Chapter 12 (Hostages Again)

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Cam and Johnny both woke the same time stretching and not realizing where they were, that was until the vehicle hit a bump.
"Where's Chase!?" Johnny asked the two men sitting up front.
Johnny remered Nikola from the bank he seemed to be the leader of this group.
Johnny sat back in his seat like some invisible force was pushing him when Nik turned around to face him and aim his gun at them.
I figured best not to bring the kid.
Now you two will do as your told when your told.
No playing hero this time Johnny.
Remember the kid is back with my friends and if you screw up they will kill him.
I will shoot Cam right in the head in front of you.
And keep you alive just use for a hostage till the day I grow tired of you and than I will make you beg me to kill you." Nik smirkef
"Now Johnny you will go in, get in line and do not react when I come up behind you.
Seth and you will follow.
When things start, keep calm and remember we want to walk out of there with you both alive.
But everyone else just like yesterday gone.
No witnesses.
Don't worry kids this bank shouldn't be so busy." Nik smirked as he turned to face forward.
"Johnny?" Cam looked at him concerned.
"He shot everyone not a single surviver..." Johnny was cut off by Seth.
"Except the two orphan brats Johnny had to play hero with." Seth practically growled as both boys stayed quiet and watched the scenery pass by the rest of the way...
Johnny walked in as he was told, his heart sunk when he saw a mother with a baby talking away to a banker.
Johnny almost walked out of line to go warn her.
Till Nik came up behind and grabbed his neck.
"Good thing I sent you ahead son the line is growing.
Gotta hurry so we don't miss the family picnic." Nik boasted making a show of it.
"I love family picnics all my boys are grown, they never seem to have time anymore.
My dear what happened son?" A woman turned and saw Johnny's face.
But I'm gonna tuffen him up." Nik playfully jabbed at Johnny well it looked playful.
Johnny gave her a weak smile.
"Kids these days, well don't let it bother you, before you know it all that behavior will be behind you." She winked and Johnny got as glimpse of a gun and badge...
Johnny had a choice, tell Nik she's an under cover cop so he backs away hopefully and they return to the place where Chase is or keep quiet hope they get rescued and go get Chase but where is that place?
"Dad I have to use the restroom." Johnny faked feeling sick.
"Okay come on." Nik gripped harder.
Seth and Cam followed.
"What is wrong with you!?" Seth yelled.
"She's a cop!" Johnny snapped back.
Cam looked at him like then why tell them.
"Don't give me that look Cam.
If.." Johnny stopped himself.
"If what?
If your baby brother was here you would have tipped her off!?" Nik snapped as he backhanded Johnny across the face splitting his lip.
"Well no...
I would have let you do whatever that was out there, cause you were practically already tipping her off.
Come on any fool cold see through that act." Johnny snapped.
"Your lucky you two look so much alike let's go Cam...
You know what doesn't matter at this point." Nik grabbed Johnny by the hair and forced him back out to the lobby holding a gun to Johnny's head.
"Nobody move or I blow the kids head off.
You nice lady get over here, keep your hands where I can see them." Nik ordered, mean while his other men were doing there thing.
Seth stood next to Nik with Cam.
"So the kid was right you are a cop." Nik aimed his gun on her.
Nik smirked and grabbed Johnny's hand and put the gun in his hand.
Nik forced Johnny to aim at her.
"Pull the trigger or Seth will pull his." Nik growled as Seth stood where Johnny could see his brother with a gun to his head.
"Please don't do this." Johnny cried.
"Its this stranger or your brother." Nik hissed in his ear.
"I can't." Johnny cried harder as Seth pulled the hammer on his gun back.
"You can and you will." Nik growled as he put his finger on Johnny's finger.
Johnny couldn't stop him if he wanted to.
"I forgive you kid." Was the last words out of her mouth.
"There now your bother lives your welcome.
Next time he won't." Nik shoved Johnny practically on top of her.
Johnny scooted away like she was on fire.
Seth let Cam go to Johnny, the boys just sat there in shock holding onto each other, while the robbers did their thing.
The lady with the baby was long gone and Johnny was glad he bought her some time.
Nik and Seth each grabbed a boy as they left...
"You will never disobey a direct order again." Nik scolded.
"I will never kill for you." Johnny said through clenched teeth.
"Pull over." Nik ordered.
He walked around the van and opened Johnny's door.
Without speaking he unbuckled Johnny and pulled him out by his hair.
