Chapter 28 (Surface)

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The hatch opened again after being closed for a month.
Before Bash decided to keep them locked up that long he gave all of them enough water and granola bars that would last for thirty days and only eating and drinking once a day.
But that was only for Cam and Johnny.
Jake was left to starve but he did get water.
The boys tried to share with Jake but he refused to take food from them...
"This is nothing I fasted for a month and a half." Jake would smirk and shrug...
Jake was literally fasting and praying the whole time.
When he would open his golden (let's rename it Bible tag) it glowed like a flash light.
The first time the boys were in awe.
"Funny I always knew light came off of it but this is brighter than usual." Jake smirked...
*Back to the hatch*
When it opened all three shielded their eyes as they tried to look up.
A rope ladder was tossed in.
Cam and Johnny both jumped when Bash spoke.
"Cam you first." Bash growled.
Cam sighed he knew just the climb alone was going to take a toal.
"John only if Cam can't make it you can help." Bash warned.
Cam sighed in relief.
Jake rolled his eyes.
Neither one can really make it you fool." Jake mumbled to himself.
Cam was only half way when he was out of breath from the climb.
Cam started to pout, he hated feeling weak like this again.
Johnny saw and climbed up to him taking as much weight as he could, he helped Cam finish climbing.
Both boys laid out on their backs panting.
"Good my boys are back." Bash smirked deviously.
Johnny was too exhausted to give a cocky remark.
"Nik take John to the bathroom I have clothes for them laid out on their bed.
"Vic take Cam to join him." Bash smirked as he watched he boys struggle to try and walk on their own.
They were shoved into the bedroom that had a bathroom.
Cam sat on the floor leaning against the bed while Johnny went in first to shave and shower.
The thing he still enjoyed after getting out of the hole, the feel of the hot water soaking his body.
Johnny took use of the showers noise to sob uncontrollably.
When Johnny came out he frowned as he looked in the mirror.
"I swear he put that there to tick me off." Johnny grumbled as he walked out to his brother who fell asleep.
Johnny let him stay asleep while he got dressed.
He hated when his clothes hung on him but it felt good to be in clothes that smelt fresh and felt soft.
"Cam you have to get a bath." Johnny gently nudged him.
Cam sighed as he forced his eyes open.
"You want help with shaving?" Johnny smirked as Cam nodded.
Johnny got what he needed and returned.
He slipped off his sweat shirt and just wore the navy blue T-shirt.
"There now I see your baby face." Johnny teased.
Cam forced himself to his feet and shuffled to the bathroom.
"Shower not a bath." Johnny smirked as Cam rolled his eyes.
Once finished both boys dressed alike crashed on the bed together.
"This can't be healthy." Cam sighed.
"He's laceing the food again I could taste that awful stuff again." Johnny sighed as he rested his head against Cam's.
"Yeah I know.
He's gonna kill us isn't he?" Cam started to cry as he looked up at Johnny.
"No I'm not going to let that happen." Johnny said as he squeezed Cam closer into his chest...
"Ms.Daniels!?" Ariel the spunky tech ran in.
"What?" Kay sighed as she lifted her head off the table.
They moved into the conference room once Daniel and Sam joined in helping.
Everyone stretched and looked at the spunky red head.
"Toby and I might have found something look." Ariel put a tablet on the table.
"What am I looking at?" Kay asked as Deakins joined also trying to figure out what was on the screen.
"It a tracker.
It popped up this morning.
Its in a remote area practically off the map.
I bet if we go there we'd find a cabin that most likely blends in with the surrounding.
Like the SGC if it wasn't for the fences and army personnel we would never know there was an army base." Aril explained.
"You telling me...
Wait that blue dot looks like morse code." Gunter said as he grabbed a pen and paper and started writing.
'We are a alive'
"You sure its from them?" Deakins asked as she looked closer.
'Follow the blue dot'
This is Jordan without a doubt." Gunter grabbed the tablet and bolted out the door with Kay, Mike, Daniel and Sam following close behind.
They went back to the Archive.
"His stupid game.
I kept asking what it was.
Turns out it was Chace, Cam and Johnny.
Some how Jordan hacked the chips Bash put in them when they got the tattoos.
Now it was mainly those two theirs was green.
