Chapter 40: I'm your mommy...

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*edited* ~ 15 / 02 / 2015


I rubbed Astrids back soothingly, as she bends over across Gothi's bed trying to ease the pain. I hated seeing her like this, in pain. If I could I would swap with her any day, at least then I wouldn't have to watch her go through it.

It was all my fault, if I hadn't snapped at her or sent her away, none of this would have happened. Now I haven't just endangered Astrids life, but also our baby's too.

"It's not... your fault..." Astrid breathed as her longest contraction finally eases up and passes.

"Yes it is," I said, "If I had acted like a proper husband, a father this-" she shuts me up with a kiss but then pulls away, gripping my shoulder armour tightly, bending down breathing in and out.

"It's getting closer..." my mother says, speed walking towards us, woolen blankets and a bowl full of cold water in hand.

"What do you mean?"

"The baby, it's nearly here!" she cheered excitedly.

"I can't... have this baby now!" she screamed, doubling over in pain on the bed.

"I'm afraid you've got no choice, the baby wants to..." my mother informed her, helping her to lie straight on the bed, examining her *ahem* (a/n I think you guys know so I won't go into detail! XD)

"It's 10 centimetres," my mother told me, "OK, Astrid, on the next one I want you to push really hard, right into your bottom," Astrid nodded quickly at her.

She took a deep breath, gritting her teeth as her next contraction comes on.

"Argghhh," she groaned as she lets out a giant huff of air.

"You're doing really well Astrid," I stroked her back softly, gripping onto her hand tightly.

"Easy for you to say!" she snapped at me, I felt a bit hurt but shrugged it off, she's in pain,  she's just taking it out on me.

"OK, remember big push," Astrid groaned again, stopping for some air. "I can see the head!" My mother clapped her hands excitedly.

"I can't do it anymore," Astrid cried, shaking her sweat covered head.

"Yes you can, I believe in you like I always have..."

"Just one last push sweetheart and it'll all be over," Astrid looked at me with her tear stained face, I gave her a reassuring nod as she began to push once again.


So many things were going through my mind at this very moment in time, too many to process. I didn't want to have this baby and not be the mother I was supposed to be, I grew up without one, so how would I even be able to know how to be one?

"I can't do it anymore," I cried, shaking my head with desperation, I just wanted the world to stop, to rewind, to when everything was perfect and nothing mattered, I didn't want life to be like this, so complicating, so confusing.

"Yes you can, I believe in you like I always have..." Hiccup told me gripping onto my now sweaty hand tightly, I regretted snapping at him, but it was just the heat of the moment.

"Just one last push sweetheart and it'll all be over," Valka tried to reassure me, I looked towards Hiccup for guidance - he gives me a stern nod - as I feel another contraction coming on. I pushed with all my might and finally feel all the pain drain away as I breathed in and out heavily.

"You did it!" Hiccup says excitedly.

"I... I did?" I then noticed something, "Why's it not crying?!"

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