Chapter 29 (Chernobyl again)

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Cam and Jonny sighed but quickly remembered they could have a chance.
Even Chace seemed to be looking around for them expecting to see Twist and his friends.
They were still in awe of the inside of the building but something was different darker even.
Vic and Marcus stayed at the van with the other boys while Bash and Nik took Johnny, Cam, Chace and Daniel inside.
"Move." Bash shoved Johnny forward.
"Take it easy they lost a lot of blood and being malnourished they are exhausted." Daniel snapped.
When Nik went to hit him Daniel blocked him.
"You seem to forget I am not a kid and I have been trained to fight." Daniel said as he knocked Nik onto his back after taking his gun.
"I think this is where we part ways." Daniel smirked as he handed Johnny the gun and retrieved his zat from Nik as well.
"I prefer this one instead." Daniel smirked as he shot Nik stunning him than Bash.
"Come on." Daniel led them up the stairs.
"What about everyone else?
And what the heck is that?" Johnny looked back at Daniel.
"Jake can handle it.
Its like a ray gun.
One shot stuns, two kills and the tired vanishes.
I have no clue where the vanished stuff goes I don't really care to find out." Daniel smirked.
"How Jake doesn't have any weapons." Cam added.
"Actually they do.
It was in my bag.
I let Jake know and Carl." Daniel smirked as they reached the spiral staircase.
"Well That's not making me dizzy." Daniel peaked over the rail and death gripped it while shacking his head back into focus.
"Yeah thats the worse part." Johnny sighed.
Once down and in the library Daniel closed and bolted it.
"So that's what they are after." Daniel mumbled as he walked closer the the table.
"Thats far enough Dr.Jackson." Luca smirked as he walked in from the study.
As soon as he saw the boys he frowned.
They looked worse than ever.
"What did he do to you boys?" Luca gasped.
Johnny almost didn't recognize Luca he was looking more like Kurt.
Johnny cried as Luca hugged him.
"Come on I think you'll love my surprise.
Follow me." Luca said To Daniel.
"How long have you been staying here?" Cam asked as they made their way through the hidden rooms to the tower.
"Once we secured all the artifacts we came back here hoping Bash would make the mistake and choose this one first.
Daniel your parents played a huge part in protecting these fortunes Bash is after.
Their deaths were no accident, if Bash had it his way you would have been raised up like the boys." Luca explained.
"Wait how do you know all of this?" Johnny asked.
"Kurt he likes telling me stuff, he always turns it into a story." Luca chuckled.
"I miss Kurt." Cam sighed.
"I missed you to Cam." Kurt smirked up from the counter where he had a healthy feast set up.
"Kurt!?" The three boys said at the sametome running over to him.
"Man you three shot up.
Well your still growing squirt." Kurt winked at Chace.
"But how?" Johnny asked as he sat at the counter picking at the fruit.
"Twist he saved my life." Kurt smirked.
"Chace take it slow." Johnny scolded.
Chace grumbled something under his breath.
"Chace your brother is right take it easy." Kurt said as he winked at Johnny.
"Come to the lab...
So Twist has been doing some research on super food and best ways to get everything you need in one shot.
Don't worry its completely safe I had it a few times myself and I have gone to those areas that are lacking in nutrition and gave them supplies so far I gotten good reports." Kurt explained as he gave them each a shot.
"So its kinda an alternative to eating?" Johnny asked.
"In away yes but you still need food but this gives your body that extra boost and strength to move and your body won't reject food." Kurt sighed as he weighed them.
Tears streaked his face as he wrote down their weight.
"Eighty pounds for Cam.
Eighty-five for you Johnny.
Chace is sixty-five.
That is bit mor concerning Chace weighs as much as a small child." Kurt wiped his eyes.
"Yeah well nothing we can do about it now except start eating food without that drug in it." Johnny mumbled as he picked at the vegetables on his plate.
"Its good to see you boys again." Twist smirked as he entered.
Mutt was happy to see Johnny.
"The rest of your friends are spread through out my village getting the proper care they need.
Well except these five who insisted on staying with you." Twist smirked as Travis, Matty, Carl, James and Jordan came out from behind Twist.
Travis being hurt the most collapsed against Twist who carried the boy to a bed.
"I swear he stopped feeding him all together." Kurt frowned as he checked Travis' vitals.
Kurt put an oxygen mask on him and hooked up IVs.
"Come let him rest." Kurt shooed them out of the room.
"Jake is getting everyone out of here in the morning they are going to the realm  to get as far away from Bash as possible.
He wants all of you to join us.
Probably you two as well." James said to Kurt and Luca.
"We can't just leave.
Kay and our friends are looking for us." Cam said as he looked at Johnny.
"Yeah they should know we are alive." Johnny smirked than looked at Twist who seemed on high alert.
Without a word Twist left...
"Sir over here...
Their alive." Sam said as she cuffed Vic and Marcus as the laid unconscious.
"Where are the boys?" Jack asked as he poked his head in the van with Sam.
Mitchell and Teal'c backed into them along with Janet.
"What the heck are they?
Kay you seeing this?
Is this a reaction to radiation?" Mike said as he backed up training his gun on the creatures.

