Chapter 34 (A new Bash)

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Bash sighed as he sat down on the chair.
He wrapped up his knee than just relaxed as Cam and Johnny sat on the bed looking at him trying to figure out if they even knew the man they were raised by.
"Take a picture it'll last longer." Bash chuckled breaking the silence.
Both boys smirked at the comment.
"Move over." Bash said as he got to the bed.
"Go ahead ask." Bash sighed.
"Why did you beat us like you did, if it wasn't your idea?" Johnny narrowed his eyes at him.
"If I didn't he would have done worse, you heard him.
Johnny you would be in a wheelchair or worse if he punished you.
Did I enjoy what I did to you boys?
I cried every night when you boys were little.
Sure as years went on I was more at ease with it, it was becoming second nature.
I am ashamed of what I done.
I was the first to hold you John.
Your dad wanted me to have that moment as he cut the cord.
When the nusse took you to clean you it was like she took a piece of of me with her.
I held you as Cam was born.
Your dad was an odd ball he insisted I had to hold both of you side by did as he cut Cam's cord.
You know how hard that was but I loved holding both of you.
Scarlet had complications apparently there was a third they had to rush her into surgery.
I stayed with you boys we laid on the bed as I watched you to cling to one another.
I knew than you to could never be apart.
I couldn't wait to see the interaction a third baby would be like.
When you two started crying it frightened me it wasn't a normal cry it was of pain.
Alex was in tears as he entered.
The baby didn't make it a girl.
I felt so devastated for my little brother than I looked at you two helpless and without your sister.
It tore me apart I was determined to never aloe Jones to turn me into that person again.
But he was stronger than me and he over powered me drugging me with an herb that can turn someone like Cam into a raging lunatic.
There were times Jones couldn't get to us so the effects wore off and I was free to love you boys again.
Those days you probably don't remember anymore.
But those happy days were actual father and son bonding moments we had.
I tried to hide us but he found us.
Took you boys to be hostages while he got me back the way he wanted.
Remember just with Nik when I tried to rescue you boys, that was another time that drug wore off because again he couldn't get to me.
But of course his lead man Nik made sure I was back to being their drone." Bash sighed as he looked at their confused faces.
"Are you telling me that he could just flip a switch and turn one of us into a killer?" Johnny said half in tears.
If he did that he would limit his chances on getting that fortune..." Bash glanced at the door and listened to Jones hurting Alex.
"See I might have been acting like I wanted it too but I wanted to destroy it, if Jones got his hands on it he would bring the spiritual realms into the natural.
And so start the end of times or so they would think having their eyes opened to the Demons and Angels that they unlike us are blind to." Bash coughed this time he was feeling the effects of being off the drug.
"I use to be like you Johnny, I'd try and protect Alex as he did the same for me.
I was the one who got Jones to back off for as long as I could.
He locked me in my house pumping me with that drug when he went after you boys...
Cynthia and me got close one day and Chace isn't a result of rape, neither of you kids are you all come from love.
Alex and your mom loved each other.
I fell love with Cynthia.
But Jones got to her drugging her making her crazy that's why we went there Cam.
I had to get Chace out of there before Jones did it again but this time keeping him from me knowing he is mine and I wouldn't hurt him like you two.
Those tattoos are not his doing that one is mine, its to tell others in the realm that they need to protect you from Jones.
Everyone in the realms know of it.
I am sorry I did it with giving you great pain on your birthdays noless but I needed you to scream for him I had hopes to let you boys be but he figured it out.
I wasn't drunk I was pumped full of that drug." Bash said as tears threatened to fall.
"So when you asked me what cake we wanted for our birthday you actually cared?" Cam asked still longing for love from Bash.
Bash could see it in Cam's eyes.
"You were always a special one Cam...
Yes I really cared.
You as well John when you were upset I really did want you to say yes to needing a moment.
I wanted to pull lover the car hug you and tell you I loved you and I don't know I was thinking about having Kurt take all three of you and hide you from us.
I ran out of the drug a week before purposely I flushed them.
So I could be level headed so I could give you to a sweet sixteen birthday.
You were growing up so fast and I missed it all.
Missed my chance to let you know I cared.
To get you safe.
When I came home and gave you those tattoos I was only just beginning again.
Jones cornered me while I was at the store." Bash just blurted as tears fell
"What about know the drug are you on it?" Cam half whispered.
"He stopped it yesterday so he could deal with me.
Johnny it was the ware off it has a worse effect.
I would have killed you if you didn't kick me...
That awful drug, he made me give it to you boys.
Cam that day you were still taking the pill form, Jones made your meal, he always made all your meals.
He told me when he put it in Johnny's and Chace's but Cam he didn't tell me about yours.
Jones called me at the hospital, laughing, telling me he put more in yours." Bash had tears streaming down his face.
"Why single me out like that?
I was listening.
I never protested like Johnny." Cam narrowed his eyes.
"Thats why.
He was warning me that you would change me, that I needed to be harder on you.
Cam I never wanted to hurt either of you boys but you especially, always quiet, always doing what your told after everything I did to hurt you, you still trusted me wanted my love and approval.
Jones knew I was starting to be more laxed with you.
You probably didn't notice it but trust me I was." Bash sighed.
"What now?" Johnny huffed as he rested back against the bed frame next to Bash shoulder to shoulder as tears fell.
