Chapter 23

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Rachel's pov - Tuesday 9:55pm

After Finn brought me home, I take a shower and wear my comfy clothes, it's cold in Lima these past days so I am wearing sweatpants and sweater. Now is 10:10pm when I receive a call from Kurt, okay now I am nervous, why he would call me at night, is Finn okay.

"Hello?" I said nervous answering the phone.

"Rachel, I'm here in front of your house. Come here right now!! Don't have time to explain just come!" He sounded desperate and I am nervous. Suddenly I feel something in my stomach, a bad feeling. I run downstairs, my dads are sleeping so I don't even bother to wake them, I just left the house and see Kurt in car making a signal for me to come with him, I get in the car and Kurt have been crying.

"Kurt, what's wrong?" I asked nervous "Is Finn okay?" I asked while he drive.

"We need to go to the hospital." He said.

"What? Why?" I asked confused. "Is Finn?"

"I explain when we get there." Kurt said and we get in the hospital. When we get there we see Burt comforting Carole who was crying.

"What happened?" I asked them, I am still shocked.

"Oh sweetheart." Carole said crying and hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Can someone please explain me why Kurt called me and bring me to the hospital? Is Finn okay?   Why he is not here?" I asked and Kurt sighed, he had tears on his cheek.

"I think is better if you sit down." Burt said and I sit, my heart is beating so fast and my stomach is flipping.

"Finn got in a really bad car accident." Kurt said and suddenly the world froze. This can't be truth.

"Please tell me this is a sick joke." I said with a knot in my throat.

"I wish it was, I wish it was." Kurt said and I feel the tears falling from my eye.

"No, no...I don't know how to live if something bad happen to him." I said crying and my phone started ringing, it's my dad.

"Hello?" I answered crying.

"RACHEL BARBRA BERRY! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" My dad yelled through the phone.

"I'm in the hospital." I said crying.

"Why? Are you okay honey? Why you didn't woke us?" He asked desperate.

"I'm fine, well sorta. It's Finn dad, he is the one who is not okay." I said crying.

"Oh sweetheart, me and Hiram are going there now." Leroy said.

"Thanks." I said crying and hang up.

I keep crying and Kurt is trying to make me stop crying but he is failing miserable. About 10 minutes my dads, Quinn and Puck walk in. Puck is pale and totally lost, he is like a brother to Finn. My dads talked and hugged Carole and Burt then they hugged me. 

Why this is happening? Why my Finn? He is the love of my life! I would rather crash my car thousand times if this means let Finn stay okay. I can't breathe, I can't sleep, I can't live without Finn. If I could be with anyone in the world still would be Finn, he is the best man that I know. I am the best version of myself when I'm with him. He is goofy and stupid but he is so amazing the way he are. Never in my wildest dreams I could imagine someone better to be with, sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve him. Nothing is special without him, everything is pointless, he is perfect. He is just so perfect. His dimple when we laughs, his hazel eyes looking at me, he half smile that I love so much, when he hug me from behind and put his head on my shoulder and kiss my cheek. 

--3 hours later-- 1:00am

Finn is still on surgery and I swear, my dads comeback home cause tomorrow they have to work. But Carole, Burt, Puck, Quinn, Kurt and I are still here. I'm sited next to me and I have my head on her shoulder and she is rubbing my back while I am crying. 

"Kids, you all should go home, you have school tomorrow." Burt said.

"Burt, with all respect you're like a father to me, but I am not leaving until the doctor talk to us." Puck said. 

"Me neither, I won't sleep if I go home. I just can't believe this is happening." I said and started to cry again. I am praying so much for Finn, I want him to be okay. 

--6 hours later-- 7:00am

After several hours of surgery the doctor finally come out the surgery. Any of us could get any sleep, my head don't stop thinking about my boyfriend.

"Finn Hudson?" The doctor asked and all of get up.

"Here." Burt said and the doctor walk to us.

"Finn's is a fighter, when he was admitted he was very injured. He had several and very serious injuries cause by the impact of the car. He had internal bleeding and a few organs were damage but we were able to fix all of them, Finn's heart stopped twice in the middle of the surgery but we were able to bring him back to life. Like I said before Finn is a fighter, he got here really bad but now he is resting." The doctor said and I sighed in relief that he is fine now.

"Can we see him?" Carole asked.

"Yes, but two at time. But I don't want you guys to create expectations, he have a lot of tubes all over him so I just don't want you to be scared." The doctor said.

"Is he awake?" Kurt asked.

"He is still on analgesic effect but he should wake up in a few hours." The doctor said and left.

Burt and Carole entered first, they stayed there for about 20 minutes, then Kurt entered alone and stayed there for 15 minutes, then Quinn and Puck who stayed there for about 20 minutes, then Quinn left and Puck stayed there for more 30 minutes. Now is my turn to see him. I walk in the room and my heart immediately broke in a million pieces, he is with a cast on his left arm, and a few bruises all over his body. I sit on a chair next to his bed and grab his hand and kiss and a tear rolled my cheek.

"Hey babe, I don't know if you can hear me but I am going to talk anyway. I am so glad and thankful to God that you're okay. Finn, I don't know if you know how much I love you and how much you are important to me. When I am with you I feel that I am the luckiest girl in the world and the most loved too, cause you have this effect over me, you have the power of making me super happy. And that is one of the things that I love the most about you, cause even when you're not that happy you want to make everyone around you happy, you have this big heart *starts to cry* you have this big heart that I love so much. So please Finn, be okay, I beg you to please be okay, fight. Cause you're the best man alive and I need you." I said and kissed him softly. I sit again on the chair next to his bed and rest my head above my hand, which was still holding his.

"I love you so much Finn, so much." I said.

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