4: Living After Midnight

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~ Amanda's POV ~

I felt bad for Heather, I really did. This all explains why she's been so distant from me lately. I never asked her if she had met anybody after we moved here together. I'm assuming that she met Tommy a little before I met Vince if I'm remembering my high school health classes correctly.

Last night when Heather came over, she told me that she wanted my help with telling Tommy. She wanted to hear what he had to say before deciding anything. She told me that she was considering all of her option options but that she would take what he wanted into consideration also. I was really proud of her for doing that.

She didn't want to wait any longer than she had to because we figured she was probably a month and a half along already. I went over to her apartment and we patiently awaited for Tommy to arrive. She told me they get together here all the tine so he shouldn't be thinking anything is out of the ordinary.

A knock at the door made both of us jump a little. "Can you please get it?" She asked me as she tightly grasped a pillow in front of her.

I opened the door and I could tell that Tommy was not expecting to see me answer Heather's door.

"Oh, hey," he said as he slipped in the door. "What's going on," he said as he chuckled. He plopped down on the couch next to Heather and saw that she was really tensed up. "Holy shit, are you okay?" Tears started falling from her eyes and I excused myself into the other room.

~ Heather's POV ~

I couldn't hold back my tears and frankly I didn't even care anymore. I'm the one who's pregnant here so I deserve the right to be as emotional as I want.

"Heather, babe, tell me why you're so upset," Tommy spoke so kindly to me. I paused as I stared into his eyes, soaking up every moment of him if he decided to run screaming after I tell him. "Please, come on, you're making me so nervous." He rested his hand on my leg and wouldn't take his eyes off of me.

"I'm pregnant, Tommy," I said, but no more tears fell from my eyes. He didn't say anything but he took his hand from my leg. So. Much. Silence. He moved closer to me and wrapped himself around me. I leaned into him and let myself cry onto his shoulder. He ran his fingers through my hair and hugged me tight.

"How long have you known?" He asked.

"I found out last night, I needed to tell you in person. Tommy, I'm so scared," I said to him as my voice was a bit shaky. He held my mind in his and I could finally take a deep breath knowing that he wasn't going to get scared off from all of this.

~ Amanda's POV ~

I heard a lot of quiet from the other room, so I came back to see them laying with each other on the couch. I waved goodbye to Tommy as I quietly slipped out the door.

- a week later -

I walked into Billy's show and I really looked forward to seeing Melissa and Stephen because it feels like so much longer than a week since we saw each other. Once Melissa saw me, she came running in my direction to give me a hug. "Bathroom, now," she whispered sternly to me.

We got into the bathroom and immediately she asked me about Vince.

"You haven't told me anything since that day at lunch!" She exclaimed, impatient to hear every detail of Vince and I's nonexistent relationship. I told her that we talked and that I was starting to feel better about it. I hadn't seen Vince since the day at the studio, but it didn't bother me much. "Vince is coming tonight too, he told me he wanted to see you," she said as she fixed her hair in the mirror. "And I'm sure you did, but did you hear about Tommy and Heather?"

Motley Crue - You're All I Need (Vince Neil/Nikki Sixx/Tommy Lee/Heather)Where stories live. Discover now