Chapter 21 (Tragic)

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"Caucasian male, 21 years of age, 6'1, approx 120lb maybe less, gunshot wound to the chest." The EMT radioed as they pulled into the ER.
"He's going into shock...
He lost a lot of blood...
Johnathan Black Attica prisoner...
No his brother was being kidnapped he accompanied the guard without his knowledge guard doged and Mr.Black was hit..." The EMT filled in the doctor.
"Good I hate to use restraints." The Doctor took over...
"Kay Daniels, Mike Alvarez.
You have a Mr. Johnathan Black." Kay flashed her badge.
"Yes Ms.Daniels he's in surgery now.
I just called his second emergency contact since hearing the first will most likely not be able to respond." The young receptionist sighed.
Kay's eyes grew wide.
"Please tell me Cameron Black is the second." Kay half whispered.
"No he was the first...
FBI Kay Daniels and Mike Alvarez.
You better fill them in." The young receptionist went back to her files.
"They were having a semi heated, concerning conversation between the waiting room and hall when I brought Johnny out of his visiting room.
Kimmy handed Johnny this.

Kay read over the contents her hands were shaking

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Kay read over the contents her hands were shaking.
As Gary handed her the photo of Chase she nearly collapsed.

"If who ever did this to that boy and now has Cam you know they are going to harm him as well if not worse

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"If who ever did this to that boy and now has Cam you know they are going to harm him as well if not worse.
Gary I know Johnny has mentioned friends Johnny made..." Kay said.
"Yeah actually a good group of kids.
I believe they were all framed these kids don't fit the profile they were charged." Gary sighed.
"Okay I want those boys along with Sebastian Black taken to the FBI holding.
Keep the boys all away from Mr.Black.
Oh bring his cellmate here.
I want Johnny to stay as calm and relaxed as possible." Kay said as she looked were Johnny was being operated on.
"Ms.Daniels if it okay Travis would also be one to help keep him calm the boy has away about him." Gary said.
Mike go with him.
I'll stay here." Kay sighed as she watched helplessly as Johnny fought to stay alive.
"Come on Johnny.
Cam needs you.",Kay whispered.
Gary wanted you to have this.
He almost forgot that Mr.Black mentioned a name.
Kay looked at the piece of paper with a name scribbled on it.
'Nikola Tesla'
Kay knew it from the news and from the stack of files she just combed through after talking to Cam this morning.
"Is it that guy from those world bank heists, the one that killed everyone?" The Young receptionist asked.
One of the things Mr.Black said that no one paid mind to, that would cause anyone to comply.
'No witnesses'
He was the victim but no one listened." Kay said as she stared at him with tears flowing.
"I saw after he was convicted two boys orphaned at one of the heists were rescued by him." The girl stood there watching tears streaked her face.
"Yeah he told the judge and inetigator.
But again it didn't matter.
What's your name?" Kay asked.
"Cassandra, my mother works here she got me this job for the summer." Cassy sighed.
Kay looked at the young girl and realized she was just a teen.
Hey what happened?
Hi Daniel Jackson." Daniel said as a few more of his friends followed.
"Kay Daniels FBI." Kay slightly chuckled.
"Your last name is Daniels." Jack looked at Daniel wanting so much to make a joke but he let it go considering.
"Matty!?" Carl Grogan who was waiting for his superiors said.
"Carl." Matty hugged him.
"Let me look at you kiddo.
So you really passed" Matty pulled him back into a hug.
"And he didn't want to come." Jack teased.
"How is he?" Travis walked over next to Kay.
Travis is tall and built he looks like a model.
Travis smirked as Kay just stared at him for a moment, what was the other amazing feature his deep green eyes.
"Oh umm...
Sorry they haven't said yet." Kay fumbled.
"Its cool I get that a lot." Travis winked.
"Seriously." James sighed.
"I said only Matty and Travis." Kay sighed as she walked to the waiting room.
"At least you had them change." Kay grumbled.
"They wouldn't shut up till they all came to see him." Gary smirked
"That's why we are here as well." Michael smirked with Max, Izzy, Liz and Maria by his side.
"I think a lot of laws were just broke.
Promise me I won't regret this." Kay sighed as Travis touched her shoulder.
"We are no threat to anyone.
We never were.
Those two are now only seventeen they were really fifteen when sentenced, we told the prisoners they were sixteen to protect them." Travis sighed as Kay frowned at the two boys playing with a couple of toddlers that wandered off from their parents.
"I want to know more but right now we need to focus on Johnny and find his brother." Kay sighed as she finally took a seat and looked over the letters Mike put in plastic for her.
"Ms.Daniels Johnathan is stable we are moving him to ICU.
Please only you and maybe two others at a time." The Doctor said as he took off his mask.
"How is he?" Kay asked as she and Travis along with Matty followed.
"He will make a full recovery.
I advise even when released he should be kept from anything strainious.
I know he was a prisoner at Attica.
May I advise Isolation." the Doctor said Kay was nodding but Matty cut in.
"No he wouldn't do well in isolation.
All his life he's been close to his brother, sleeping together to feel safe.
Heck to this day he hasn't slept in his bed alone." Matty sighed.
"It half my fault, the first night the kid was so scared and I fell back in my own habbit.
I use to sleep with my kid brother too." Matty smirked.
"Yeah well it would make sense to buddy up like that its not a safe place.
Maybe I can see what I can do.
Starting with looking at all your files trying to find connections.
I might get you all released." Kay mumbled as Travis and Matty stared at her in surprise.
"Don't get to excited but I think a judge would be interested in how you all never knowing each other had a similar things happen and encounter with that girl." Kay smirked.
"Cam..." Johnny kept saying in his sleep.
"Kay could the rest please come in here.
Its important we won't stress him." Matty pleaded.
The Doctor nodded and had more chairs brought in.
All the boys settled in for the night watching over and praying for Johnny's recovery.
And for Cam and Chase's safe return....

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