Chapter 18 (Survival)

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"Okay love birds time to get up." The guard grinned as he tapped his club on the cell door.
"Have a nice honeymoon with your boyfriend?" The guard teased Johnny as he grabbed him by the arm and shoved him to walk.
"You know that's not what happened." Matty snapped from behind the guard as he was being led out by another guard.
"And what's with the extra escort?
What's going on?" Matty snapped.
The concern Matty had turned Johnny's stomach.
"Griff wants a look at the new kid.
Since he's yours figured you want to be there too." The guard leading Johnny down the now dark hall to the older side of the prison grumbled.
"Word of advice kid never walk these halls alone." The guard chuckled as he took hold of Johnny's shoulder.
"This is wrong.
Why you alow them to turn you prison into Sodom and Gomorrah is beyond me...
Johnny look forward don't look in the cells." Matty ordered as they walked.
"If you don't shut your mouth bible thumper I'll shut it for you." The guard turned and hissed at Matty who had a pasted on smirk.
"Ruffle your feathers demon." Matty teased.
The guard slammed him in the mouth splitting his lip.
"Keep it up boy and I'll walk away and let them rape the two of you." The guard growled.
By now they had onlookers.
When Johnny glanced at them, he saw how the men hung on each other like lovers, it scared Johnny when he saw a boy his age crying as he was being held on to and noticed them eyeing him as well.
Johnny started backing up and was lucky enough to get close to Matty.
"Fine let's get this over with the kid's scared enough so as it is." Matty hissed.
"I knew you were smart." The guard growled as he shoved them both in front.
"My favorite pet.
Mat its been to long.
Did you bring me a gift?" Griff cooed as he walked up and touched Johnny's arm lightly.
Matty pulled Johnny away from him.
"No and your not going to corrupt him none of you are...
Go ahead dismiss the guards I dare you." Matty grinned as Johnny didn't see the good in that.
Griff glared.
"Fine no one touches him.
Teach your boy to hide that better." Griff hissed at the dog tag as he dismissed them.
"Lucky kid." The guard chuckled as he led them out.
"Luck has nothing to do with it." Matty hissed as he protectively held onto Johnny as they were led back to their side.
"You can't always protect him Grogan." The guard warned.
As they were back with on the othersid
Matty and Johnny walked together to the cafeteria for breakfast.
"Gotta eat kid." Matty said as Johnny made a face at the slop on his tray.
Johnny poked at it and sighed.
"Who's the kid?" A big black guy asked as he sat accross from them.
He gave Johnny a warm smile when he glanced up.
"Travis this is Johnny.
He's like us." Matty smirked as he pulled out Johnny's dog tag.
"Good I thought you recruited another troublemaker." Travis winked.
"So you have any training." Another guy asked as he sat next to Travis with a boy a little older than Johnny.
"Jake not ever one who are from the realm has been trained." The boy mumbled as he ate and read a book.
"James why?
I never said anything about the realm.
I can clearly see he never been there and you just made yourself sound like a loon...
Dose that book of yours ever end?" Jake grumbled as he shook his head.
"No it doesn't.
You don't even recognize him?
He's Jonah's grand kid." James said nonchalantly.
"Where do you get your info?
We been stuck here together for a year." Jake looked at his young friend with concern.
"Oh great here comes the twins.
I hope Raven isn't in a mood cuz I am in no mood to break up another fight." Jake mumbled at the youngest boys there walked there way.
"Wait their like what sixteen?" Johnny said as he watched the boys who look like night and day to each other.
Mason with is sandy blond hair an emerald green eyes, Raven with his raven black hair and deep blue eyes.
"Nice shiner Raven who you tick off now?" Travis teased as he checked the boys face.
"Some freak from Sodom cornered us." Raven grumbled.
"Yeah figured as much.
When will you squirts learn to stick with us?" Travis grumbled.
"There is no way we are splitting up." Raven snapped.
"But Raven its only a matter of time till one of them split you up and rape you just for sport." Jake said with agitation in laced in his voice as he watched those men come into the cafeteria to eat.
Johnny got nervous and sat closer to Matty.
"His meeting was this morning wasn't it?" Jake sighed.
Stupid paid off guards took us to see Griff in Sodom." Matty sighed.
"Once they settle let go hit the gym.
Gotta toughen up the string bean." Travis teased as he pointed at Johnny who rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Don't mind Travis he likes teasing us non weight lifters."
Matty said as he put his arm around Johnny.
"Okay let's go while their corralled in the line." Travis said getting up taking lead, they kept the younger boys in between while Matty and Johnny took up the rear.
"Awe is it time for the baby bible thumpers to leave. Can't eat with the likes of us?" One of the guys teased as he reached out and touched Mas.
Raven tried to attack the guy but Travis and Jake grabbed him and pulled him away.
"You have to control that anger Raven." Jake growled as he forced him into the gym.
"Get in the ring.
Johnny you too.
Watch out for Raven, when he swings one way he is going to hit elsewhere and he's fast too." Matty instructed as he got Johnny ready to box.
"Raven if you hit the groin I will hurt you." Jake warned.
"Yeah I know alright.
Once and it wasn't my fault." Raven mumbled.
They watched as Johnny did fairly good but was definitely being out done by a sixteen year old.
"Come on string bean hit me already." Raven teased.
