Chapter 6 (Safe)

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Cam, Johnny and Chase woke up forgetting where they were that was until Jordan came in to tell them breakfast is ready.
"Goodmorning boys, sleep well?" Dina smiled as they stared at all the food she made.
"Yeah D...
Wow that looks good." Johnny smiled as he started making a plate and handed it to Chase.
"Come on I could totally eat more than that." Chase frowned at his plate.
"Actually you can't squirt, you never ate this much rich food you'll end up throwing it up.
Gotta take it slow." Cam smirked as he stretched.
"I keep forgetting that." Dina frowned and also looked angry.
"Its cool D.
You did good.
As long as we pace ourselves we'll be fine...
Chase that's enough syrup." Johnny scolded as Chase rolled his eyes, grumbling as he went to sit infront of the tv with Jordan.
"So we have a hearing today.
I just got a call from your dad's lawyer.
Because Chase is only ten he needs to come and they are going to place him in care of some friend he knows.
Badly Young?" Dina said solemnly.
"No he can't, that guy is just as bad if not worse." Johnny snapped.
"Its out of my hands, all we can do is talk to the judge, maybe because of your age they consider but you and Cam are still minors." Dina said as she put a gentle hand on Johnny's.
Hot angrey tears flowed as Johnny pushed his plate away and sulked off back to the bedroom.
"Its fine.
I'll take him his plate D." Cam smirked as he ate his bacon.
"Johnny?" Cam looked around the room but couldn't find him.
Than he heard sobs coming from the closet.
Cam sat the plates down on the nightstand and went to open the closet.
There curled into himself was Johnny, his protector, he looked so broken, it pained Cam seeing him this way.
"Hey it'll be okay we are staying together." Cam said as he squeezed and hugged him.
"How can he still get to us?
He's in jail for abusing us and they think a friend of his is okay to raise a ten year old.
Last I knew Bash hated that guy." Johnny sniffled.
"Yeah he dose.
Look dad thinks he still has control but he doesn't, not anymore." Cam sighed.
"Why do you keep calling him dad?
You know he's not." Johnny looked at Cam seriously.
"Its a habit.
Besides you see how mad he gets when you call him Bash.
You call him dad in his face too." Cam smirked.
Man did he fly off when I first refused to call him dad.
Guess he taught me a lesson." Johnny weakly chuckled as he burried his face against Cam and started sobbing.
"I hate this Gunter." Dina whispered as they spied on the boys.
"I know love...
Come let's give them privacy." Gunter pulled her away and back into the kitchen.
"Oh Gunter last night two men approached me and John.
They have information to put Sebastian away.
They also wanted to see the boys I asked them to come back today when they were awake." Dina said and no sooner she did there was a knock at the door.
"Come in." Dina smiled as the two man entered with gifts in hand.
Luca!?" Chase ran to them and lept into Luca's arms.
"I missed you kid, let me see ya...
Man you shot up, what are ya now, thirteen?" Luca teased.
"Ten." Chase giggled.
Cam and Johnny stood in the hall staring at the two men they haven't seen for two years since they left them.
"Chase take Jordan and go to the bedroom." Johnny said.
Chase stood infront of Luca who was still hugging him from behind.
"Now Chase!" Cam added.
"Do what your brothers say.
Here this is for you." Luca said as he handed Chase a gift bag.
Chase gave them a hug before stomping off.
"Give it." Johnny demanded.
Chase shoved the bag into Johnny and stormed off slamming the door.
Jordan ran off to go sit with Chase.
"Why are you here now?" Johnny glared as Cam checked the contants in the bag for Chase.
"Because we want to help..." Luca started.
You left us alone with a made man.
You know it got worse after you left.
Sure he fed us more but he kept coming up with more inventive ways to hurt us.
He almost killed Cam on purpose.
He frayed one of the ropes.
He laughed he said he was trying something new.
And when I asked why, he said blame your uncle Kurt." Johnny yelled as he got in the man's face.
Hot angry tears were flowing down Johnny's face.
"You know what else he said?
Cam and I had to be punished harder because he couldn't touch the kid.
