Chapter 11 (Banks)

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Johnny hated going into banks, he always felt that every time he steps foot in one there's going to be a robbery.
Johnny stood nervously in line waiting for his turn.
Johnny kept looking at the door expecting to see someone in a ski mask and an assault riffle come barging in and grabbing, he hated all those times having a deadly weapon aimed at his head.
Who wouldn't?
Johnny never been involved with any shootings in the banks or jewel heists he just had to play hostage thankfully...
Johnny felt faint when he saw his brothers being shoved in by some men...
Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion.
Johnny was about to turn to go to his brothers when his shoulder was grabbed and a gun pressed against his back.
"Stay calm do as your told and you three will survive." The man whispered in Johnny's ear, he had a strong German accent.
"Why us?" Johnny shot back in a hushed voice.
"Your young alone and far from home.
The police won't have mothers and fathers begging for your return.
You children picked a bad day to visit my country." The man chuckled as he forced Johnny forward.
"You were watching us?" Johnny asked as he kept his eye on his brothers.
Well we were casing the bank when we spotted you boys.
You know hotel walls are thin Johnny.
Yes I know your brothers names as well.
Not because I know you but because I heard you.
Now see that man over there with Cam.
He will take him out and to your room to retrieve your belongings and finances." The man motioned for them to walk over to the line.
"You tell Cam to listen to my friend." The man hissed in Johnny's ear.
"You two okay?" Johnny said as soon as Cam stood in front of him.
"Yeah." Cam glanced down.
Johnny saw a fresh bruise on Cam's face.
"Awe Cam...
Look don't fight him just give him that bag.
We wanted to ditch it what better way." Johnny smirked.
Hot angry tears formed as Johnny watched Cam and Chase be taken out and across the street.
"We're next son." The man hissed as he paracticaly slammed Johnny's stomach against the counter.
The young female banker could see the fear in Johnny's eye.
"Keep your finger off that button or I kill the boy." The Man hissed as he raised the gun to Johnny's temple.
Johnny started crying and shaking with fear.
"You know how to sell it kid...
Now should we get the show started." He grinned raising the gun above his head and fired three shots and put the gun back on Johnny who was covering his ears as he cried.
"Nobody try anything or this boy dies.
Now do as my men say and no one gets hurt." The man said as he forced Johnny over to the safe.
"Fill the bag." He shoved Johnny into the safe with the bag.
He grabbed the young banker and shoved him in as well.
"Help the boy." He growled.
Johnny froze and looked out to the lobby where a few people were getting shot.
"Don't just stand there no one told you to stop." The man slammed Johnny in the head with his gun.
Johnny laid on the ground trying to grasp what happened when he was pulled up by his shirt.
And held close tho the man with his free arm wrapped across his chest.
Johnny watched as the young banker handed the man the bag and than got shot in the head.
Johnny flinched when he felt blood splatters hit his face.
"No witnesses." The man hissed in Johnny's ear as he turned to face the lobby where more people were being killed.
Johnny felt himself going into shock.
When he spotted two boys, one looked about sixteen protecting his baby brother no older than six.
"No please!" Johnny screamed as he broke free and body slammed the guy aiming at the boys.
"Run!" Johnny yelled.
Luckily they were next to the exit, they ran out and into the nearest building.
While johnny laid on his back with a gun to his head the man walked over and looked at Johnny.
"That was stupid kid." He growled as he hoisted Johnny to his feet.
Johnny was still fading into shock and was surprised how quiet the street was.
Johnny looked back at the bank and saw they pulled the shades and locked the place.
Johnny saw the boys hiding...
Johnny was forced into the room and on the bed next to Cam.
"Johnny what happened?" Cam whispered as Johnny stared at the floor.
"You out front?...
Good we have three guests...
Boys from America." He smiled as he forced them to their feet.
"You need to wash your face." The man growled as he forced Johnny into the bathroom he grabbed a wash cloth and washed Johnny's face.
