Chapter 1 (Heist)

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Johnathan and Cameron Black lived and breathed Deception.
It was all they knew and the fact their dad hated them, hiding them from the world literally, until he needed them for impossible death defying performances.
Johnathon tries to fight tooth and nail but their father is older, wiser and stronger, resulting in being beaten unconscious, thrown in the hole while he beats Cameron.
If that wasn't enough he would use his boys in multiple bank and jewel heists, splitting them up between his goup of men.
He didn't care if they got hurt or killed by them or the cops.
"Hey Black I have a job we could really use your boy.
The one that memories stuff." Kurt laughed on the other end.
Yeah what you need him to be dressed like?
Well he'll love that.
Okay we'll meet you soon." Sebastian made his way to the trap door.
Both Cam and Johnny sat there looking up listening to his heavy boots cross the floor than to be assaulted by the bright lights above.
"John get up here Kurt needs you for a job." Bash growled as he kicked the rope ladder.
Johnny was exhausted by the time he climbed out.
"Need more exercise boy." Bash punched him in the back, Johnny screaming and cried in pain as Bash forced him to his feet.
"When will you learn to mind me boy?" Bash growled as he forced Johnny to his feet by pulling his hair.
"Get a shower you smell like a pig." Bash shoved him into the bathroom.
The water felt good yet stung as it flowed over the fresh cuts on his back were the brass buckle of the belt hit his back the night before.
Johnny stood in the full length mirror.
He was fifteen nearly sixteen and he still look like a child he was well under weight for his age, thankfully he didn't look sickly he thought to him self as he sighed.
"What don't like what you see ugly.
Get dressed we're late." Bash smirkrd from the other door way.
"Can't I have some privacy." Johnny grumbled to himself as he dressed.
Johnny sighed, his clothes fit in length but that was it.
"I look like a bum I hate exstream baggy clothes." Johnny grumbled.
"Tell me again the point of looking like this.
I'm supposed to look like some inocent kid not a gangster." Johnny grumbled as he walked into the living room.
"You do look like a gangster." Bash chuckled as he made Johnny take off the sweat shirt.
"Here try the sweat jacket...
Better go to the car I'll be down in a sec." Bash tossed Johnny the keys.
"Hat!" Bash reminded.
Johnny grabbed it off the hook as he walked out the door grumbling.
Bash opened the hatch again.
"Get up here." Bash ordered Cam.
"Get clean the clothes are on the bed, your food is on the table." Bash said as he grabbed something for Johnny as he walked out.
Cam did as told and sat weighting for his dad to return.
"Here." Bash tossed the wrapped taco at Johnny.
"Nothing to drink?" Johnny whispered.
"Check the back floor." Bash mumbled.
"You remember the rules?" Bash asked as he glaned at Johnny.
"Stay calm act scared which lets not forget I am.
Dont ever be a big mouth.
If rescued by police my name is John Smith.
My parents were away on vacation and they grabbed me off the street.
My uncle Sebastian Black is watching me." Johnny sighed as he pressed his head against the window as a tear escaped.
Bash heard Johnny take a shuttering breath.
"You need a minute to get that under control." Bash sighed.
"No." Johnny mumbled.
"Dad can for our birthday just one day can we have a day off to just.
I don't know be kids." Johnny shrugged.
"Kids." Bash laughed.
"We'll see, maybe we'll go to the cabin.
Might have to lay low a bit after what Cammy and I have to do" Bash smirked.
Johnny hated when Bash called Cam that it was a sissy name and Bash knew it.
"Took long enough.
Hey shrimp how are you doing." Kurt laughed as he grabbed Johnny in a head lock and gave him a noogy.
"Fine uncle Kurt." Johnny sighed as he put his hands in his pockets.
Kurt examined the bruises on his face and the split lip.
"Go see Luca and get this tacken care of.
Bash can you not hit the boys?" Kurt grumbled as he sat.
"He's a tuff kid.
So is his brother." Bash said as he glared at Johnny laughing with Luca.
He was new to the group young to.
"What's his deal?" Bash growled.
He's a good kid.
Parents got busted for meth kid hid.
I found him eating out of the trash by my house.
Excellent with facial transformation.
All done with this special make up he stole from the store.
Kids an artist loves to draw like Johnny." Kurt smirked.
"Hey Bash you don't mind I got the kid a gift just a sketch book, pens and pencils.
I could give them to Luca but its not like he needs it.
I got Cam something as well some cards I saw him admiring, those special ones you know with comic heros and those steampunk.