But trust me Uncle Kurt...
He touched him, he beat and whipped Chase, threw him down in that hole at the Archive while chaining Cam and I to the floor of our bedrooms leaving us like that for days.
The scar on both our necks are from him wrapping the chain around tight enough to injure but not enough to kill us.
Oh no that would have been to nice to end it.
No we had to suffer and wander if we'll survive while lying perfectly still for days on end or end up snapping our own necks.
The tricks he made us do like circus monkeys were beyond impossible but we had to figure them out or die trying.
No you don't get to walk back in here with gifts and act like you care.
If you cared you would have took us with you.
Called the cops that day, something instead of just leaving us." Johnny yelled and shoved Kurt.
Johnny turned and stormed off locking himself into the bathroom.
Cam walked up to Kurt and Luca.
Kurt waited for him to go off to but instead Cam collapsed against Kurts chest and cried.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Cam and comforted him.
"Its okay I am here now Cam.
And I will make sure you stay together and never go back to him again." Kurt said as he hugged Cam.
Chase poked his head out seeing Cam was being hugged he ran back to Luca.
"You boys want anything to drink, eat?
I made more than enough?" Dina smirked as she watched them.
"Sure come on small fry..." Luca teased as he made a fruit plate handing it to Chase who made a face.
"Don't give me that look.
Not until you try it." Luca ruffled his hair and they sat watching tv.
Chase laid against Luca as he ate grapes.
Johnny came back out with his hands shoved deep in his pockets, his head hung low as he walked up to Kurt.
"I'm sorry uncle Kurt." Johnny cried as he squeezed in next to Cam.
Do you two know this Brad Young guy?" Dina asked realizing these two knew the boys much longer than her.
Weasel of a man.
Not fit to be alive.
Why?" Kurt growled hugging the boys tighter.
Dina sighed.
"Sebastian gave him custody, mainly Chase because he's only ten." Dina sighed.
Kurt smirked.
"Kinda hard to give custody to a missing person.
That weasel showed up the day before and I may or may not have him tied up somewhere." Kurt chuckked.
Dina didn't find the humor but felt relief knowing they can't hand Chase over to him.
"Look Young deals a lot with drugs I just decided to trap him and left a note to one of the men he ripped off so safe to say Young is no more." Kurt smirked.
Still not so comforing." Dina narrowed her eyes at him.
"Don't worry miss I didn't harm the man just did a citizens arrest of sorts." Kurt chuckled as did the boys.
"So what's that?" Johnny pointed.
"That oh nothing for you." Kurt smirked as he struggled playfully to keep Johnny and Cam away but they tricked him. Cam got the gift and ran to the middle of the room with his prize.
"Well yes he definitely fed you more, your to strong for me now." Kurt teased.
The boys tore into their gifts.
"Oh cool thanks I needed more pens and pencils.
This set is awesome." Johnny said as he went through the expensive art set.
"The lady assured me its what the collage students who are serious use even advance artists." Kurt said as he rubbed the back of his neck
Now I can be a mad scientist." Chase made an evil laugh as he looked a his science kit with Jordan.
"You know we can hook this up to my tablet and really have fun." Jordan chuckled.
"Okay what ever you two are planning don't, we have enough drama." Dina sighed.
"Thanks uncle Kurt my other cards da...
Bash through in the fire, he said magicians don't use cards like that." Cam sighed as he looked through all the different packs with marvel to DC and anything that would be cool for a young boy.
Cam liked the steambunk packs, the others he planned to keep collectable.
"Okay you boys need to get dressed.
We need to get to the court house." Dina said as she checked Johnny's back.
Kurt and Luca both had tears as they glanced over and saw more scars and fresh wounds...
The boys all stood ready dressed in slacks and dress shirts.
Dina did a few finishing touches.
"Perfect, now your all handsome." Dina admired.
"Johnathan your jacket." Dina reminded as they walked out.
"Still can't D." Johnny sighed as Kurt grabbed a blanket and put it around Johnny.
"Just explain, they'll understand, might help the case." Kurt shrugged...

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