"What the heck are they?Kay you seeing this?Is this a reaction to radiation?" Mike said as he backed up training his gun on the creatures

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We all see them.
Guys stop pointing guns at them." Ariel muttered.
"Who are you?" Twist narrowed his eyes at them and he stepped forward.
"Okay the root talks...
Col. O'Neil.
We're looking for these boys." Jack said as he unfolded a paper containing the photos of the boys.
"Follow me.
We'll go to the one that wears your clothes first." Twist smirked.
"You need to work on that." Jack chuckled as they followed.
The boys were already asleep when they got in there.
"Cam..." Kay gasped as she saw his frail beaten frame snuggled up to Johnny, he didn't look any better.
Both boys were bruised and cut.
Janet checked on Travis first than worked her way to all the boys...
"Hey Kay." Cam smirked as he and Johnny sat up.
Kay had tears in her eyes.
"Its not as bad as you think, we're alive." Cam smiled with a shrugged.
Kay collapsed to her knees next to Cam pulling him into a tight hug.
"Told ya Rose colored glasses platted in gold dipped in Honey." Johnny muttered with a smirk.
Cam chuckled at that as Kay smirked at Johnny.
Kay grabbed hold of Johnny's shirt forcing him into the hug.
Chace joined the little group earning a hug as well...
Kay slept between Cam and Jonny like a mother hen, she was sitting up trying to fight off sleep.
The others are going to go hide, we were thinking probably best we join them." Cam whispered as he looked up at Kay from her lap.
"I'm going with you." Kay said as she played with his hair.
Johnny to ended up on her lap pressing he head against Cam's resulting in Kay playing with his hair as well.
"I figred as much." Johnny teased as Kay tugged his hair a little as to say quit snitch but she quickly went back to being gentle assuring she wasn't really upset.
As they slept she peaked at the exposed areas on their backs where their shirts lifted.
Mike sat nest to Cam with Jordan and Chace that snuggled up to him.
"Look..." Kay lifted Cam's shirt a little higher exposing the whip marks from that belt.
"Looks like he beat him with rocks." Mike sighed with tear threatening to fall.
"Johnny has the same." Kay sighed.
"Johnny is a light sleeper...
It was a belt with an unusually large metal buckle." Johnny sighed as tears fell while he reached up to play with Cam's hair.
But he was to weak to keep it up.
"Just relax now Johnny.
I have you two." Kay cooed as she leaned down and kissed his hair and than Cam's cheek.
"I knew it you love him" Johnny smirked.
Johnny giggled when Kay pinched his ticklish spot.
"True fact both Cam and I are exactly the same, right down to where we are ticklish." Johnny chuckled with a yawned as he felt relaxed because Kay went back to playing with his hair.
"For the record if you two don't hook up your still family." Johnny said as he fell asleep...

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