you cry anymore." I said and she smile.

"The difference is that now are happy tears." She said and I kissed her passionately.

"Gosh I missed you so much." I said and hugged her tight.

"Not more than me." She said.

"I missed seeing you, kissing you, hugging you." I said and she smiled.

"I don't wanna stay away from you ever again." She said and I smile big to her.

"You don't need to stay away from me ever again, I am here and I am okay." I said and she smiled.

"I don't want to leave this room ever again cause I'm afraid that if I leave you will be in coma again, I don't know." She said gesticulating and I giggle a little. "That's not funny, Hudson." 

"It's that you're just so cute and I love you so much." I said and she smiled and I pull her into a hug again and kissed the top of her head.

"I missed you so much." She said and I giggle.

"I missed you too." I said and she looks up smiling and I kiss her lightly then someone knock on the door.  

"Come in." I said, I'm lying/sit on my bed with my arms around her and she is resting on my chest. Then the whole football walk in cheering and I started to laugh and so does Rachel.

"The President and The First Lady finally reunited again!" Karofsky yelled and I am confused and Rachel started to laugh.

"It's a long story." She said giggling and I smile, I love her laugh.

"Man, we are so happy that you are awake!" Sam said and I giggle.

"Me too man!" Azimio said and I smiled.

"That make three of us." Rachel said smirking and I smile to her.

"Where's Puck?" I asked curious.

"He wanted to wait everyone leave to talk in private with you." Sam said we talk about for 10 minutes.

"Boys, I think we should let Puck and Finn talk." Rachel said and they all nod. 

"You're right, see ya in school man." Karofsy said.

"See ya guys in school." I said.

"Bye babe." Rachel said and kissed me lightly, when she were about to get off the bed I hold her.

"I don't want you to leave. I'll probably tell about this conversation later." I whined and she giggle.

"I love you." She said smiling and kissed me passionately then left the room. 

Puck walk in and we talked for about one hour, I missed him. He is my best friend since kindergarten, as though I love Puck, I want to talk with Rach.

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