Chapter 9 (Suprize)

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Johnny woke with a massive headache.
When he opened his eyes he could see light filtering through and felt the rocking of the train.
"Cam wake up." Johnny said as he gently shook his brother and moved his bangs to make sure he was okay.
"Make the world stop rocking." Cam groaned as he rubbed his eyes.
"Get up." Johnny nudged him.
"Where are we?" Cam was now wide awake looking around he hit his head when he stood up in the van.
"Low ceiling." Johnny smirked.
"You had to wait till after the fact." Cam grumbled as he rubbed his head while sitting back down with Johnny.
"It was entertaining...
I think we are in a van, on a train." Johnny said as he scooted to the van door to look out the window.
The door flung open and Johnny was pulled out.
"Hey let me go!
Cam!" Johnny yelled as the door was slammed shut on Cam who was yelling and kicking at the door.
"Tell him to shut up or I will shut him up myself." The bald guy growled as he put his gun against the glass pulling the handle back.
Cam stop!" Johnny urged from the other side while one of the other goons held onto him.
"Mack said you can stretch your legs.
There's a room through that door it has a bathroom." The bald guy said as he reholstered his pistol, grabbing Johnny by the arm.
"Don't try anything or Hank there will break every bone in your brother's body." He hissed in Johnny's ear as they walked into the passanger car of the train.
People were going to and from their rooms not paying any mind to the man hanging onto a young man who looked scared and confused.
"Ten minutes or I'm busting the door down and beating the crap out of you." The man said as he shoved Johnny into the bathroom and closed the door.
Johnny took less than ten to relieve himself, wash his face and drink some water all after he cried a little.
"Well that was quick, good now your brother can stretch his legs, let's go." He growled as he grabbed Johnny's arm.
When they walked out they bumped into a ten year old boy.
Johnny's eyes went wide with fear when he saw Chase.
"Oh sorry excuse me." Chase said as he backed up to let them through.
Johnny looked back and saw Chase peeking around the corner from the bathroom.
When Johnny was shoved into the van Johnny quickly and quietly told Cam that Chase was on the train.
Cam was pulled out of the van and roughly grabbed by the arm as he was forced into the passenger car and into the bathroom.
"Ten minutes." The guy hissed as he shut the door.
Cam locked it as he tried to keep himself calm until he felt a tap on the shoulder.
Cam almost screamed when Chase covered his mouth.
"Man your jumpy.
What happened?" Chase asked as he pulled Cam away from the door.
"Wait me first...
What are you doing here?
Is mom and dad with you?" Cam asked as Chase looked away.
"Chase!?" Cam grabbed him by the sleeve.
"We had an argument.
I found something I guess I wasn't supposed to, it was aunt Cynthia's journal." Chase handed him the book.
"You two were her's, she got pregnant after Bash raped her." Chase said as Cam looked at the book in shock and than snapped out of it when the man pouned on the door "Hurry up boy." The man said through the door.
"Who's that?" Chase asked.
"A bad guy.
Look go home and..." Cam was cut off by the door being kicked open.
Cam stood protectively in front of Chase.
"Your a quick little guy." Mack grinned as he looked pass Cam to Chase.
"He grabbed me at the station.
I was coming to stay with you." Chase sighed.
"We'll talk about that later.
Mack you don't need the kid just let him go." Cam said bolder than he would if he was alone.
With Chase he felt like the protector.
"You don't get to make demands Cammy." Mack hissed useing Bash's pet name causing Cam's blood to boil.
He hated that name.
Cam rushed at the man and slammed him in the head with all his strength.
But Mack was only bruised and got the upper hand.
By the time Cam and Chase were shoved into the van Cam was half conscious.
What happened what did you do to my brother?" Johnny yelled.
Mack grabbed Chase and put his pistol to his temple.
"Calm yourself John.
Now this brat was running away from home.
And well Cam tries to be you or he didn't like that I called him Cammy." Mack smirked as he shoved Chase at Johnny with such force Johnny had to catch him.
Mack slammed the van door and locked it.
"Johnny." Cam moaned.
"That was stupid Cam.
Why did you attack Mack?" Johnny sighed as Cam produced a cell phone.
"Yeh well next time figure a less abusive way." Johnny chuckled as he hugged Cam.
"Now you..
What did he mean saying you were running away?" Johnny grabbed Chase and hugged him.
Chase sat slumped between his brothers.
"I found their journals in the attic yesterday.
I had an argument with them and I just needed to get away so I figured I come stay with you two.
When I stepped off the train that Mack guy grabbed me." Chase sighed.
"Yeah I think I know why.
Look he has a pic of all of us from Bash.
Wait they been talking...
Bash has a cell phone but how?" Johnny started to hyperventilate as a call came in.
Johnny answered.
"Mack did you go through the kids journals?...
Hello John how are you boys." Bash could hear Johnny breathing.
"So this is all you?" Johnny sighed.
"Of course.
Did you really think you would be rid of me.
Give Mack his cell.
Oh see you soon John.
Tell Cammy I miss him." Bash grinned on the other end.
Mack opened the door, punched Johnny in the face as he took back his cell.
"Yeah your precious Cammy did it...
Nah he's still breathing...
Yeah so far nothing...
That was the next step when we get to the house...
Man wait till you see these men they definitely look different from when you last saw them..." Mack grinned at the boys as he walked away slamming and locking the van door.
"What did he mean when you see them?" Cam asked as Johnny tended to Cam's face.
"Apparently he's not in jail." Johnny sighed as hot angry tears flowed down his face.
"Okay boys time for a family history.
If Bash knew about this he would kill me but you will be reading about it in the journals so as it is." Mack sighed as he handed them each a journal with their names engraved on it.
"Cynthia wrote to you both..." Mack started explaining.

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