Cam started going for his seat belt.
"Don't." Seth said as he put his gun on Cam's knee cap...
Nik walked a good mile down a trail to an abandoned shack where he through Johnny inside.
"You will listen to me if its the last thing you do." Nik growled.
In that moment Johnny wasn't there, he was back in the Archive, only ten when his dad first took the belt to him.
Johnny curled as tight as he could into the corner of the wall begging and crying not to be whipped.
"So Marc was right your old man was wicked." Nik smirked as he got in front of Johnny.
"Stand up...
I said stand up!" Nik growled as he pulled Johnny up by his hair.
He helped Johnny by the throat.
"No I am not going to whip you only little boys get whipped.
Men they get beat up and cut." Nik flicked out a knife.
He took Johnny's wrist put his hand above his head and stabbed Johnny through the hand pinning him to the wood and proceeded to beat him up.
Barely contious Nik pulled the knife out and let Johnny fall to the ground.
"Look at me...
I will do this to both your brothers and you again if you ever snap at me or disobey an order." Nik hissed in his face.
"I will never kill.
You can use me as a hostage but a will never kill any one." Johnny cried harder.
"Fine no killing for you boys.
But next time you notice a cop do what you did even if Chase is with.
I only got mad because you let on if you could get to Chase you wouldn't have warned me.
So we have a deal?
You don't kill but you don't do anything to stop us either and you are the official cop spotter now." Nik had a grip on Johnny's jaw with such force it caused Johnny to cry more.
"Deal." Johnny breath as new round of tear flowed...
They stayed quiet the rest of the ride Cam kept staring at Johnny and trying to figure out why his left hand was wrapped and bleeding.
Cam's gasp on how soaked the cloth was caused Nik to look back.
"Pull over." Nik said solemnly.
He went to the trunk and got the first aid.
When he opened Johnny's door Johnny shuttered but didn't react.
Nik took his hand and unrapped the cloth.
"Must have hit a vain." Nik hissed he claimbed in and told Seth to go to the clinic...
Sure enough it was a vain.
The doctors only spoke German.
So Johnny didn't understand any questions even if he did he was in to much shock to respond.
Nik was saying he was a nephew from America got into a fight...
In about four hours they were back in the van.
"Needed fourteen stitches to stop the bleeding.
Hit some nerves so he might never get full function again." Nik sighed as they drove off.
Cam skooted to the middle seat to hug Johnny.
But instead Johnny put his arm around him as he started crying again.
Johnny stayed quiet he learned that from Bash.
Both boys never cried loud after Bash taught them to stay quiet.
Once back at the old castle Nik lead them to a bed room where Chase sat playing with Cam's cards.
Chase ran to them and hugged them.
"There's a bathroom in here get washed up I'll bring you boys dinner." Nik ordered.
Johnny went first he sat in the tub shower on and just cried.
Cam sat by the door after telling Chase to go play with his cards.
After a few minutes Cam went in.
The hot water was done and Johnny was shivering.
Cam turned off the water and helped Johnny out of his wet clothes and wrapped him in a plush towel.
Cam saw the fresh bruises on Johnny's body.
"I'll go get your PJs." Cam whispered once dressed Cam helped Johnny get in bed.
Johnny just laid there staring at nothing as sobs and cries hit him.
Cam took a quick cold shower.
Cam came out to Chase sitting at the foot of the bed just staring at Johnny crying.
"What happened?
This is much worse than Bash isn't it?" Chase started to tear up as Cam held him.
"Yeah squirt it is.
But we'll protect you...
Well I will.
Weeping willow over there is out of commission." Cam teased.
Chase giggled.
But Cam still frowned.
'Johnny was always the strong one.
Who will protect me?' Cam breathed a heavy sigh.
Nik came in with a try of food.
Johnny forced it down and welcomed that drink this time.
They all laid in their usual way but this time Cam was in the middle with his brothers snuggled up to him...
At some point during the Johnny was holding Cam like usual.
"I'm sorry Cam." Johnny whispered.
"You didn't do anything wrong." Cam assured as he looked at his brother.
"I wouldn't kill her to protect you." Johnny sobbed as he buried his face into Cam's hair.
You listen to me...
I don't want you to kill anyone to protect me unless its those guys." Cam gave a weak smirk as Johnny chuckled a little as he pulled his brothers closer.
Chase got along side Johnny at some point during the night.
They didn't have a peaceful sleep or a restless one they just slept from pure exhaustion...

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