Chapter 5 (Protection)

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The next day Bash was enraged.
He was sitting quietly waiting till he heard them opening the secret door in the closet.
Bash hid by the closet door and waited for one of them to come out.
Johnny was the first one to come out.
Bash grabbed him by the hair and put a rag over his face.
Before Cam could react Bash had him.
Chase went back inside and locked the door.
"Chase get out here or I will start killing them!" Bash screamed as he wrapped his arm around Cam's neck like a snake.
Cam gasped for air when he told Chase not to listen resulting in Bash applying more pressure.
"I will kill you Cam.
I still have Johnny and he can do the tricks as well maybe not as I like but he can do them." Bash said in Cam's ear.
"I won't let you hurt him." Cam gasped as he looked at Johnny who wasn't moving.
Cam grew concern, he couldn't tell if Johnny was breathing or not.
Tears started to stream as Cam realized he was starting to pass out.
"Tell him to come out, for his punishment I'll have him watch as I beat you two up.
I think its fair.
But if you pass out and I have to go in there, I will be taking an ax to that wall and you know how acidents happen." Bash hissed in Cam's ear.
Cam nodded and Bash eased up.
Cam coughed as he took a breath.
"Chase come out." Cam cried.
The little boy shook with fear as he walked out into the room.
Bash went to grab Chase but Cam covered him with himself as Bash started hitting him with his belt.
Johnny was starting to come too when he heard Cam scream and cry in pain as the belt buckle bit into his skin.
Johnny stumbled as he tried to get up and protect Cam.
Before Johnny even got a chance Kurt and Luca got in there and stopped Bash.
Kurt took Bash to his room
Luca tended to the boys.
"Where were you?" Johnny cried as Cam still clung to Chase who was still crying.
"Shopping for your birthday kiddo.
Chase go to Johnny so I can check Cam." Luca said but neither of the two let go of each other.
"Johnny can you take Chase make sure he didn't hurt." Luca sighed.
Johnny got Cam to let go while Johnny checked Chase, Luca helped Cam to the bed.
"Okay this might hurt...
Cam you have to take off your shirt.
I'm going to go get some stuff to clean the cuts.
Johnny help him...
Kurt you did stiches once right?" Luca poked his head into Bash's room where Kurt put a passed out Bash into bed.
Wait why?" Kurt came out and went to Cam's when he entered Cam's back was to him as Johnny was checking the damage.
Tears streamed down Kurt's face.
This was the first time he saw either of the boys with out a shirt.
He knew how thin they appeared but he didn't know it was pushing to severe.
That plus all the scars and the new opened wounds.
Cam looked like a war prisoner.
Kurt could only imagine how bad Johnny was.
"Cam turn around so I can take a look." Kurt touched Cam's shoulders the only uneffected area.
Kurt assumed the worse must be on Cam's face or head.
Cam cried at the touch as he turned.
"Awe kid...
Sit down so I can take care of that.
I don't know how but you two are going to have the same scar on your forehead.
I stiched yours to Johnny." Kurt smirked weakly.
"Can't you get us out of here?" Chase asked.
"I wish I could kid.
Johnny are you okay?" Kurt asked as he started cleaning the gash on Cam's forehead.
"Okay this is going to hurt.
I need you to stay still, if you move you'll just rip it." Kurt explained.
"I can stay still." Cam sighed.
The sad fact Kurt believed it.
Once he was done with the gash he had Cam lay on his stomach so he could clean those cuts.
"When I'm done with Cam, I need to see you Johnny." Kurt looked at him serious.
"No." Johnny looked at the floor covering himself.
"I need too...
What's this?" Kurt saw the bandage on Cam's arm.
"Luca get that off and check that." Kurt said as hot angry streamed.
Slow and carefully Luca took it off.
"Kurt look." Luca whispered.
"What is wrong with him!?" Kurt growled.
Kurt looked over at Johnny.
"Luca finish up with Cam.
Johnny take that shirt off now." Kurt ordered.
"No." Johnny hugged himself and backed up.
Chase sat on the bed tickling Cam's head.
Kurt grabbed him by the shirt he flicked out his knife and cut it off as Johnny cried.
"Awe kid." Kurt sobbed.
Johnny had all kinds of scars, cuts, welts to burns.
Kurt saw the same bandage and knew it was the same as Cam's arm.
"Luca get that gel out of my bag there's two jars use the other on Cam.
Johnny since your not all opened like Cam go take a quick shower, just put on you pajama pants for now." Kurt sighed.
"Clearly you don't like what he is doing to them..." Chase started as Kurt sat next to him.
"Look kid.
I don't like what he is doing but until I get my orders I can't do anything beyond this to help." Kurt sighed.
"Your a warrior?" Chase smiled.
"Yeah me and Luca...
You clean up nice.
Come here Johnny.
Now this stuff smells awful but it works wanders.
Should fade a lot of this damage." Once Kurt was finshed with his back he hugged Johnny from behind.
