Chapter 7: The wedding

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Today was the day. You don't know how long I've been waiting for this. Of course something had to happen to Astrid for this wedding to push forward. It's a good thing that she was in a deep sleep when we fired those flaming arrows at her funeral ship. I have to say I smiled watching her ship go up in flames. Now I've got everything I want and no one can stop me.

I wore a beautiful long, wide white dress, with several silky layers. There was a tinge of green to it to match Hiccups gorgeous eyes. Diamonds were fitted around the hemming on the bottom of the dress. It was beautiful, just like me. My hair stuck out 'cause I heard that everyone likes it like that. Today was going to be perfect!


I was standing by the alter in the mead hall, Toothless by my side, he was the only choice that I was actually able to make. My mother was sat on the front row, smiling up at ne, tears in her eyes. Gobber was stood also beside me, he was to marry us, due to my dad not being here, and Gothi not being able to speak. I wasn't looking forward to this.

It was Friday, also known as Frigg day, the wedding had to be today to pay tribute to Frigg, Goddess of Marriage. (little fact for you guys! ;-) ).

Merida had picked everything, and I had noticed that almost every single thing in here was green. Urgh, it looked horrible. I'm so glad that she didn't make me wear a kilt! At least I still have my dignity left.

I looked towards my mum. I'm so glad that she's happy, it's been so long since I last saw her smile. As long as she was happy, I was happy, kind of. I wished with all my heart that it was Astrid that I would be standing here marrying. But that was not to be. A tear fell down my cheek, I wiped it away before anyone noticed, but apparently someone noticed.

"ya alrigh' lad?" asked Gobber concernedly.

"y-yeah, never better," I lied. But he didn't question me further. Just then the doors slammed open and...

King Fergus entered. Everyone groaned and the people at the bagpipes sighed as they were about to start.

"sorry!" he apologised, before walking to the front row and sitting next to his wife. She started cussing him. I sighed. I just want this to be over. Just then the doors banged open again...

With Merida. She wore a giant dress with a tinge of green to it, oh great. Her hair stuck out in all directions, untouched. She could of at least used a brush? I thought.

The people at the bagpipes began to blow and the wedding began. Merida walked up the Isle slowly savouring every moment, with Raven following close behind. I gulped.

As she neared me she coughed,


"oh, er, sorry..." I said holding out my right hand for her to take. She didn't say a word as we walked closer to Gobber. She held my hand tightly as Gobber began,

"Vikings of Berk, we are gathered here today to pay tribute to these two young people, our great Chieftan Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and Princess Merida of Dunbroch, as they pass through a bonding of eternity, is there anyone here who will speak against this binding bond?" he asked, please someone come forward and say something, I begged in my thoughts. But no one did.

"good," he said breaking the silence, "then we may continue, first, Princess Merida of Dunbroch, do you have your ring?" she nodded and leant around to take it off of Raven.

"good, now Princess Merida of Dunbroch, will you take Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III of Berk, through sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till love do thee part?"

"I do" she said rather quickly. Forgetting her vows, I think she just wants this go by quickly too.

"now, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, will you take Princess Merida of Dunbroch, through sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till love do thee part?" my palms were sweating. I don't want to do this but I have to do this for Astrid. My heart was racing and my mind was buzzing with too many thoughts. Merida just looked at me expectantly.

"I d-" I started. But someone stopped me.

"STOP!" she screamed. I turned towards the door and there was the most beautiful girl, with golden hair, and ocean blue eyes. Astrid?! At that my world spun and I fainted into a black abyss.


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