This one we see here is Chace's obviously the boys are close thats why Jordan could tap into his.
We find the blue dot we find...
All the boys." Gunter pointed to the screen in Jordan's room once he hooked the tablet in all three boys trackers came on the tablet.
Its Kay...
We actually might find them.
Sam is sending you the data, start sending a team there we are going now..." Kay said as they ran out piling into the humvee.
Daniel drove while Gunter navigated...
"Get up." Bash growled as he grabbed the boys by their shirts and forced them up and out into the hall.
Bash drug them and tossed them into the van.
"Chace what happened to you?" Johnny saw his arm wrapped up and Jordan was beat up.
"Your little friend was playing with things he shouldn't have." Bash growled as he pinned Johnny down and cut out his chip.
After tying a cloth around his arm Bash looked at Cam who backed away against Travis who was to weak to help tho he tried.
Bash grabbed him slamming him to the floor of the van and cut out his chip.
Bash put each chip in small glass bottles.
"So now they will be following nothing." Bash smirked as he tossed the bottles out of the van one by one.
Vic pulled onto a privet air strip and the boys were shoved into the privet jet.
Vic was ready to go but Bash waited for Nik who had a new hostage with him.
"Grabbed him when they were combing the woods for those chips.
Nik pulled off the black sack revealing Daniel who was all beat up and gagged.
"He's a fighter too..." Nik rubbed his jaw.
"I might have clipped a few of his friends when they tried rescuing him." Nik chuckled as he shoved Daniel into the group of boys huddled together in the back.
"Hey Johnny." Daniel smirked weakly but soon realized he didn't know which of the two was Johnny.
"Hey Daniel." Johnny sighed from behind Cam.
Johnny was practically holding Cam who appeared to be passing out.
Daniel grabbed his arm and saw the cloth soaked in blood.
"Your a doctor so tend to to that." Bash growled throwing a medic bag at him and slammed the door to that room shut.
"I am not that kind of doctor." Daniel mumbled.
"Don't worry Janet's first aid classes are well not like your usual so I know how to take care of this." Daniel smirked at the boys.
Daniel frowned as he looked at the state of the boys, all but the few that went missing a month ago where un-healthily thin...
"What happened?" Gunter coughed.
"You were hit by a car.
He took Daniel." Kay sighed as she checked him.
"Kay I'm shot." Mike hissed as he collapsed into Sam.
"You'll live." Kay smirked as she tied off the wound and called for a medic...
"What happened out there!?" O'Neil burst through the door shoving Deakins aside.
"Sir..." Sam started but stopped when Jack just gave her a look.
Jack was heated Daniel was missing the two were close Jack was like a father or big brother to Daniel and Sam knew how this was effecting him.
"How did one of my men get captured while with you!?" Jack demanded.
"It happened fast.
Gunter and Daniel were on the road combing the from there.
A car came out of no where hitting Gunter.
A man got out and grabbed Daniel than started shooting at us.
My partner got hit trying to save your man." Kay snapped as she stood nose to nose with Jack.
"Carter was his tracker turned on?" Jack asked narrowing his eyes at Kay.
"They turned it on tossing the vest from the air.
Mitchell and Teal'c just text me." Sam sighed.
"Okay FBI...
We are taking over.
I will consider help but I am the one in charge now." Jack said as Sam gathered the files.
"Wait what's that?" Jack saw a picture of the library.

"Wait what's that?" Jack saw a picture of the library

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"That Chernobyl...
There's a ruby there they are after." Sam sighed.
"We're going there." Jack grabbed the photo and headed out of the room.
"Kay you and Mike join them take Tobias and Ariel." Deakins said as she went to look through her copy of files.
"Your kidding me more kids to babysit." Jack grumbled.
"I'm not a kid.
We're both twenty-six.
Best hack around I can read just about any language around.
Kinda like Daniel.
As can my brother plus we were both trained to fight by our father who most likely trained you at some point in your life." Ariel snapped.
Jack rolled his eyes.
"Whatever get in we'll debate this on the plane.
"Mitchell you and Teal'c meet us at the air strip we are going on an adventure...
Oh grab our ready bags and bring Janet the boys could need medical help." Jack radioed...

Deception: SiblingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora