Chapter 19 (Visit/War)

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"Johnny..." Cam whispered to his brother who had his head on the table crying.
I'm not going to make it in here." Johnny sobbed as Cam ignored the no touching rule and hugged Johnny.
"I said no touching." The guard yelled through the small opening.
Cam ignored but felt Johnny slowly let go.
"What happened to you?" Cam looked at the fresh cuts and bruises on his brother's face.
"Some guys who are all for whites only beat the crap out of us.
Cam I'm not the only one in here that was framed by that girl.
The kids that I met the gold dog tags too.
Their looking out for me.
But Cam I don't know for how long.
I mean just today before you came we got beat up..." Johnny paused and leaned closer and started talking in code to Cam about the war thats going to happen.
"Wait they can't just allow that." Cam was pacing now.
"Cam keep it down." Johnny looked nervously at the door.
"Wait..." Cam spoke in code realizing the guards are in on it all.
"This can't be happening.
Or allowed." Cam sighed
"Its crazy on all accounts.
Cam is there any way to find the camera feeds for the bank and the alley?" Johnny cried.
"Jordan is trying.
But it was Nik's crew.
They always wipe the feeds.
Its weird..." Cam stopped to think about something.
"What's weird?" Johnny grabbed Cam's wrist to bring him back to his attention.
"Oh yeah sorry.
Jordan said the way the Bank's feed was wiped was the exact way the street feeds were wiped.
He thinks this girl works for Nik.
I was just wandering, the only person who would have anything against us would have to be someone close the Mack.
But I don't remember if he had anyone close." Cam sighed as he rested his head on his arms folded on the table looking at Johnny doing the same.
A tear escaped from Johnny as they quietly sat there looking at each other.
"What is it?" Cam asked.
"I could ask dad.
But he's with those guys in Sodom some freaky group of guys that...
Forget it." Johnny mumbled as he wiped a tear away while still resting his head.
"Okay..." The guard paused when he saw the boys.
"Look I hate to do this kid but times up...
Go ahead, a quick hug but hurry before my boss gets back." the young guard sighed.
"Johnny Pete should be back soon to take you to your cell." The young guard said as he escorted Cam out.
Johnny sat back down like he was with Cam.
Eventually Johnny ended up falling asleep while waiting.
"Let's go Black." Pete ordered.
For once Johnny let himself be like Cam and just sleep.
He was pondering if it could be down or if only certain people can do it.
Or maybe he had a mild concussion.
When Johnny finnaly opened his eyes his head screamed in pain and he felt sick.
"Is there a bucket I don't feel good." Johnny started to cry.
He refused to lift his head for fear of vomiting on the guard.
As soon as that other young guard waiting heard he grabbed an empty trash can.
"Pete the kid is burning up." The young guard touched the back of Johnny's neck.
He gave Johnny a bottle of water to rinse.
"Probably just nerves." Pete smirked.
"No he has a concussion." The young guard helped Johnny to his feet and got him to the infirmary.
"What's wrong with him?" The female doctor asked.
"He has a concussion.
I don't get why everyone ignores what Pete allows." the young guard sighed.
"Look Michael its difficult and no one is willing to go against these Senior guards." Liz sighed as she examined Johnny.
"Look can you advise that the kid stay here?" Michael asked.
"Yeah like his friends.
Matty showed up like Johnny.
The others also beat up and Travis got stabbed but thankfully it was only a graze." Liz sighed as Maria checked on the others.
"Max what happened to him!" Liz ran to to help Max get Raven on the bed.
While he got Mas on the other.
That Sodom area.
They had the boys corned in their shower room.
I don't know what they were planing but whatever it was I stopped it before it happened." Max sighed.
He knew what he walked in on and was glad he wasn't to late.
"I wish there was away to get them transfer out of here." Maria sighed as she joined their conversation.
"Maybe we can.
You said Johnny threw up what if I say all of them got a flue and we don't have everything here to care for them.
That would at least get them out while..." Liz was cut off by the alarms.
"What's that?" Johnny asked as he looked terrified.
"They started.
Okay we need to lock those doors.
Izzy go see if there's away out." Liz said.
"Liz we can't walk out there with them. First off they'll get accused of taking hostages, second what if someone gets trigger happy thinking their saving us." Max said.
As Liz started cuffing the boys hands in front.
"No we take them out like this and go sit in the van where I can still monitor them safely." Liz said as she looked at Max.
"I hope your crazy plan works." Max kissed her.
"Its blocked off by those bleach guys." Izzy grumbled.
"Izzy stay cool." Max said to his twin.
Their gunning for Travis.
Heck us to for being friends with him." Matty said as he stood next to them.
"I should have figured.
Izzy you can't blow it okay." Max said in her ear.
"Max we're ready, well not Johnny but I am sick of those guys." Matty and Jerry said.
"Me too." Raven said as he tried to stand.
"Ready for what?" Johnny looked at them all.