"There all hansome again." The man smirked as he forced Johnny to walk.
They all walked out in pairs looking like friends or family.
The older men chuckled as if they shared a joke.
The boys were shoved into the back of an army truck...
The boys watch the men that spoked in German.
Except Johnny who buried his face in his arms and cried to himself.
"Johnny seriously what happened in there?" Cam whisper as he pulled Johnny close.
The truck finally slammed to a hault and the boys were forced out and tossed into a dungeon cell.
They were staying at an abandoned castle.
Their ankles were chained to the floor.
"Just relax while I consider keeping you boys.
But Johnny look at me...
Never pull a stunt like that again.
I get it, your a big brother.
So only worry about your brothers no one else's got it?" The man squatted down in front of Johnny waiting for a response.
"Got it." Johnny whispered as he sucked in a shuttering breath with a fresh set of tears that followed.
"I'll get something to calm those nerves.
You boys as well." He smirked as he returned with three bottles.
"Here drink." He handed them the bottles.
"Nah I'm good." Cam smelt the contents and wrinkled his nose.
"You will drink it.
Every last drop.
Right big brother?" He looked at Johnny.
"Cam, Chase, just drink it." Johnny said as tears still flowed.
Johnny figured it was something to make them sleep he secretly hoped it would help him at least relax.
The boys all sat snuggled together against the cold, damp stone wall.
Johnny was in the middle as his brothers snuggled up to him and slept.
Johnny wouldn't let himself sleep he needed to know what they argued about.
"We should just kill them like the rest." One growled, it was the guy Johnny slammed into to save those boys.
"Come on Seth he's just a boy, clearly use to protecting.
I mean come on have you seen anyone fight off that stuff to stay awake." The man said directing Seth's attention to Johnny who watched them.
Still Nikola if we keep hostages we are taking a risk, someone will come looking for them." Seth half growled
"No they won't.
I know about those boys.
I ran with their old man's group." Another man stepped into the conversation.
"You know them?" Nik said wide eyed.
It was a few times I saw them." He smirked.
"Do you remember me Johnny?" He smirked as he approached the cell.
Marcus." Johnny sighed with a faint smirk.
Aside from Luca, Marc was another guy Johnny liked, he protected Johnny once from Bash's wrath.
"No he'll listen next time, these boys are the best hostages you'll.
Plus they have amazing skills.
Johnny can memorize things with just a glance let alone pick any lock you put in front of him.
Cam can pick locks to, plus both are excellent with slight of hand which reminds me anyone missing anything." Marc smirked as a cell went off in Cam's pocket.
"Seth relax." Marc shoved him back as he went in and got it.
"Don't try and run." Marc said to Johnny as he injected him with a seditive.
Nik handed it to Marc as he was going into the cell.
"Look these boys really are the best. Come I have the robbery footages." Marc led them to his computers.
"Man they were babies when he used them.
Their old man cared nothing for them did he?" Nik hissed at the bruise on one of their eyes.
"That bruise came from their old man.
He was ruthless.
Trust me they'll listen.
Thing is none of the heists involved what we do.
I know Johnny was going into shock and only reacted on instinct.
Those boys looked like they did at that age, see here he had both Cam and Chase along with Johnny.
This guy must have been new and Johnny had to save them just like today.
If I had to guess Johnny was in that moment not ours.
Just let me talk to them and I'll get them to never do that.
Nik or any of you its you responsibility to hold tighter tho." Marc half whispered the last part.
But if he dose anything stupid like that again I will make him beg me to kill him." Seth growled as he stormed off.
"Just get them to understand our ways.
I have an idea how I'll handle them with execution." Nic smirked.
Marc walked back to the cell and saw the boys sleeping and shivering.
If he dose good tomorrow they can move into the bedroom." Nik smirked as he handed Marc a heavy down filled quilt.
"Sorry boys." Marc said as he covered them...

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