'Triplet' Johnny's mind reminded.
"What I been training you boys for.
I always told you escape or die." Bash smirked.
Johnny looked over at him.
"Wait you meant it literally for this moment?
But than yet in the moment to." Johnny reminded.
'Triplets.' Johnny's mind repeated.
"No I was never going to let either of you die.
I had it all under control.
I knew how far I could push you boys.
Johnny those studies I forced on you wasn't to hurt you they were to strengthen you and sharpen you for this moment all of it was old Latin.
Jones favorite language to use with his demon imps.
I wanted you to know what he was saying so you can protect yourself and Cam.
Johnny that day you two tried to run I was saving your lives.
If either of you got on that elevator that day you would have died.
Or if he would have taken the stairs Jones would have grabbed him.
And trust me he would nearly kill Cam.
I know you boys needed each other to survive thats why I never kept you boys apart.
I just wish I was brave enough to run and hide with you boys, that would have been the best way to protect you.
Kurt tried to convince me once but I was to afraid of Jones.
I was the one to shoot Kurt it was staged, a plan he and I had.
If Nik and I caught up.
But who ever shot Mack I still don't know.
I knew you didn't fire that shot.
The safety was still on.
I took it off before Nik saw.
I didn't want Jones hunting down someone who is protecting you boys." Bash explained.
Johnny was about to speak when Bash gripped his wrist to quiet him.
They watched as Alex's limp body was drug pass and taken to his room.
Jones smirked as he peeked in at the three sitting on the bed.
Johnny narrowed his eyes at him.
'Triplets!' Johnny's mind practical practically yelled causing Johnny to nearly react but Bash's grip on his wrist reminded him to stay calm
"Awe finally getting along.
Enjoy it while it lasts." Jones winked at Bash who's stomach turned into nots.
Tears fell as Bash remembers what Jones puts him through till he injects him.
"Listen to me.
You two have to get out of here, take Chace and your friends and run.
There is a tunnel through that door Jones had Alex in.
I will lead you as far as I can but with my knee its not going to be long." Bash said as he jumped up and picked the lock.
"Hey little brother ready to ditch this place?" Bash smirked at Alex who was leaning against the door.
"Only if your coming.
I'm not leaving you with him.
Especially now." Alex whinced as he got up.
"Alex I can't, you know no one will let me stay in their realm." Bash sighed as he supported Alex's weight.
What about Eternal City?
Johnny is king there." Cam shrugged as Johnny slapped him in the back of the head.
"What?" Cam rubbed his head.
"For all you know this could all be an act on..
No offence dad...
But on all their parts just to get there." Johnny said.
You think dad is in on it too?
Johnny come on.
Heck you heard Bash he didn't even want to hurt us..." Cam half snapped as Bash covered his mouth to hush him.
"Well thats one way to shut you up.
Now tell me first instinct when he did that?" Johnny smirked and quirked his eyebrow.
"Fear." Cam mumbled.
"Now you see why that's not a choice right now but I'm with Alex we are all leaving." Johnny helped Bash as Travis helped Alex.
"Travis forgive me for calling you that degrading name." Bash looked at Travis who just nodded in exceptance.
"Johnny I know of that drug he is talking about.
Its what all the Night Walkers and others that do the evil ones bidding take." Matty said as he helped Johnny with Bash.
You two please stay calm try not to look around we don't have time for you two to go into shock or have a memory flash back.
I had you boys here once because of Jones.
It was the worst time in you lives and I swore never to bring you here again." Bash sighed as tears fell down his face...
Johnny and Cam froze up for a moment as did Bash.
Johnny felt him grip and start hyperventilating as he looked at the glass box.
Johnny had a vauge memory of it.
"He would either put us in there and than burry us..." Bash shuttered as he spoke.
"It was like a coffin." Johnny whispered.
"Exactly all he gave was one small oxygen tank and he would wait awhile after it ran out before digging us back up.
Air ran out in both tank and mask.
We suffocated, how he revived us I'm not sure." Bash sighed.
"Why do you keep saying us?" Cam asked.
Because first it was me, next it was Johnny than you Cam.
I'm sure Alex had his share in it as well." Bash sighed as he forced Johnny to refocus and get moving.
But Johnny was faced with another contraption he remembered him and Cam were on.
"Johnny please move past it." Bash pleaded as he glanced back at the door to make sure Jones didn't enter.
"What was it?
I remembered it hurt the louder we screamed and cried the worse it got." Johnny wanted to back up but Bash kept him in place.
"Its an electrocution bed.
He would increase the strength there.
I had to knock him out, he almost hit max and it would have killed you both.
How you two even survived what he did have set on is a surprise to me.
We left after that.
Johnny you got sick after that day, that was your first hospital visit too.
I was afraid they'd take you from me,  if they did they would have given you to Jones, he would have come to claim you.
Kurt was taking care of Cam while we were at the hospital." Bash sighed.
"We were only six or seven when he did that." Johnny whispered as he felt the coin in his pocket it was made Johnny laugh and cling to Bash while getting his cheek up.
'Bash really did care about us in his own way.' Johnny thought as he glanced at Bash who gave Johnny a gentle squeeze on the shoulder and a weak smirk.
"We need to move, the tunnel is there." Bash pointed to a door.
Bash locked it from the inside once everyone was in.
"The tunnel leads to the realm train from there we'll take the train to..." Bash looked at the boys.
"Johnny the only safe place is Eternal City.
You can place us underarrest." Alex sighed.
"Okay but neither of you two better not make me regret this." Johnny sighed.
"Don't worry Grandpa won't let us do that." Bash Chuckled.
They reached the train station the boys were in awe of the massive train.