"Wait your all friends." Johnny said as they pulled out their gold dog tags.
And we are not starting a holy war here." Max said.
"Yeah I don't think we have much of a choice." Matty said and as one his group was suited up.
"Whoa how did?
Where did that come from?" Johnny stammered as he jumped back from Matty.
"Remember what I said last night?
Its my spiritual armor." Matty grinned.
"Yeah and your all getting it off.
I am the leading general here and this is not going to happen." Max ordered as Michael stood next to him.
"Yeah well you might want to clue Izzy in." Jerry smirked.
"Seriously sis?" Max grabbed her by the arm.
"I am not waiting for them to kill the boys." Izzy growled.
"For crying out loud Izzy.
Get it off, all of you!
Last thing we need is for them to have a spy amongst them.
Now lock that door and get back, turn out the lights." Max ordered as everyone reluctantly listened.
"What are we going to do?" Johnny whispered as they all hid together out of sight.
"Wait for SWAT and let them handle these guys." Michael said.
"How long will that happens?" Johnny asked as he shivered.
"Last time it took a week." Matty grumbled.
"Well I'm not waiting a week." Izzy growled.
"I knew I should have hog tied you and left you at home." Max teased as Izzy punched his arm hard...
"Dina!" Cam yelled as he saw the news.
"Oh dear..." Dina practically fell onto the sofa.
"What!?" Gunter froze when he saw the news.
"Yeah its all over the net.
I taped their security feed found Johnny.
I think he knows he keeps watching me move the camera.
I could call that phone or her bluetooth." Jordan spotted Izzy's Bluetooth in her ear.
"Hello who is this?" Izzy hissed.
"Well I reather not say.
I don't feel like joining Johnny." Jordan said.
As he got Cam to join him.
"Can you put my brother on?" Cam asked.
As Izzy handed Johnny her headphone.
"Johnny we...
Well our friend taped the feed we can see everything.
There might be away out..." Cam instructed as they all snuck out unharmed.
The boys kept their hands up so not to get shot.
"Hey they are no threat!
We were protecting them! their scared can't you see that!?" Both Max and Michael yelled at the guards being rough with the boys...
SWAT calmed the situation getting everyone locked back into their cells.
It was a month till Cam could visit after lockdown.
"Hey." Johnny smirked weakly.
He looked a mess again.
"I take it things are still the same." Cam frowned.
"Its prison Cam." Johnny grumbled.
"I know...
Sorry." Cam sighed.
"We turn twenty tomorrow." Cam sighed as he rested his head on his folded arms.
Johnny followed suit.
"I know." Johnny sighed as tears flowed.
"I can't believe next year I'll be in here instead of out there going to a bar and having my first drink." Johnny sighed.
Cam just sat quietly watching his brother.
"Well technically you had your first drink." Cam snickered.
Johnny rolled his eyes.
"Say how have you been?" Johnny sighed as he reached out so their finger tips could touch.
"Dina still sleeps with me so I actually get some sleep, sometimes Jordan and I will crash after he tries to get me involved with a game.
But I don't know its not the same...
I hate him." Cam started to cry.
"Hey look at me don't let Bash win now.
You stay being my same little brother.
Don't let the hate for Bash blacken your heart..." They were interrupted.
"Cam times almost up." Michael said as he handed him the box with a small cake and a candle already lit.
"Happy birthday brother." Cam smirked as Johnny thought about his wish before blowing out the candle.
They both ate it and laughed as they talked about a happy memory before giving a quick hug and said goodbye.
"I'll try and come tomorrow." Cam said as he walked out.
"Hey heard it was your birthday." Matty hung over his bead and handed Johnny a wrapped gift.
"Its a book.
Oh your old man stopped by with this little thing." Matty held a silver coin in the palm of his hand.
Johnny snatched it and put it in his pocket than tore open the wrapping paper containing a book.
"Pilgrims Progress?" Johnny read.
"Yeah its a good book, definitely entertains the mind and takes you out of here.
I saw it in the library.
I flirted with the young girl she actually went into her book bag and gave me her first edition copy.
I think I might be engaged now." Matty chuckled.
Johnny laughed and shook his head.
"So what's special about the coin?" Matty asked again leaning over the edge to look at Johnny.
"When I got really sick once he said it was a magic coin that would make me feel better.
We were in the ER.
I was terrified just being there especially without Cam.
But it was the first time Bash held me and made me feel safe.
He started doing tricks making it disappear and reappear.
He made me laugh.
I think at one point I said 'I love you daddy' as I passed out from the flue.
He promised when I'm old enough I could have it." Johnny said as a tear fell remembering that day.
Matty didn't question any more.
He jumped down had Johnny scoot over so he could read the book to him.
Johnny fell asleep against Matty as he too dozed off.
Matty became Johnny's protector like Johnny was for Cam.
Matty didn't care it was like sleeping with his baby brother he missed as well...

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