"I will try to keep you kids safer.
And make sure he feeds you more." Kurt cried as he kissed Johnny on the head...
Bash came stumbling down the stairs finding the kids sitting in the living room messing with the gifts Kurt got them.
Luca had Chase on his lap.
Kurt grabbed Bash and pulled him out of sight.
"If I had half a mind I do to you as you done to those boys.
No more starving them, don't even think about touching that little one.
I will not hesitate to bring the war to your door steps." Kurt hissed.
"Your a spy, man I have to hand it to you, you had me fooled.
Acting like my friend when did it start Kurtis?" Bash growled.
"When you set your sights on the throne.
They sprung me, being their uncle and all figured I have their best intrest.
The only rule, stupid rule I had to vow to watch and report but do nothing to physically stop you.
Do you know what its like watching you hurt my nepews, kill my baby sister, that day Bash was the day I vowed I'd kill you.
I even asked for that right when this is all over.
Trust me Bash once they have allowance or you make the wrong move they will come for you and I will be first in line to end you." Kurt growled.
"You fool.
You know they can't do anything to me here.
Look at you, stuck under that same pathetic, law not even capable of harming me.
I can do anything I want and no one can stop me.
I could walk in that room and start slaughtering those boys and there is nothing you can do to stop me old friend." Bash smirked.
"Your wrong Bash I do have a choice and after what I saw you done to them I am willing to risk my soul to protect those boys." Kurt growled as Bash chuckled.
"You know who has dibs on that soul.
It would be a fun change to watch as I have you hurt the boys." A sly smirk graced Bash's face as Kurt relised what he was implying.
"I would never hurt them." Kurt half whispered.
"No but your souless self would.
You remember the souless ones." Bash smirked.
"Tell you what leave this cabin and I promise to feed them more.
But I will keep hurting them.
I'll consider sparing the little one but if I even see you or any of your spies I will hurt him and maybe kill one of those boys.
I only need one to take the throne." Bash smirked.
Kurt solemnly walked back into the room.
"Boys, Luca and I have to go.
Johnny keep protecting your brothers but you gotta protect yourself too.
I taught you a lot don't be afraid to use it.
Cam you keep an eye on this little guy.
And you too know how to fight so do it and make sure you eat." Kurt hugged them.
The boys sat there watching as their only ally left...
Over the years Cam and Johnny kept protecting Chase who was as stubborn as Johnny and not afraid of Bash...
"Cam you better not screw up the trick. If you do I will take it out on Chase." Bash hit Cam in the back of the head.
The boys may have been nearly eighteen but they still got abused just as if they were kids.
Bash still makes sure they get their vitamins by putting it in their food and still having Cam physically take them because Cam doesn't even know Bash was doing that to him.
Cam knew Johnny and Chase but Cam always took it like he was always told.
"Johnny I don't feel right." Cam huffed as he sat on the stool next to him.
"Cam you look pale." Johnny checked his forehead.
"Gunter tell my...
Dad Cam can't go on." Johnny said to there new stage hand.
"What is it another tummy ache?" Bash growled as he came into the dressing room.
"He's fine." Bash growled.
"He most certainly is not." Dina said as she came in.
"Who are you to tell me if my boy is or is not fine.
They will do the trick as planned." Bash growled as he stood nose to nose with the woman.
She knows of Bash's temper fears it herself but when the boys become a liability or a risk for a lawsuit that is where she draws the line.
"Now you see here Mr.Black if Cameron goes on and perfoms that trick and if he passes out in the middle of it he could die or get seriously injured.
They will sue you." Dina yelled at him.
"He will go on as planned and Johnny will play his part as planned.
Do we have an understanding N..." Bash yelled.
Dina was stuned at what he just called her as was everyone else.
But again everyone knew Bash, he had no concern for anyone and they all knew he was one of those men it wasn't the first time he called any of his stage hands degrading names.
The only thing keeping Dina around was the safety of those boys.
She didn't know why but she truly loved those boys as if they were her family.
But man did she want to kill that wothless, spineless, worm of a man.
"You will mind your tounge Mr.Black!" Dina slapped him.
This was interesting to the boys no one hits Bash.
Dina stormed off as Bash glared at the boys.
"You will go on.
Drink some water and get out there." Bash grabbed Cam by the hair.
Cam downed three bottles of water and still felt the same if not worse.
"Forget it your not doing it, your taking my place.
I want you to wait till you are in the middle of the isle to collapse, try and tell them to call 911 before passing out, when they have you stable in the hospital tell them to search for poison." Johnny instucted.
Johnny took Cam's place as planned.
Bash knew nothing, till Cam paced out on an audience member who happened to be a doctor was when Bash relized.
Bash stormed back to were Johnny hid behind the curtains.
"You dare you disobey me..." Bash was blocked by Gunter as Johnny backed up into Dina.
She put a gentle hand on Johnny's back.
She cringed as she felt the raised welts under his shirt Johnny hissed in pain at the touch.