They reached the train station the boys were in awe of the massive train

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Bible tags?" A boy in glasses came up with a clipboard in hand.
Everyone pulled their dog tags out from under their shirts.
"Johnny can I have the coin?" Bash asked from the bench.
Bash fussed with it removing some kind of coating, both Cam and Johnny were surprised when they saw it shining pure gold.
Bash fussed some more forming it back into a Bible tag.
"Master Bash.
We heard you were deep undercover but I didn't know how deep!
Right this way." The boy got all excited hurrying them aboard to a privet room.
"My name is Simon.
Please wait till we reach the tunnel to explore the train." Simon said as he closed the door.
Alex and all the boys looked at Bash for answers.
"Let's get freshened up first than we'll talk about it." Bash smirked as he practically shoved Johnny into the bathroom.
It felt good soaking in the warmth of the shower.
'Triplet!!' Johnny's mind screamed as an image of a girl flashed in his head...

'Triplet!!' Johnny's mind screamed as an image of a girl flashed in his head

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Thats crazy she looks nothing like us." Johnny shook his head as he walked out of the shower.
Cam was holding a picture of a woman Johnny heard Alex say that was Scarlet...

Cam was holding a picture of a woman Johnny heard Alex say that was Scarlet

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Johnny snatched it out of Cam's hand.
"Hey!?" Cam narrowed his eyes snaking Johnny in the back of the head as he went to take his shower.
Johnny didn't even flinch he was fixated on his moms picture, it was the tough girl he got a flash of on an island...

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