Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

I walked around aimlessly for about an hour after my fight with Edmon. His words replayed over in my mind, and there was nothing else I could focus on. It was a miracle I didn't get hit by a car with how out of it I was. I was running purely on autopilot.

I couldn't help but rethink his words. He called me pathetic, and I can't help but wonder am I really? Did I become infatuated with the first guy to show an interest in me? Was I deluding myself into thinking Derric was interested in me?

I can admit now I have feelings for him, I've come a long way since middle school where having a crush was the biggest deal. Sure I had feelings for him, but life goes on and it doesn't absorb me.

Derric has a charming personality, I'm not the the first to develop feelings for him, nor would I be the last. It seems every female around me has found him attractive, but it's more than that. He has the brains and brawn, I mean he can keep up with me on our runs together.

I see a different side to him, one I would like to think is reserved for me. I never see him acting that way with his friends.

Am I foolish to risk telling him my identity? Once he knows I'm the meek girl living with her step-family after driving away her real family, I'm risking rejection. And on the slight chance he can see past my flaws, I risk ruining his life when the trio of terror find out.

They have their shortcomings but I know they will find things out eventually and find a way to turn the situation on its side to harm me and anyone who helps me.

There's a reason my aunt doesn't have custody of me, no matter how much she wants to. My step-father would rather have control over me and complain about me the entire way than give me happiness. Giving me to my last living relative would be taking me off of his hands, but he decides to make life difficult for himself and blame it on my very existence.

Regardless, I don't see myself as pathetic for wanting to go to a party with Derric. I always thought I was too busy for guys and anything that wasn't school or work, but he proved me wrong.

We started off as strangers, then friends and hopefully something more.

Why can't Edmon see I'm trying to do what's best for myself? He thinks he's trying to help but all he does is tell me what to do. There's a difference between giving a friend advice and ordering a friend to do something. Unfortunately for me, Edmon's done both.

Everyone has a certain perception of who they want me to be. My step-sisters sees me a meek, docile maid, my step-father sees me as a constant burden he's stuck with, Edmon wants me to be a kickass fighter and rebel but that's not who I want to be. I don't want to be placed in the box they choose for me, I want to choose for myself.

Derric never labels me, he lets me be the person I want to be, not some robot caged up. With Derric I feel a sense of freedom I've never felt before and it's exhilarating and makes me crave more like a drug.


I find myself back in the park without being conscious of it. The path I run with Derric was always a safe place for me, and in that moment that was what I needed.

I took a seat on one of the benches to take time to process my thoughts and the events of the last two hours. My hard work destroyed, the fight with Ed and the current numbness. Suddenly everything came rushing all at once as reality began to sink in.

It was too much to handle, and my tears couldn't keep up.

I put my head in my hands, my shoulders quaking with silent sobs. I was used to tough times, my step-sisters have been pulling stunts like this for years. The only difference was then I had Edmon, now I was truly alone.

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