"You best go with Cam he is still a minor." Gunter stood infront arms folded.
"I will see to getting Johnny and Chase home.
Jordan!" Gunter called for the young tech kid he took under his wings. Jordan was only fourteen, an orphan
the boy was genius, Gunter found him one night in his hose afer leaving a window open.
Gunter couldn't get rid of the after nor did he want to.
Gunter legally adopted him.
Make sure those boys eat." Bash looked at Chase who Dina was now hugging.
"Come on did you finish your home work." Johnny asked as he picked up Chase.
At ten years of age the boy was still small and thin.
In reality they still didn't reach normal weight but at least they got more than when they were growing up and Chase was usually given more because they gave theirs to him.
"Who wants Chinese?" Gunter asked as they walked back to the hotel.
"Me." Chase gigged as he tossed a snowball at Jordan.
"Johnny you should wear a jacket that sweater isn't enough." Dina frowned as she watched him shiver.
"Can't it hurts, besides the cold feels good." Johnny sighed.
It was pointless hiding it, denying it from them.
They witnessed Bash wip and beat them during practices when they screwed up.
Once in the hotel Dina searched everywhere, she always knew he was drugging them just nevr had the real chance to find it.
"Found it.
Its a root herb to much can kill...
Gotta go." Dina said as she took out her cell and called the hospital as she got in a taxi.
"Did she say kill?" Johnny started to cry.
"Johnny stop you have to eat." Gunter directed his attention to Chase looking back from the living room infront of the tv, Jordan put on some cartoon.
The boys never get to watch tv only when Jordan and the rest of them were around...
"I am their manager!
Cameron Black has been being poisoned by his dad." Dina yelled at the receptionist who kept saying family only.
"No you listen, you cannot for the safety of that child leave him alone with that man.
Get them to check his blood for high doses of this." Dina started to shake as she got them to listen...
Dina pulled out her cell and called Gunter.
"Move them, take them to that place...
Yeah as soon as I can I'll leave with Cam.
I will meet you there.
Till than keep them there." Dina told Gunter.
I am Dr.John Stephen.
I was the one who Cameron fell on.
I did find high amounts in is blood.
From what I can tell he has been taking it his entire life.
Which also explains his frail weight for his age.
It amazes me how he even lasted this long doing all those tricks." John sighed.
"Look you can't tell anyone.
Cameron has an identical twin.
There is a ten year involved too." Dina pulled him aside.
"All of them being poisoned?" John asked.
"I believe so they are always tired and weak.
Have you seen the wounds?" Dina asked.
Let me talk to my security and have Mr.Black taken out of here.
You left you gloves on when touching that pill bottle?" John asked as he picked it up and put it in a zip lock.
I also had a friend move the other two some place safe." Dina sighed in relief.
"Good that was going to be my next question.
Now go in there and stay with Cam, get under Mr.Black's skin, it would help get him locked up for the night." John smirked.
"What are you doing in here?" Bash snapped as he looked at her in disgust.
"Hey D." Cam whispered.
"Hi Cam darling how are you?" Dina asked as she combed her fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead.
"Better." Cam yawned.
"You should be ashamed of yourself." Dina hissed at Bash.
That's all it took to set Bash off.
He was taken out in handcuffs.
"Cam I need to do a physical and take some pictures." John sighed.
"Could you wait till we go to his brothers.
I assure you Johnathan also needs tending to." Dina sighed...
With all three boys standing before him John felt sick.
'How can someone do this to these boys?' John thought to himself as he snapped pictures of them together with their shirts off.
Johnny had to help Cam stand.
"Okay let me get your backs than we can lay Cam down and I can tend to those wounds Johnny." John sighed.
Once done he left the boys, to go talk with Gunter and Dina.
Jordan sat with them playing something on his tablet with Chase.
"How long have you been working for Mr.Black?" John asked.
"Since the boys were fourteen.
They were much thinner than." Dina sighed.
"I believe it.
That herb is used for dieting and sleeping.
Its infact banned.
What you two need to do is write up a statement, all you witnessed on how he treats the boys and employees, leave nothing out.
I will contact my sister and she will hadle this case and get him put away for life.
Have them write every detail or at least tell you and write it for them.
Their word is whats going to get them safe.
I will be back in the morning.
Keep Johnny's back clean and reaply this after you change the bandages. keep him on his stomach and shirt off put ice packs on his back.
Dina he has an infection which is giving him a temperature.
I gave him something to break the fever and fight the infection, all of them infact." John sighed as he looked in as Johnny laid on his stomach with his head on Cam while they both slept.
"I can't even begin to imagine their trauma.
At least for now they are safe." John sighed as Dina walked with him to the car.
They both startled as two men approached.
"We mean no harm.
I might have a lot of information you'll be needing.
From survailence to vocal recordings." The young man smirked as he looked at Dina.
"Can we see them?" The older man asked his voice cracked when he spoke.
Dina could see he was concerned for the boys...

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