8. The Glimpse

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Later in the bathroom Taylor hums a song.

 "You're in such a good mood, honey", I mumble with a mouthful of toothpaste.

 She looks at me in the mirror and grins. 

"Oh, I'm so glad that the Maliks are so lovable. I think we're lucky with them. I mean, it could've gotten a lot worse!"

 I nod, but I've my own opinion. 

"And, what is Zayn like? Did you have a good time? He seems a bit reserved."

 I knew that question would be asked. Should I really answer her honestly?

"Uh, Zayn might be a little complicated," I answer carefully.

 After all, I don't want to disappoint her. 

"Why is he complicated? What do you mean?

 "Well, I think he's cocky. He thinks he's the greatest." I'd say. 

"You can't have an easy chat with him. He always questions everything." 

Taylor embraces me. 

"At least he's not a shallow guy, Hazza. That's a good trait, isn't it?" 

With my flat hand I wipe the sink clean and go into the bedroom. 

The moon shines through the window and leaves a bright light on the blanket. The lights are still on in the neighborhood. They're getting ready for bed. Gigi walks through the room in negligee. Zayn puts his hand tenderly around her hip. She smiles and kisses him on the cheek. He leaves the room and goes to the bathroom. From the bedroom window I look directly into their bedroom. As long as we have no curtains,I feel the need to constantly look over . I don't like that and I have to force myself not to do.

Zayn comes back and I catch my breath. My mouth is dry and I can't take my eyes off him. 

What a man! 

Forgotten is the bad impression I have got of him. My eyes are direct at him and his athletic build. He's just wearing black boxers. Zayn is littered with tattoos which I would like to have a closer look at and touch. His tanned skin shimmers golden and his deep black hair shines in the glow of the night light. 

A God, with sex appeal. 

Compared to his wife in a negligee, Zayn is Sex on legs

Suddenly he runs towards the window, opens it and looks out. Before I can hide in time, he is spotting me. Our eyes meet for a split second. Zayn smirks, stretches out and winking at me. Thank God it's almost dark and he can't see that I'm blushing. Damn, I'm such a dork. He probably thinks I'm spying on him secretly and enjoying his looks. The man is truly a feast for the eyes. I nod back in embarrassment and leave hastily.


I actually caught the shy Harry looking nonchalantly into our bedroom. What a filou. Why do I get the impression that he's watching me instead of my beautiful wife? Well, his little game excites me and arouses my curiosity. I like it. It's a change from the daily routine. So I give him what he wants. Lasciviously I stretch myself and smile at him bluntly. His eyes literally undress me. He stares quite obviously and blushes if you catch him. How charming. 

Am I interessted in men? All my life I have surrounded myself with the most beautiful women. I know my effect on them and mostly used them mercilessly. But there was never a real challenge. The ladies worshiped me, no matter how awful I behaved. That spoiled my pleasure. All I had to do was choose between them. My ego craves conquest. Easy meat is such a turn-off. I want to fight for the person I love. Harry, on the other hand, lets me experience it again. Men don't necessarily fascinate me in a sexually way. They rather stimulate me spiritually. A smart guy with good looks is hot. My neighbour seems to be bisexual. Maybe he has already gained some experience. I had this impression during our conversation on the terrace. When our hands accidentally touched, he flinched. On the one hand it was unpleasant for him, on the other hand I could see satisfaction in his face. Harry enjoyed it.

Maybe I'll get into his flirting. But maybe not.

Until you came (Zarry) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now