Chapter 14

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A week later

Who would imagine that after three fucked years my life would be so great right now? I have this awesome boyfriend and awesome best friend, and my best friend us dating my boyfriend's best friends. Confusing? Puck and Finn are best friends and Quinn and I are best friends. Quinn and Puck are dating so are me and Finn, life is doing so well!

I get ready for school and eat breakfast, I brush my teeth and my hair and do my make up, nothing too heavy cause it's for school. I'm waiting for Finn, he always pick me up to school, cute right?

I hear the bell ringing, must be Finn but is strange cause he usually stays in the car, I open the door and it's not Finn, it's a guy in a suit.

"Does Rachel Berry live here?" The man asked.

"Yeah, it's me, why? I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked nervous, I was blank, please don't take me again! My hands were shaking.

"I'm Special Agent Smith, I work for the FBI, I have a few questions about your kidnapped. Can you answer them?" He asked and I swallow.

"Sure, come in please." I said and give space to the man come in "Want water or something?"

"No, thank you." He said.

"So, what are the questions?" I asked him.

"There were more people there with you? Victims?" He asked and I swallow remembering.

"It was a very big house, so I didn't had contact with anyone. But I could hear yells of pain coming from the torture room." I said staring at the wall, I quickly tale my phone and sent a text to Finn don't come that I would get im school late today.

"You said there was a torture room, do you remember Remember what was in that room?" The agent asked and I swallow and look into his blue eyes.

"I remember that room every single day." I said in a dark tone.

"What they had there?" He asked me.

"There was that chairs that eletrocute us, whips and a lot of stuff to beat us." I said looking to the wall again.

"What they did to you there?" He asked and a tear rolled my cheek.

"They used my body to make experiences, they injected things, they used my blood. Luckily I still have my organs." I said "Sometimes when one of them took me to the experiences room the drugged me and when I woke up already in the room I had scars from surgeries that they did." I said "I have all the marks on my body, all the scars of surgeries and scars of the times that I was whipped." I said and more tears were on my cheek.

"They used you to sexual experiences?" He asked.

"No." I said.

"How you were treated there? How you felt when you were there?" He asked me and I look to him.

"Can I go to school? I don't like thinking about it." I said with a lot of tears on my cheek.

"Please Rachel, you have to do it. You're a strong woman, your survived three years in the worst situation. But we from FBI need you to help us." He said.

"Special Agent Smith, what is your real name?" I asked him.

"Harry." He said "You can call me like that if you want to."

"Harry, there was hell. Hell. That is any other word in the planet to describe the feeling of being there. I prayed everyday to die, I wanted to die! I rather die of being there. They treated me like crap, I was anything but a human. I couldn't take a shower, eat or drink water, things that everyone does anytime I couldn't do it!" I said crying hard.

"Rachel, I know it's a lot to ask.But the day that you were rescued their leader run away, but we think we caught him. Can you go there to recognize?" He asked me and I look him into the eyes.

"Can I think about it?" I asked.

"Sure, you have until Saturday." He said and then left.

When I close the door, I grab my cars keys and go to school. Should I go? What if is really him? One of the men that ruined my life.

I get in school and it is time to second period, I go straight to my lockers, when I am grabbing my stuff I feel big arms coming from behind me and wrapping in my waist and I immediately smile, just his presence make me happy.

"Hey babe." I said and kissed his cheek that was next to mine.

"Hey, I missed you in the first period." He said and I smile. "Why you are late?"

"Something happened." I said sad and he stood up in front of me with wide arms.

"I know you need a hug." He said and I hug him tight, that's one of the things I love the most on him, he knows exactly what I need.

"I'll tell you what happened later, I will probably cry." I said and Finn look at me.

"Do you need me to kick someone's ass?" He asked me and I laugh.

"No! But now we have to go to class." I said and I drag Finn with me, who was complaining about class.

"Before we go to class, you forgot something." He said and I look at him confused.

"What?" I asked him.

"This." He said and he kiss me the we went class.

After a lot of boring classes it's finally lunch time! I didn't payed attention in any classes, I couldn't stop thinking about my morning, what a way to start a day. I finally am going to see Finny! I just have a few periods with him, I go to the cafeteria and I don't see Finn but I see Quinn.

"Hey Q!" I said smiling and sit in front of her.

"Rach! Why did you missed first period?" She asked we and I sighed.

"A FBI agent went to my house this morning." I said and her eyes wide.

"What?!" She yelled and everyone looked at her.

"He asked me a few questions and said that he wants me to recognize a dude to see if he is one of the people that kidnapped me." I said and Quinn looked shocked.

"Are you going?" She asked me.

"I don't know." I said.

"Did you talk to Finn about it?" She asked me.

"Not yet, but I will later." I said.

"Look, he is there with Puck." Quinn said and I turn around just to see my handsome boyfriend smiling at me and I smile back.

"Hey girls." Puck said and kissed Quinn's cheek and sit next to her.

"Hey!" Quinn and I said in unison and we all laugh.

"Hey babe." Finn said and we kissed lightly and he sit next to me with one of his arms on my shoulder and I rest my head at his shoulder and he is with his with his head on my head. I love being in his arms, I feel to safe.

Me, Finn, Puck and Quinn keep talking during the whole lunch. When the bell ring Puck and Quinn go to their respective classes and I go with Finn to his locker, this period I have with him, yes!

"So, when you're going to tell me why you came late today?" He asked and I giggle.

"Are you busy after school?" I asked him.

"Just glee club, but after I'm not busy." He said.

"Now you are, we are going to hand out." I said and he smirk.

"Poor me." He joke and I roll my eyes playfully.

Finn finished grabbing his stuff then I grab his hand and we go to class, I love Finn so much.

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