Chapter 7 (Custody)

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The boys sat nervously in the waiting room of the courthouse, they were placed in the children's area.
"Can one of you explain why my clients son is not wearing a jacket?" Mr.Drone asked.
"Do not answer him.
I'm Ms.Stephen...
My brother sent me the pictures and filled me in on everything last night.
Mr.Drone back away from my clients." Ms.Stephen demanded as she looked through the window that viewed the play area.
"I would like to sit down with each one.
I am going to ask for another date to properly assess my clients.
I will also see to it they are put in care of Gunter Gustafsen.
Your foster parents license is still valid which is good.
Ms.Clark I advice you to go get yours after we leave I can take you myself.
Now let me go talk to Judge Davis.
Trust me he has their best intrest at heart.
Johnathan could you please come with me." Ms.Stephen said as she poked her head in the play room.
"My name is Rose Stephen.
I need you to tell the Judge why you came here today in that six below weather without a jacket." Rose sighed.
The firey red head was young, fresh out of college, only twenty but she was already the most feared and wanted lawyer.
"Ms.Stephen." Davis smiled as they entered.
Rose knew not to touch Johnny's back but Mr.Drone did not.
"Judge this is not right to alow my clients to go back in their care.
Johnathan came here today wrapped in this." Mr.Drone slapped his hand gently on his back as Johnny screamed in pain.
Instantly Davis got up and rushed over lifting the back of his shirt while Rose yelled at Drone for touching her client.
"Mr Drone are you going to continue telling me your clients concerns and rights after looking at this.
I can tell these bandages were just replaced and I can see they need to be replaced already.
No I don't even...
Johnathan do you mind removing your shirt so I can better see and fix this?" Davis sighed.
Johnny cried as he took off his shirt.
"Rose, his arm..." Davis directed her attention.
"Look at this boy's back Mr.Drone...
No I don't need to look that man in the face to sentance him.
I assume the other two are similar.
As for why this boy didn't wear a jacket I imagine he couldn't wear one for how inflamed his wounds are.
No Mr.Drone you return to your client and tell him his parental right are stripped from him.
He will not be allowed anywhere near the boys.
If and when he gets released.
I am also seezing all is assets and placing them in the names of the twins.
Johnathan I am willing to alow both you and Cameron to be emancipated and be given parental rights of your little brother Chase." Davis now sat at his desk as his clerk typed everything he said.
"Mr.Drone you advise your client he is not to have contact of any kind with these boys.
If anyone dose anything to offend them I will only assume him and place more time on his sentance.
Trust me he will get the maximum isolation already.
In other times I could have given the death penalty for how he tormented these boys." Davis had tears as he looked at the pictures of both boys.
"Wow so hitting them wasn't enough he had to drug them as well.
Mr.Drone I should strip you of your degree for defending a man like him.
But I will alow you a chance to resine from him.
If I see you in my court room I will disbar you after he is put away." Davis was enraged.
"Rose please have the boys seen by the best care for their injuries, mentally and physically.
All expenses paid for by a separate account I see Mr.Black thought he could hide.
I think its enough to get the proper care and skin graphs needed and what ever else." Davis looked at Johnny and smirked...
"What happened why did Johnny scream?" Dina asked as everyone stood around them.
Mr.Drone shoved pass and left the courthouse.
"In all I have ever read in the text books or heard through out collage I have never heard of what happened in there.
Judge Davis emancipated both Cam and Johnny giving them custody of Chase.
Signing all Mr.Black's assets to the boys.
The home is theirs.
Mr.Black cannot in anway contact them.
I tell you I have never witnessed such a thing.
Judge Davis was outraged when Mr.Drone touched Johnathan's back causing him to scream in pain.
Davis than checked and cared to the wounds personally.
You boys are lucky.
Dina no need to worry about that foster license.
Now this was all amazing but with men like him you are never out of the woods.
Aside from the medical care the Judge asigned I am adding intense self defense classes.
This class will teach you to protect yourself from being seriously injured and how to fight back using yourself and weapons, they cover all basics.
Now when you are ready I want you to call me.
Till than I will be there for your medical appointments.
This is the number of the security unit that will be staking out your home and escorting you around till Mr.Black is officially put away.
I will see you boys tomorrow.
Take the rest of the day to rest.
Oh John wants you boys on a round of antibiotics.
He had an emergency and couldn't make it.
I just wish we could have done this much sooner for you boys." Rose sighed.
Should we still provide more information?" Johnny half whispered.
"Only if you want, anything more would do a lot to assure his maximum punishment." Rose smiled.
