Chapter 3 (The Cabin)

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Uncle Kurt and Luca was already there waiting on the porch with Johnny.
Cam ran to to him with Chase in his arms.
Kurt wrapped the boys in a giant bear hug.
Kurt was a giant of a man, his arm thick with muscles, the man was handsome and fit.
But he had a hug that was gentle safe and warm.
Cam sobbed against the man's chest.
"Bash what did you do to the boy he is shivering like he was put through ice?" Kurt growled.
As he rubbed Cam vigerasly after Johnny's took Chase so Cam could relax.
"The boy is soft he's always like that stop acting like its new.
Johnny the boy has legs put him down and help me." Bash ordered.
Luca put a hand on Johnny's shoulder.
"I got this kid relax." Luca ran up and took all the bags and their presents for the boys like a show off.
Luca figured Bash was crazy enough to destroy the gifts.
"You two spoil them, that's why I never get them under control when you leave." Bash hissed as he shoved Johnny out of the way.
Kurt practically carried Cam in as he clung to his side.
The boys ran up stairs to Cam's room with their bags and gifts and child, locking the door behind.
Cam opened a secret door, they all crawled through and locked that door as well.
"Wow its like a secret house." Chase wondered around the open space set up like a bed room, living room, kitchen open floor, meaning no walls devided the spaces.
There was also a bathroom.
"Yeah we stumbled apon it one day, for some reason Bash doesn't know about it." Johnny chuckled as he got them a soda and three cans of raviolis.
"Don't forget to eat slow Cam." Johnny smirked as he stocked the fridge.
"Where you get all that?" Cam giggled.
"Uncle Kurt.
He see's how he feeds us.
I told him about this so he bought this luggage bag and filled it with all kinds of stuff including healthy fruits and veggies, he thinks it will help stop our gums from bleeding." Johnny shrugged as he sat down reading a medical book.
"Whats that for?" Cam asked.
"Well with you and now the kid I figured one of should have some idea of what to do if he seriously hurts us." Johnny shrugged as he bit into an apple and handed Chase the banana he asked for.
"I saw mom." Cam whispered.
Johnny just stared at him like a deer in head lights.
"Cam mom is dead." Johnny snapped and went back to reading.
"No my name is Chase Johnathon after her first born baby boy, Cameron named after her second baby boy both born in June.
Last name for all Rose.
I know you middle names.
Cameron is Davis and yours is Christopher after mommy and daddy's daddy." Chase giggled at how he said daddy daddy.
"Chase what else do you know and how do you know all this and you can't let anyone one else know." Johnny urged.
She tells me every night how the evil magician casted a spell on her claiming her boys because she wouldn't leave them and their dad so one night the giant came to her saying its time.
She had to play dead and listen to her babies scream and cry as the evil magician took them.
She said it had to be done or he would keep coming and if he caught them, all would be dead." Chase said all dramatic.
"That's a scary story for a kid." Johnny spoke startling Cam.
"For him to." Johnny smirked
"The story changes sometimes, main theme she plays dead.
But the last one, last night.
She said the evil magician killed the girl watching them, he found the boys and took them.
Now that one I think she was telling facts.
The giant is there too but he's always nice and concerned for her and the kids.
I think its that uncle Kurt guy." Chase smirked.
"I think your to smart for an eight year old Johnny teased.
"What did she look like Cam?" Johnny asked with tears in his eyes.
"Like an angel, a lot like us if we were healthier.
Long golden waves, ocean blue eyes, the kind that could see into a man's soul.
Her voice was that of a dove, so peaceful and calming.
She smelt like Christmas, easter, love and warmth all rolled together.
I could almost see the day when we were last happy and safe." Cam said softly as Johnny closed his eyes and remembered...
"Okay my little fishies bath time is over.
Cam stand up." Scarlet wrapped him up in a plush towel makeing him all warm and cozy as she playfully kissed him making him giggle.
"Me next mommy." Johnny stood up with his little hands in the air as she did the same.
She laid her giggling babies on the bed.
She reached for their thin pjs, she always kept the house warm but she felt the need for their teddy pjs, the winter outfits Samuel bought as a joke.
"Now we are teddy bears.
Roar!" Cam said as he tackled his brother bitting the ear on the hood.
"Okay my little fluffy cubs time for bed." Scarlet cooed.
She scooped them up but decided tonight they'd sleep with her.
"I wanna stay up and wait for daddy." Johnny sat in the middle of the bed arms folded.
"You know he isn't coming home till morning, than we go on our long trip." Scarlet pulled him to her.
"To see the pirmds." Cam tried to say.
"Yes the pyramids.
Its in a really, really, really big sand box." Scarlet said winding them up again.
"Yay I can't wait!" Both boys jumped up and down but stopped suddenly as the front door crashed open.
"Quick like we practice into the hiding room.
Not a sound its the evil man." Scarlet whispered as Cam and Johnny clung to eacother.
"You protect him Johnny your the older one." Scarlet cried as she replaced the floor boards.
"Where are they Scar." Bash hissed as he tossed her across the room.
Johnny cover Cam's mouth and his own.
"Don't make this harder than it is just tell me where they are and live knowing you will never see them or hold them again." Bash hissed as he stood over her.
"Never I will die first." Scarlet spat.
"Spoken like a true warrior.
They abandoned your family to live here without protection and your still willing to protect the heirs to the throne." Bash grabed her throat.
"They are our boys of course we will protect them." Scarlet spat in his face.
"Your not Scarlet you her sister. Where are they Cynthia?" Bash slammed her hard against the wall.
"You know exactly where they are and you will never..." Bash grew tired and snapped he neck.
Johnny saw and screamed....
"It was my fault.
I screamed when he killed aunt Cynthia she was her identical sister Cam.
He wouldn't have found us if I didn't scream." Johnny sobbed.
Cam was at a loss, how did he even come to that knowledge.
"Cam I think we are royalty." Johnny whispered.
"Yep we are kings actually the original was killed.
Daddy is there now.
Mommy and me were hiding.
I don't now how the evil found us we were covered in their stench." Chase snifed his shirt and made a face.
Out of instinct Cam and Johnny sniffed him.
"I smell kid sweat." Johnny chuckled.
"Because you are untrained Jedi." Chase giggled.
"You know I like this kid." Johnny teased as he hugged Chase.
"Now what?
If he finds out we know anything we'll never see the light of day again." Cam sighed.
"Lets not worry right now, everyone full...
Okay let's get out of here before he comes looking." Johnny said as he cleaned up.
Johnny kept the medical book, they had a huge library so books aren't unusual.
They snuck down and went into the library.
Bash found them all in there reading Johnny to himself and Cam read to Chase.
"Found them, the book worms are in the library." Bash smirked as he leaned against the door arms folded as he watched them.
Chase looked up and whispered some kind of prayer under his breath that seemed to change Bash's expression as he walked away.
"What did you just do?" Cam said looking at Chase who looked all proud.
"I rebuked him.
Come on this is getting good dose he get a kid or not?" Chase snuggled against Cam's side looking at the pictures pictures of Pinocchio.

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