Chapter 16

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Saturday || Rachel's pov

I think I'm going to be sick, I can't do this. I can't see the man that ruined my life, I lost 3 years because of him and his scientists buddies.

I'm waiting for Finn pick me up and Gosh I am so nervous, this past days I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't do anything besides remember all those moments that I spend in that house. Finn is being so supportive with everything, he is just perfect.

I hear a horn and when I left the house I see Finn's car, he get off the car and opened the door to me, he is a gentleman and I get in the car.

"Nervous?" He asked me and I sighed.

"A lot." I said.

"Don't be." He said with a half smile and I kiss him lightly.

"I am just scared, ya know? What if the man is really him? I will have to see the man who was responsible to ruin three years of my life, and I am more scares that if is not him, I would be paranoid." I said and my hands are sweating and it's so hard to breathe.

About two hours later we get in the place, Finn opened the door for we and when I get out of the car he grab my hand, I was squeezing his hand so tight that I think I'm going to break one of his fingers.

We get in the FBI building, it is in Columbus, that's why took so long to we get here. When we get in the building they did all the procedures then they let us in. They took me to a room and they didn't let Finn with me cause they said is the law. I said and the Special Agent sit in front of me, there was a table between us and I was playing with the ring at my finger, I just couldn't be quiet.

"So, Ms.Berry, I will explain everything that we are going to do today okay?" He said and I swallow.

"Fine." I said, inside of me I just feel fear, I know I am free but why so I keep feeling the way I used to feel when I was at the house?

"First, I am going to ask you a few questions, like I did in the other day at your house, okay The difference is that now everything is going to be recorded." He said and I nod. Wow, no differences at all! My disgrace is already in my mind, I really need to share with everyone? How great, right?!

"It's okay." I said and he turn on the camera, I was staring a fix spot at the wall, still playing with my finger.

"Ms.Rachel Berry, your speak is going to be used in a judgment of a federal crime. Do you swear say anything but the truth?" Special Agent Smith asked.

"I swear." I said looking to him.

"So, Ms.Berry, do you remember how was the day that you were taken?" He asked me.

"It was a normal day, I wake up, get ready and went to school. After the day at school, I was walking home, I don't live that far from school so I usually go walking. When I was on my way back home,  someone put a clothe covering my nose and mouth and I fainted. I wake up in a room and I spend three years there." I said and sometimes my voice got teary.

"How was the room that you spend there?" He asked and I take a deep breathe.

"Dirty, very dirty and dark. I spend mostly of the time alone there, buried in dirty, I just leaved the room when I had to use the bathroom or when they took me." I said.

"What you use to do when you were alone at the room?" He asked me and I let a tear scape my eye.

"I use to think, think a lot. I use to imagine how my family were, my friends, school. I used to cry a lot too, but in silence, cause if I made a noise..." I said and more tears were rolling my cheek, it hurts os much remember everything.

"Cause if I made a noise, they tortured me." I said with a teary voice.

"Do you remember the experiences that they used your body for?" He asked.

"I don't remember all of them, just a few. Sometimes they drugged us and put us to sleep so that they could use our bodies, I remember they taking my blood, hair, sometimes they used my skin. They rip pieces of our skins, when we were awake, just to hurt. But like I said sometimes they just drugged us and I use to wake up in my room already handcuffed and I saw scars on my body. I have a lot of them, scars. Scars from when they hit me, whip me, cut me to get in my body." I said and I was crying, but still trying to talk, I want justice, for me and the others.

"Are you ready to recognize?" He asked me and I sighed.

"Can my boyfriend go with me? Please, my dads are out of town, I can't do it alone." I said and Special Agent Smith nod.

"Sure, you must need someone with you now, I know it's hard for you to remember and talk about everything, but you're being very helpful." He said.

We left the room and I grab Finn's hand, when we are on our way to the room, I was so nervous. I was holding my breathe, I didn't even noticed until Finn said.

"Babe, you need to breath. Just breathe." He whispered on my ear and I take a deep breathe.

We get in the room, we were on a side and there was a glass dividing the room. A few minutes later a guard entered the room with a man and... Oh my God.

"So, Ms.Berry, do you remember seeing him there? Is his face familiar?" Special Agent Smith asked but I couldn't say anything, the words were stuck into me.

"Yes." I said, I still had the shocked look on my face. I wasn't crying, I was just... shocked.

After more questions and procedures I finally could leave the building. When you're there you can feel the tension in the air. The man, David Johnson, is going to be in two weeks and I must go to be witness, Special Agent Smith said to me that a few other teenagers are going to be there to be witness too. When we left the building Finn asked.

"Are you okay?" When he asked, I just break down crying and he hugged me. I am so glad that I have him here with me, I couldn't do it with him. His arms around me makes me feel...Safe. And wow I don't remember the last time I felt this.

"No Finn, I'm not okay." I said still hugging him tight and crying on his shoulder, I think I ruined his shirt with make up.

We get in the car and I fall asleep, it was the first time in days that I closed my eyes.

Finn's pov

After two hours driving I finally arrive back Rachel's house, is already 9pm, we spend the whole day there. When I look to her, she is with her elbow rested on the door and the face on her hand and she is sleeping. I feel so bad for her, I know these past days she is not okay and I'm glad that she let me be here for her, cause I know she needs someone.

I opened Rachel's door and grab her keys and carry her bridal style. I opened her door and go straight to her room. When we get there I carefully put her on the bed and cover her with her blankets, it's kind of impressing that she didn't wake up. I lay next to her and pull her closer to me, I started to gently pet her hair and I kissed the top of her head. Now that she is sleeping, she looks finally in peace.

"Thank you for being here with me, babe." She said almost whispering and still hugging me.

"Anything for you." I said and kissed her head once more.

I keep watching her sleep for a while, I love this girl so much. I didn't tell her yet, but I always felt like this about her, about my girl.

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