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Chapter Thirty Five

Everyone kept asking me how I was feeling today, and each time expecting a different result. I was relieved and happy to be moving on, why do they have to make a big deal about that?

One day of frills was still a regular day underneath it all.

"You look beautiful darling." Aunt Ava coos as I emerge from my room.

"I'm wearing the equivalent of a pool cover." I reply walking down the steps carefully. The last thing I wanted to do was fall down the stairs and chip a tooth or something. That'll look great in the pictures.

"I got you flowers." She pulled them from behind her back like a magician.

"I told you I didn't want anything," I remind her gently.

"I know but it's a special day." She sets them down on the counter. "You should be glad I talked myself out of getting the biggest bouquet in the store." Knowing her she definitely would have.

"Are your friends meeting you at school?"

"Yeah." My voice comes out muffled from holding a bobby pin in my mouth. I was looking in the mirror to attach this annoying hat to my head. I didn't want it to fall off when I was on stage on walking off, that would be embarrassing.

Plus I spent a while curling hair into soft waves so the last thing I want is for it to get messed up.

"I thought your boyfriend was meeting us here."

"He's driving with his parents."

"Remind me to take a picture of the two of you before we go." She was giving me her note to self.

"Sure thing Aunt Ava." I call over my shoulder.


Derric and I have been dating for a few months now, slowly approaching the 6 month mark. We started out slow and unsure of the dynamic of the relationship. Our dates were just us hanging out and doing things together. It was a good way for us to spend time with each other in an unpressured environment.

It was mostly us eating junk food and learning more about each other. Even now he still surprises me with his stories, kindness and general upbeat attitude. I always ask him how he can be insanely positive.

He just smiles at me sand says, "I'm just lucky to be with someone like you." Then I smack him for being too cheesy to hide my blush. He laughs noticing it anyway and pulls me in for a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

I still remember the first time he asked me on an 'official' date. I looked at him confused and asked what the hell he thinks we've been doing before. He clarified and said he wanted to make things official and put a label on things.

I said, "Let's go for it." We were both ready so why not?

Then about a week after that he brought me to the park and asked me to wait and close my eyes. I humored him and waited for about a minute until I heard footsteps running in my direction.

"Open your eyes." He told me, slightly out of breath from running.

He was standing in front of me slightly flustered with reddened cheeks holding out a chocolate rose. "Will you be my girlfriend?" It was sweet that he actually looked nervous.

"Of course you big idiot." I say, leaning up on my toes to kiss him on the cheek. "You're a regular Prince Charming."

Derric groaned. "I hate the Prince Charming comparison."

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