"Would kidnap on the accounts and murder be enough?" A woman who sat there reading a magazine spoke up.
"Mom!?" Chase yelled.
This caused Davis to poke his head out.
Next to her sat a man that looked a lot like the boys.
Wait..." Davis started looking back and forth.
"These are your boys, we been looking for?" Davis gasped than a sly smirk crossed his face.
"Oh Mr.Black is in for a big surprise.
You boys are on record as kidnapped we weren't sure what you look like from age three.
Obviously he was smart keeping Chase out of the lime light.
please come back in.
Come all of you." Davis's clerk provided more chairs.
"Now I emancipated the older boys giving them custody of Chase.
But now I want to reinstate their birth names and give you back custody of the boys." Davis smiled.
All documents signed the boys were now Johnathan Christopher Rose, Cameron Davis Rose, Chase JC Rose.
"You are welcome to keep Black for the shows if you intend to still perform.
I have to hand it to you boys, you are amazing." Davis chuckled.
"Thanks I don't know but we'll think about." Johnny smirked.
Everyone went to the Archive while Gunter and Dina went for the boys things at their home...
"This is where he raised you?" Scarlet whispered as she looked around the space, it was normal looking but also in away dark till she moved the thick curtains covering the window.
"We had a balcony." Cam gasped.
Samuel paused on a floor board that squeeked he backed up and saw an inset ring handle.
He pulled and opened.
"Whats this?" Sam asked as he looked into to deep hole lined with wood.
"The hole Johnny shrugged as he walked pass to the living room area and flopped on the sofa.
Sam looked at Cam.
"Is that blood?" Sam asked as he knelt closer.
He did throw us down there after beating us." Cam sighed.
Sam and Scarlet had tears streaming as they wondered around the place seeing how their boys were raised.
What's this!?" Scarlet yelled as she saw their rooms.
"Its exactly what it looks like." Johnny grumbled from the couch.
Sam found a toolbox and went to work getting rid of the chains.
"Are you sure you want to stay here?" Scarlet asked as she sat on the coffee table looking at her boys all pressed against each other.
"Yeah its our home." Johnny shrugged.
"Well yeah in away it is another thing he stole from our family.
But Johnny you don't have to stay where you were hurt." Scarlet said as she gently touched his knee cauing him to jump.
Any touch from people he didn't know was considered frightening.
Scarlet frowned.
Her babys were damaged and she didn't know how to fix it.
Even Chase subjected to that man for two years was showing the same signs.
Well your dad and I will be sleeping out here if you need us." Scarlet sighed as she went to the fridge.
"Okay this is locked." Scarlet huffed.
Johnny came over and picked the lock.
"Now its not." Johnny smirked.
"Well looks like he fed himself good." Scarlet grumbled as she looked at the food stocked in the fridge.
"Yeah well either way I don't trust any of that crap in there.
Yeah he never ate any of that he portioned it out for us.
Probably already poisoned just in case we snuck in there." Johnny said as he walked away.
"Poisoned!?" Scarlet looked over at her boys sitting on the sofa looking back at her.
"Yeah we didn't choose to look like this.
John said its some kind of diet and sleeping herb that's banned." Cam said as he looked back at the window he never knew existed.
They jumped when she slammed something in anger and stormed off to the bathroom.
"Hey its not you boys, its just overwhelming with all she is realizing happened.
Plus we were so close.
See those apartments we were staying there." Sam sighed...
The boys decided to fall asleep on the couch in the living room.
Scarlet watched as her boys slept together.
Cam had his head on Johnny's shoulder, while Johnny's head was on Cam's Chase was all snuggled up to Cam.
When Dina, Gunter and Jordan entered the kept quiet already knowing how easily startled the boys get.
"How long have they been sleeping?" Dina whispered.
"Not long they were up just looking out the window.
Dina how long have you known them?" Scarlet asked.
"Since they were fourteen.
I started working with Sebastia when I was eighteen.
I just got my financial license.
I graduated early from high school and went right into business school.
All the times I have seen them he was harsh with them.
Hitting them over the smallest thing.
None of us had the courage to stand up to him.
I wish I did though.
I always had a feeling on how bad it was but I didn't know this bad." Dina started to cry.
"It cool D." Johnny said from the couch.
"Johnny is a light sleeper but once Cam and Chase sleep they are out." Dina smirked.
"Its a defense mechanism.
Their brains are litterly shutting off for hope if they sleep they wouldn't get hurt." Johnny sighed as he pulled Cam closer.
"How do you know all this?" Scarlet smirked as she sat next to him.
"I read about it.
I read a lot of medical stuff." Johnny smirked...

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