"You know the moment the string bean hits him we are going to have to pin Raven." Travis chuckled.
Come here.
Johnny you got skills, they just need to be fine tuned, come on." Jake said as he got in the ring to spar with Johnny.
While Raven and Mas spared with each other which is pretty interesting the boys moved in sync with each other knowing each others moves and matched it..
"There you go now your getting it." Jake said as Johnny knocked his feet out from under him.
"Making friends already." Bash teased as he walked in with Griff.
Johnny backed up fast and into Matty who was ready to protect him from this guy.
Bash and Griff both stood in the ring as more of the Sodom group surrounded the boys.
"What's the deal Griff?" Travis snapped.
"Turns out your stealing this man's property." Griff smirked as the boys all stood protectively around Johnny.
"Nobody is anyone's property.
I bet your the reason he's so thin." Jake growled.
"You know nothing boy." Bash hissed as he got in Jakes face.
"Oh we know more than you think." James smirked as he looked up from his book.
"What do you know book worm?" Bash hissed.
"I know you are not allowed to hurt him or you'll end up in isolation." James smirked.
Bash went to grab for him but Travis and Jake stood in the way pushing James out of reach of Bash.
"Griff you should clue your new friend in about us." Jake smirked.
Griff glared at Jake as he pulled Bash back.
"Let's go." Griff pulled on Bash but he refused to move.
"Bash this isn't the place let's go." Griff forced him to move.
Johnny and James both let out a breath they didn't realize they held.
"Seriously you have to tell me how you knew that." Jake said as they turned to go outside in the yard for air.
Matty and Johnny sat on the bench that out looked to the woods.
"I think I saw a bear once." Matty chuckled.
"Cool." Johnny sighed.
"Hey he can't hut you anymore not with us around." Travis said as he sat next to Johnny.
"So what is his deal?" Mas asked as he plopped down on the ground in front of them with Raven.
Jake stood next to them with three more boys.
"This is our brother Justin.
Thats Jared, Jakes brother.
And Jerry.
Where's Newt and Kale?" Mas asked Jerry.
"Kyle got into a fight they took him to the nurse.
So your old man is here too?
Man thats gotta be rough.
Your in good hands tho, if anyone can protect you its Matty." Jerry smirked.
"How did all you get in here?" Johnny was realizing they were longtime friends.
"Some chick and her friends set us up.
Framing us with all kinds of stuff from theft to possible murder.
Thankfully that murder wasn't convincing for me and Justin." Jerry sighed.
"We all got four years.
The twins were convicted of grand theft of an automobile but since there were no prints they technically got a slap on the wrist.
But still I don't know who she paid to get us stuck in here and why?" Jerry sighed as he leaned against the fence.
"I was framed too.
Some girl with two different colored eyes, she acted like she was helping me escape, she looked to be about twentyfive, she led me down a dead end alley.
When I turned to get out of there she sprayed something in my face and I passed out.
When I came too three cops were beat up and one was shot in the arm." Johnny said as tears flowed.
"Sounds about right.
I don't know what her deal is against us." Jerry grumbled.
"Oh crap must be time to go in the gaurd is coming." Raven said as he stood up.
"you two let's go.
The rest of you get inside and back to your cells." The guard grabbed Matty and Johnny by the arms and led them away.
"Wait hey where you taking us?" Matty yelled as the guard shoved them into one of the supply closets.
"Come now Matty we didn't even get a chance to meet the new kid." A tall guy covered in tattoos grinned.
"Look Rick like I told Griff you can't have him." Matty said.
Matty clearly seemed afraid of this guy more so than Griff.
"Oh Matty I don't just want him.
I want you too.
All your friends infact.
Well except your N...
We don't want him.
We just want to protect you kids." Rick smirked as he got closer.
Rick snapped his fingers and one of his guys grabbed and gagged Johnny.
"See soon...
Tonight infact we are going to burn those N...
And N... Lovers.
Are you two going to burn like a N...?" Rick said.
See Rick was the top clans man of KKK and he was the worse, he was there for killing a family during a family reunion
The children were lucky they played away from the home.
"Your so ignorant Rick.
Me and my friends will have nothing to do with your strange war.
And Travis is our brother if you go after him your gonna have us coming after you." Matty snapped.
"We'll see...
Till than we'll hold onto the kid." Rick hissed.
"No you won't." Matty swung at him making contact into Rick's head.
"That was stupid Matty." Rick growled as he punched Matty in the gut.
Johnny struggled against the guy holding him.
As some point Johnny broke free of the hold and kicked the guy in the groin.
Unfortunately the other guys jumped him and started beating him up.
Matty got the upper hand and was able to help Johnny.
"Black you have a visitor." The guard came in and grabbed both boys.
"You seriously were outside the door the whole time." Johnny coughed.
The guard slammed them both against the wall.
"Listen here Black.
You know nothing, that back there never happened.
I don't know anything about that little war brewing and all the shivs you boys carry.
My advice to you boy, keep your mouth shut and head down if you want to survive.
Matty get him in line before he gets killed.
Now back to your cell.
I'll make sure Johnny gets back safely before the fight." the Guard hissed.
Promise me if it starts before his visit is over you'll keep him safe." Matty pleaded.
"Yeah sure.
Let's go Black." The guard led him to a caged room off from the cells.
Johnny sat there nervously waiting for his visitor...

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