I didn't remember what he liked so I just got one of each they had." Kurt smirked as he combed his fingers through his thick black hair.
"Yeah sure tell Johnny and put the crap in the car.
Hey bring Johnny to cabin after just you.
Luca to but that's it." Bash said as he returned to the car...
"Ready Johnny?" Kurt asked as he put a hand on Johnny's shoulder.
"I guess." Johnny sighed.
"Hey stay close to me kid I'll protect you from the bullies." Luca hugged him from behind and frowned as he looked at Kurt.
Kurt and Luca discussed the plan away from the others.
Luca kept getting distracted by the other guys harassing Johnny.
"I don't get it, how can he be so willing to let his kids go through this let alone beat them to death." Luca growled as he kicked over the trash can.
"Bash is a complicated guy.
The sad thing is he wasn't always like this he was inlove once she was a beauty.
Scarlet Rose..." Kurt paused and smirked as Johnny stood there listening.
"She looked like angel, the room would light up with her smile.
Like that." Kurt point to Johnny as he was smiling a little.
"You and your brother are just like your mom, her golden curls, her porceline skin, her smile, her laugh too and those ocean blue eyes.
She ment the world to him.
He would do anything she wanted just for the asking.
The day she died, he died.
The unfortunate part he takes it out on you two.
To him you killed her.
One night you boys were three the people he double crossed came looking for him.
Not finding him they took it out in her left you boys unharmed locked in your rooms.
They were considerate in away protecting you innocents." Kurt sighed as he wiped a stray tear.
"I remember that was the first time dad hit us and threw us into that hole and threw food down if he felt like it." Johnny cried.
Kurt pulled Johnny away from being seen as Luca blocked their sight.
"I want you to remember one thing your mother didn't die because of you she died because of Sebastian Black.
You remind Cam that too.
K go get your vest on don't want you getting shot." Kurt hugged him...
"Nobody move!" Kurt yelled as he pointed his gun.
They all wore skie masks.
Johnny stood away from them.
There happened to be two little seven year old kids running around away from their parents near Johnny when they burst through the doors.
Johnny grabbed the kids by their hoods and pulled them close sitting on the floor.
"I'm scared." The little girl cried as she snuggled her face into Johnny's side her twin brother was doing the same on his other side.
"Its okay no ones going to hurt you." Johnny rubbed their backs as he clung to them.
The mother looked at him and mouthed "thank you"
"Get a hostage." Kurt growled as he shook his head at Johnny.
"Take the girl.
No the little one." Kurt pointed at the girl Johnny was protecting.
"Dont." Johnny hissed at Luca.
Luca looked back at Kurt.
"Hit him and take the girl." Kurt ordered.
Instantly Johnny started backing away with the kids begging him not to hit him.
Johnny felt a small swinging door behind him that led outside to the cops.
Without thinking Johnny pushed them through.
Luca grabbed Johnny by the hair and forced him up and put the gun under his chin.
"That was stupid kid.
Smart for them stupid for you." Luca winked.
Johnny was still afraid.
Once out and shoved into the car they took off in opposite from the other guys.
"That was stupid Johnathan.
What if one of the other guy got trigger happy, they know about your vest.
They could have aimed for you head." Kurt yelled as he drove.
"I'm sorry uncle Kurt.
I just didn't want them to get hurt, they were still babies." Johnny cried.
Luca pulled him into a hug.
Kurt pulled over and turned to face Johnny.
"Hey look at me.
That back there never happened.
Your old man doesn't need to know.
You did good kid.
You always do that's why I picked you.
Plus he's harder on you.
I figured you needed a break." Kurt smirked.
Johnny looked at him and weakly smirked.
Secretly Johnny wished Kurt was their dad and Luca their older brother.
"Have you ever been to the cabin Kurt asked glancing in the rervieiw mirror but Johnny wasnt insight.
He's out.
Hey Kurt drive slow.
Probably be the best sleep he'll get." Luca sighed as he combed his fingers through Johnny's hair while he laid his head on Luca's leg like a pillow.
Johnny cried and moaned in his sleep.
Even cried out Cam's name a few times.
Kurt was purposely driving in circles making the drive longer.
Yeah just hit a lot of traffic.
He had a big day he's out like a light.
Yeah see you than." Kurt hung up the phone.
"He's got another kid.
I can hear Cam trying to calm him." Kurt sighed.
"That guy needs another kid to abuse? What's with him?" Luca hissed.
"Yeah I bet its some girl he knocked up." Kurt grumbled.

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