Chapter 24 (Four Months)

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MW has separated Cam and Chase back into the cells and been sending Johnny threats causing him to constantly look over his shoulder, at one point he just stop going outside and stayed in his room...
"Johnny darling you can't do this.
You need to come out." Dina sighed as she tried to open his door.
"Its going to be near impossible to get him to come out Love." Gunter sighed as Travis, Matty and Carl came in.
"Maybe he'll let us in." Matty shrugged as he knocked on the door.
"Johnny its Matty.
Travis and Carl are with me.
Can we come in?" Matty said through the door.
Surprisingly they heard him unlock the door.
"Well I expected worse." Travis teased as he walk in.
"I'm just scared.
I didn't go crazy." Johnny sighed as he sat on his bed.
"Look I know she's crazy but this isn't going to stop crazy." Matty smirked.
"Yeah so your coming with us." Carl smirked.
"Coming with you where?" Johnny asked with a puzzle look as Matty pulled out some gym clothes.
"Well Col. O'Neil and his team have a very interesting course set up that would do you some good." Carl smirked.
"I am as confused as you but it never hurts to have some training." Matty shrugged.
"K get dressed." Travis tossed the sweats at Johnny.
"You know I didn't actually agree to this." Johnny protested as he changed out of his PJs in his bathroom.
"You know I'm not giving you a choice?" Travis shot back as he leaned against the door frame by the bathroom.
"Wait what?" Johnny said as he walked out of the bathroom with a T-shirt on while carrying the sweat jacket.
"Yeah either you come willing or I'll drag you out kicking and screaming.
Either way your getting out of the house and this room and become a productive citizen." Travis smirked as he cracked his knuckles.
"Funny thing I actually believe him." Carl chuckled nervously.
"Oh crap we gotta go if I'm late again I'm the target again and those intar rounds sting like fire." Carl said as he grabbed Johnny's sneakers and pushed him out the door.
Dina and Gunter were surprised to see Johnny complying tho it didn't really look willingly.
But they weren't going to protest.
Jordan followed with tablet in hand.
"You better stow that away in my locker." Carl said as he took the tablet shoving it into Johnny's bag.
The boys stood there watching as young soliders being ordered to do all kinds of opsticle courses.
"So you boys have a stocker?" Jack said as he and his team stood in front of Johnny, Jordan, Matty, Travis and Carl.

"So you boys have a stocker?" Jack said as he and his team stood in front of Johnny, Jordan, Matty, Travis and Carl

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"Follow me we are running a traing course in the ware house...

Okay so just for you boys we are the bad guys.
Carter will be MW...
Right thats the name?" Jack looked at Carl who handed him the folder.
Yeah that'll be interesting.
Carter meet your twin." Jack teased.
Sam chuckled.

Sam chuckled

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